Chapter 18||咲く火の渦

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I look around me and nod.

Sarada, Boruto, Mitsuki, Kono-chan, Teji, Sasura, Tsuraya, Jinade and Iruto.

We're now going back to the village. I kept my stoic face as I faced Arika-san, my sisters' blood mother.

"Why do you hate he-"

"She abandoned Mikaki-nee,Akuma. And I can't forgive her for that...not just yet"

"But she-"

I cut off my conversation with Akuma.

"Be safe on your way home!" She chirps as she wave a hand.

"Hai!" They all said as I just nod.

A portal appeared in front of us, weirdly Sasuke-san can't come to an unknown reason. I step first in the portal and they followed me. Teji and Sasura walk beside me.

"Why so serious? I thought that's my job" Sasura said with a smug grin as I just shake my head

" 'bout we play a game?" Teji said as I nod. They smirk altogether as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Kiss, Marry,Kill" they said as I groan

"Prepare to have tortu- training at home" I said as they chuckled "scratch that, we'll train in forest of death" they visibly tense.

"Okay fine! But first the game!" Sasura whined as I giggled

"Kakashi, Mitsuki, Kabuto. Kiss, Marry, Kill?" Sasura said having the stupid grin again, I just sighed

"Hmm...Kiss Kakashi, Marry Mitsuki, Kill Kabuto...sorry Kabuto-senpai" I said as I look at the sky,they laughed

"But you didn't even arrange it!" Teji said as I just chuckle

"Your turn. Namida, Sumire, Wasabi, Kiss, Marry, Kill?" I smirked as I saw his face

"Ehh?! Well uhm...Kiss Sumire, Marry Wasabi, Kill Namida...gomen Namida-san" he said looking at the sky while Sasura and I let out a devil giggle

"Marry Wasabi hmm?" We said teasingly as he blush

"Shut up you two. Sasura. Me, Sakuhi, Kakashi. Kiss, Marry, Kill?" Now that's interesting

I saw Sasura bloomed as his favorite vegetable, Tomato. "Kiss Teji, Marry Sakuhi, Kill Kakashi, sorry Kaka-sensei" he said as he looked at the sky

"Ooh kiss teji huh?" I said as I let out a evil giggle

"Why marry Saku-hime?!" Teji asked

"What? She's the only girl, are you saying you want me to pick you instead?" Sasura said raising a brow

Teji flushed "n-no o-of course not! Shut up Uchiha!" He said as I laugh again

"Ehh? Is the great Hyuuga Teji blushing?" Sasura teased him

"Ehh? Is the almighty Uchiha Sasura teasing?" Teji counter back making Sasura blush

"Ohoh, I think I have another otp (one top pair) correct me if I'm wrong. SasuTeji, great ship eh?" I said as they both point accusing finger at me

"Stop pairing two guys!!!" They yelled at me making me giggle again


These two, I miss them. Don't forget to come in their wedding

We continued the game as it was my turn again.

"Kiss Suigetsu,Marry Mitsuki,Kill Orochimaru...ey he never dies anyway" I shrugged as they laugh again. I saw Iruto gave me a weirded look as I just laugh

It was Teji's round again. But I eyed a puddle. I look around and felt that it never rained before. I narrowed my eyes at the Uchiha and look at the puddle. Sasura nod.

Sasura step close to the puddle and let his hand on a slight fist while leaving his index finger.

"Lightning Release" We heard his whisper as he touched the puddle. An electric shockwave let out the sounds as screams from the puddle two people jump up.

"Kakashi,my love!!!" I squealed as I hugged the former Sixth Hokage. Yes yes,you read that right. I know it's a little...fine big age gap but we do flirting for fun.

"Hehehe...Sakuhi" he said as he hugged back and I let him go,well not really let him go but still hugging his left arm. He looked at us,Teji and Sasura "Hello again,my little cute genins"

We just grinned in return.

"Well well,I didn't know you would find us" Lady Tsunade said as her son and daughter hugged both of her arms.

"Why are you here Lord Fifth and Sixth?" Kono-chan asked in confusion.

"Maa Maa,you wouldn't want to get back to the village" Kaka-baka said as he hugged me. My back on his as his arms lazily on my shoulders,his chin on my head. Haha be jelly readers! Ha!

Reader:stop it! Stop it! He's way older that her!

I never said they're a thing or anything *innocent look*

"Why though?" I asked as he hummed.

"Zombies... lots of them"

"Does that mean I can get a killing spree?"

"No" I pouted at the rejection

"Zombies? Did Father did something again?" Mitsuki asked as he crossed his arms on his chest,he knew his father too well. He's also refraining from killing the Sixth.

"Oh no no,Orochimaru-san is even helping. Though he's still on his lab" Kakashi said as he hugged me closer.

He then whispered something on my ear making my face bloomed red.

"U-uhm...l-let's g-go bye!!!" I ran away from them making them go confuse at my actions

"Ahaha ja-ne" Kakashi said running after Sakuhi.

Mitsuki narrowed his eyes... dangerously.

Later that night...

Sakuhi sighed as she looked at the starry night as she smiles. Until a figure sat next to her.

"What's bothering you my little Genin" she heard the voice of her sensei making her blushed deep red.

"Y-you know why!" She whined as Kakashi laughed at her

"You should tell him y'know" Kakashi said as he looked at his Genin who's pouting adorably.

"Well... I'm really shy...and I'm afraid of rejection" She sighed again as Kakashi laughed.

"Maa,did you know your mother used to be so shy around your father,that a single glimpse of him making her faint" Kakashi said reminiscenes the memory making Sakuhi looked at him


"Yes really,and if I were you I'll be confessing to him right now" Kakashi said as Sakuhi blushed again...but then she smirks

"What if I want to be with you instead?" She said playfully as Kakashi just chuckled and ruffled her hair

"I'm too old for ya,and you know that"

"I know...why don't you have a girlfriend Kaka-sensei?" Sakuhi asked as the said person eye-smiled at her

"I did once..."

"Ooh so you did have your first kiss" Sakuhi teased him as he chuckled


They laugh as they watched the moon and stars shining above as they continued chatting. A yellow eye watching them from afar.

'who is this him'

*Cough* For the beloved Madara's Sexiness and Wattpad God. I believe that you have already voted,if not feel free to become Deidara's Art.

And if you're wondering,Sakuhi and Kakashi is NOT a pairing...and it's just what they do. Kakashi is totally shipping Sakuhi with-

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