lovely they

66 6 5

Simar :Hey, we forgot something..

Purvi : What??

Simar : to call Maa..

Pakti : OMG ! How we can forgot that?
I am going to call them.

Simar :otherwise they will get tensed.

Purvi : I've already dialed the number...
it's ringing now.

In Call

Purvi's mom : Hello dear are you get in
You 3 are safe right??
Why you didn't called
me? do you know how
tensed i was??Or...

(Purvi cuts her mother's word)

Purvi : Maa... Maa calm down we are
totally alright. please don't take
Mom : Haa okay... You three are alright
aren't you?? And do you
remember what i have told??

(With funny face)

Purvi : Look Mrs. Divya sharma your
daughter is alright.and My
sweet maa, you have to take
care of your self haa?
Mom : haa haa my little lion..

Purvi : please give the phone to papa.

Mom: okay.

(Purvi's mom gives the phone to purvi's pappa)

Pappa : Haa dear, Are you fine?? How's
your travelling going??
Purvi : Much boring nothing to do.. But
enjoying the beauty of our.

Pappa : so do something... Draw some
pictures, hear some music...
Play games with simar pakti..

Purvi : great idea.. Thank you Pappa.
Love you❤❤

Pappa : Love you too dear.. Okay bye..

Purvi : Bye pappa

(She cuts the call)

(Pakti and purvi talks to eachother after calling to home.)

Pakti : How do you feeling now after
calling to home??

Purvi : Hmm. Much better..

Pakti : Hmm

Purvi : Have you called sushmi
aunty(pakti's mother)

Pakti : Haa, she was too tensed.. Or why
is the mother not afraid?? She
She was the one who raised my
sister and me after our father's

Purvi : Your mother is really strong.
Didn't your father die when you
were in seventh standard and
your mother raised you from
then until today?

Pakti : yaa. She is a big inspiration for

Purvi : hmmm Or where is our Simi??

Pakti : Look she is coming from

Purvi : ohh...

Pakti : How long will it take to reach

Purvi : minimum 25 hours..

Simar : ohh god how boring...

Purvi : Hey, we'll get there soon .. Don't
get tired ... Let's play Antakshari.

Pakti : If you do something like this, the
journey will end quickly ..

Simar : let's play...

They playes some interesting games, hear music and get slept in the night

(Next morning...) In the train

Simar : Heyy Purvi, Pakti wake up

Purvi : what happened Simi??

Simar : it's 6:30 AM wake up yaar..

Pakti : (moves blanket from her head )
What??get ready fastly...

Purvi : OMG! We will reach Mumbai in
2-3 hours now.

Simar : Haa..

(They get fresh up and reached mumbai.... )

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