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(Sos it's defo been a year since I wrote any of this shit... sos!)
(Inosuke prov)
"Suke? Who's the baby?"Asked a shocked Tony.
"I found her abandoned in a box, shaking from the cold, weak as ever, she's definitely less than a month old, the poor child has suffered, so I've decided to raise her, Nat allows me and is helping me"
(Sos I changed Inosuke age to 18)
"Your only 18?!" Days Clint.
"I don't care she's now my responsibility, I chose to keep and raise her, I won't go back on my promise"
"Well we didn't get to tell ya.... Loki is joining us since punishment from Asgard and since Valkyrie is now the queen of Asgard"
"Shit! When will he be here?"
"I'm a few minutes actually" Nat comes to my side. "Don't worry I'm here to help protect the child too."

After some time and finishing feeding the baby, I hold her close as she falls asleep. I turn my head to the noise of something crashing against the ground, seeing a rainbow like thing hit the ground.
"He's here"
I cradle the child holding the baby closer, Thor walks into the base with Loki by his side, in a muzzle and chains.
I her small whimpering from the baby I'm holding, I rock her to the side a little placing one of my fingers in her hand, she starts sucking on it, she calms down, I sigh and look back to the two arrivals.
"Hey everyone, he wouldn't stop speaking so I put a nuzzle on him"
I chuckle, loki looks to me with a glare.
"Sorry loki but it's one way to get ya to stop using that silver tongue"
Everyone started laughing at my comment, I see his eyes look to the baby, I hold her closer being protective, he looks back up to me.
"Guys I don't like how he's looking at Moe"
(Moe is the babies name, I chose a name at random)
"Oh that's her name?"
"Yeah, Moe Hashibira"
"May I ask one favor?" Asked Tony.
" I can find out who's child she really is related too"
"Go ahead just incase"
"K but no weird shit"
Morgan runs over, Tony's daughter.
"So adorable, she has your facial features"
After that I walk out, with Morgan following... seems I'm also babysitting as extra.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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Inosuke female (set in modern times!)Where stories live. Discover now