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Barton Farm

Florence's spare suit is up at the top.

Florence was currently in the guest bathroom getting changed into her spare suit that she kept on the Quinjet. The one that she previously had was very dirty and ripped so she'd have to give it back to Tony for repairs since she was never allowed to make adjustments to the suit due to Tony being 'over dramatic' as Florence put it,  since any changes not made by him would 'ruin the aesthetic of the suit' and he would get irritated. 

She came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed, placing her boots on. Florence was nervous for this mission, she would be going with Steve, Clint and Nat to Helen Cho's lab in South Korea since that was where her regeneration cradle was kept. If Ultron was building a new body, who knows how powerful it would be? An android designed by a robot wasn't a good sign in Florence's eyes.

Florence was pulled from her thoughts as Laura's voice rang through the room, "You gotta stop overthinking Flo. That's one of your defining traits which is also your downfall." She walked over to sit beside Florence on the bed. Florence sighed and laid down, putting her hands on her face.

"I know, everyone tells me this but I can't not do it. Someone's always got to think of the What If's and that someone is me. I'll stop overthinking when there's nothing to overthink about." She told the Barton woman, "Anyways, duty calls, you better not have that baby while we're away, I'm warning you." She stood up and pointed at Laura. She reached her hands out to help her up off the bed and was pulled into a gentle hug. "You better take care of yourself, I don't want to hear any reports of you being stupid and getting yourself hurt again." Laura said into Florence's shoulder since the Barton woman was smaller than the avenger.

"I'll try not to, but you know me, always doing stupid things." She chuckled, breaking the hug as she was running out of time and wanted to make sure she said her goodbye's to the kids. Florence walked through to Lila's room, the girl sleeping as it was really late at night, "I'll see you soon sweetheart, take care of your mum and brother for me." After walking through to Cooper's room and saying the same thing, she was out of the Barton family home and on the Quinjet, heading to Helen's lab.

- - - - - - - -

U-GIN Genetic Research Facility, South Korea

"Alright, I'm gonna head to the lab, you guys stay close. Florence," Steve looked to the woman in the corner, stretching, "You are not to come down until I give the order." Confusion painted her face as she spoke, "You're joking right? Why am I being kept up here when I can help down there?" She questioned, her accent getting a but stronger as she spoke. 

"Just wait for my order." Steve said before jumping out of the Quinjet onto a building near the lab. "Two minutes, stay close." Florence turned off her comm so Steve wouldn't hear her as she began to rant, "Why does he want me to stay up here, honestly just because the shits that's been happening over the past 2 days has really fucked with me head, doesn't mean that I should be sidelined just like that! It's bloody ridiculous!" Florence's Newcastle accent was really strong at this point and Clint and Nat were having a hard time trying to decipher what she was saying.

Steve arrived at Helen's lab to find her coworkers shot dead and Helen lying in a puddle of her blood, "He's uploading himself into the body. The real power is inside the cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the cradle to Stark." Helen told Steve, the others able to hear her rasped voice through the comms.

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve asked the team on the jet. "We did." Clint replies, manoeuvring the Quinjet to try and locate the cradle. Nat was typing on one of the computers on the jet, "I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him."

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