The Distraction - Triangle!Pink Soldier x Flirty!Reader

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VaNeSsA232899 requested: " Can I request a squid game imagine. Like the triangle guard from the bathroom scene in episode 3 and the reader is super flirty and falls for him?"

Author's note: I admit the pink soldiers are adorable! So here is your request. Hope you like it and enjoy reading! Personally I'm extremely sorry that I was MIA and didn't fulfill your request earlier, hope you're not too mad at me.

A special thanks to all the readers, voters and commenters! :-)

The sound of shouting distracted you from your mindless thoughts. It was difficult sleeping and the unexpected yelling wasn't helping either. You identified that is was player 212. Your eyes drifted towards a woman who was yelling at someone, possibly a soldier, through a circular glass window.

"Let me use the restroom! I gotta go now!" Her whines made you silently groan. Can't she yell softer? Although it makes sense, perhaps if they let her go to the restroom you could go as well. A different scene where you wont possibly get killed would be a relief.

Deciding on a choice, you get off your bed and walk closer towards her. Through the window was a triangle guard whose posture was a still as a lamp post. He seemed unfazed at the unhappy woman's tantrums.

"Hey, triangle. I don't need you," She justifies. "Just get me that square head guy!" As soon as she says that a guard with a square shape on his mask, enters your vision. "You may not leave this room past your given curfew,"

Player 212 continues to chastise the guards causing them to shut the window cover in her face. You can't help but give a tired chuckle. She was indeed a character especially when she attempted to stand up to authority. "Hey, it's not funny!" Her attention is now on you. 

"You do know that people are trying to sleep, right?" You comment, but she ignores it as she keeps yelling at the guards who were most likely still behind the door on the other side. The pent up anger in her, causes her to bend on her the ground and...your eyes widen. She wouldn't. Then again using the restroom on the floor seemed like it was part of her personality.


Before anything can happen, the door creaks open revealing the triangle soldier. Player 212 pulls up her pants and walks to the guard reprimanding him.

"I gotta go." Another woman states. Player 067. You step in as well. "Same here," You give a toothy smile towards the guard. Since you could probably tell he was feeling anxious. Player 212 turns to you and player 067 with a look of shock.

"Oh yeah?" She scoffs. "I beg to get the toilet, and you both are going to sit right on top of it like that?" Her finger is roughly pressed against Player 067's forehead. "You're both pretty annoying, aren't you?" You laugh as Player 067, pushes past her.

"What a rude little brat," She gasps in shock and follows her and you join them.


The sound of a grunting an complaining enters your hearing, You watch amusedly as Player 212, does her best so that the solider doesn't enter the bathroom. It was like watching a comedy, the way she turned on the sink on yelling that he can't come in as though he would be invading her privacy, her intense grunts making you chuckle.

The pink door opens instantaneously as the soldier decides to enter. A hand firmly pushes his chest, making the soldier walk back into the hallway, confused and shocked at what was happening. His eyes lock onto your eyes, but your gaze locks onto his mask. A smirk forms on your mouth as you close the door from behind you.

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