Comforter - Kang Sae-byeok x PTSD!Reader

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Warnings: slight mentions of ptsd, blood and death.

shawtyfart requested: can you do a sae byeok imagine where she shows a really soft side to the reader after they both get out of the games? 💗

Author's note: Here is your request. I am really sorry for the long wait, I hope this shows part of the soft side of Sae-byeok and I hope you enjoy it!

Your body shook as you were lying down under a dead body. The loud gunshots made your mind fill with anxiety. Besides, you were another person, but they were gasping for air. The blood covering their face was intense.


The person's body jerks. The life from his eyes instantly drains. You shut your eyes, but a presence above you made you open your eyes. A barrel of a gun was in your line of vision. The guard places his finger on the trigger...


"Y/n. Y/n wake up!" A voice gently shakes you awake. You immediately open your eyes, taking heavy breaths. Hands wrap themselves around you. Sae-byeok held you as though life depended on it.

"It's over. You're safe now," She says in a soothing tone. Noticing your shaking body made her feel all the more concerned. Sae-byeok hated seeing you experience nightmares, especially since it has been happening daily. The trauma from what you both experienced affected the two of you differently. However, you were dealing with it harder than Sae-byeok. Certain things triggered you easier. However, it wasn't a shock about how you were much more affected.

You were a sensitive person in general, but playing the games set up by whoever and witnessing people die first-hand made it worse.

"I'm...sorry," You apologise softly. Sae-byeok was most likely asleep, and you felt terrible that you woke her up. Your head gently leans on her chest as she comfortably rubs a hand down the side of your arm.

"Don't apologise," She whispers. The time read 02:34 am. It was no doubt that Sae-byeok was tired, but the sound of your whimpering and the intense shaking your body made caught her attention. You needed comfort, and she couldn't leave you to deal with it alone, especially when she was with you during those moments.

"Would you like to watch something?" You nod your head slowly, fear still coursing through your body. Sae-byeok grabs her laptop from the bedside table and turns on a light comedy without a second thought.

"Are you hungry?" She asks, but you shake your head. You'd feel nauseous thinking about food.

"I can get blankets? Or maybe something warm to drink?" A soft smile makes its way into your face. Her care for you made you feel comfortable and safe. She was about to stand up to grab a few blankets, but you stopped her with your gentle grip.

"I would prefer it if you stayed with me," Instantly, she nods at your statement. Once the laptop is placed in the middle of the bed, giving you both a good view of the screen, Sae-byeok cuddles up beside you leaning her head gently on yours.


Minutes into the film, the both of you are still awake. You attempted to close your eyes for some peaceful sleep, but each time your eyes closed, you saw the dead body being shot in front of you, followed by the barrel of the gun pointed at your forehead. Sae-byeok couldn't sleep even if she wanted to, and she had to make sure you were alright and could sleep peacefully.

"I dreamt that I was about to die..." You say randomly. Your voice is quiet. Almost as though you didn't want her to hear what you just said but said it anyway. Sae-byeok doesn't say anything, causing you to believe that she is most probably asleep. You turn your head to look at her, and her eyes connect with yours. Tears were slowly trailing down her cheeks, and instantly you gently wiped them away.

"I'm glad you're here with me, healthy and alive.." She leans her forehead against yours. Sae-byeok never looked so vulnerable. However, you didn't know that when you weren't with her or asleep, she would silently cry, not from the trauma but from almost losing you. Hearing you mention that you had a nightmare of nearly dying brought up one of her biggest fears. This made her happy that you were safe here in your small apartment, cuddled in her arms.

You hum at her words. "Couldn't agree more," Sae-byeok releases a sigh. Whether you like it or not, you both have to go to sleep, and having insomnia isn't something else you need as well.

She moves in a comfortable position. When you realise what she's doing, you can't help but groan in frustration. Sae-byeok was your pillow, and she isn't supposed to move. Plus, you don't want to go to bed...the nightmares might return.

The woman beside you noticed the distant look in your eyes. She knew you were afraid of having the nightmares come back. Even if it was dark, she could feel the goosebumps on your skin.

"I don't want to go to sleep...cant I stay awake? Forever?" She chuckles softly at your words. "Even if I wanted you to stay up, it's not good for your health.." You sigh. She was right.

"If we have to go to bed, then I'm using you as my teddy bear," you state, giving her a cheeky grin. Sae-byeok sends you a tender smile as you snuggle against her chest. You slowly attempt to close your eyes, but you can't. Your grip tightens around Sae-byeok. What if the nightmares come again?

A hand gently rubs your back, and hum is heard. Sae-byeok is humming a tune that somehow makes you feel more at ease and calmer. After a few seconds, you manage to drift off to sleep.


A delicious smell enters your nose as you slowly wake up from a night of much-needed sleep. You check the alarm clock, and it reads 08:32 am. You stand up and walk into the kitchen.

Sae-byeok is standing by the stove making breakfast, but the sound of your yawn catches her attention. She lowers the heat of the eggs she was busy frying and turns to you with a soft smile.

"So, did you sleep well?" You give an obnoxiously loud sigh. "I did until I felt my teddy bear disappear from my hold," She laughs and shakes her head when she sees you wrap your arms around your body, sending a pout in her direction.

"I wanted to prepare some breakfast for us," Immediately, your eyes drift off to a steaming pan. "Don't burn the food now," Her eyes widen as she hurriedly turns back to the stove and lowers the heat of the bacon. You take a seat by the counter, staring at the tall woman with a soft look. Unknowingly a smile spreads across your face. Sae-byeok was just amazing and caring. Last night was one of the many times she showed you her vulnerable and soft side.

"You know, if you didn't distract me, I wouldn't have burnt the bacon," She clicks her tongue at you. Your eyebrows raise on sudden shock. "You burnt the bacon?!" Sae-byeok bellows in laughter.

"No, I just wanted to see your reaction...priceless," The amusement in her voice was evident, making you groan aloud. This only made her laugh again.

"That's not funny.." You trail off silently, glaring at her backside. She turns to you, and you immediately give her a sad expression accompanied by puppy eyes. Instinctively, she switches off the stove and walks over to you. She gently places her hands on your shoulders, and your sheepish look makes her immediately feel regretful.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. You know I love you, right?" You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to hide your smile but the redness on your cheeks explain your feelings towards the words you just heard.

"Hm...I don't know, and maybe you should prove it," This time, you give her a cheeky smirk. Her arms drop from your shoulders and encircle gently around your waist. You close your eyes in anticipation, and you feel a soft, tender kiss on your cheek.

Before you have a chance to react, you open your eyes to see the dark-haired beauty is standing in front of the stove, placing your breakfast on separate plates.

"Breakfast is ready," She smirks at your dazed look as she places a plate of bacon and sunny side up eggs in front of you. Sae-byeok clears her throat, pushing you out of your trance. The blush on your cheeks deepen.

"Yes.. let's eat?" You question trying to force yourself out of your trance. She chuckles at how you immediately start eating as though you were distracted a moment ago.

"Well, enjoy,"

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