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A/N Hey Guys welcome to my story. Just so you know, I've changed this up a bit. Not a lot, just added detail. The plot is still completely the same. Re-read if you want but this literally has no effect on the story, just the quality. 

Once again, I woke up in that disgusting room. It smelt of mold and dust. The wind blew over me through the cracks in the wall. I looked around and could tell he had already left. I was alone in this broken down shed. It was an old janitors' quarters from way back when. After the new quarters were built, this shed was abandoned. No one ever comes here or even knows of its existence. The perfect place to torture someone. I sat up straight in the bed and took my phone from the nightstand. When I turned it on to check the time, it read 12:01. Shit. Yukio is going to scold me for being up so late. When I tried to get up and dress, a stabbing pain surged through my abdomen. It was painful, but not as bad as usual.

I eventually found my way back to the dorms. It's usually a 20-minute walk. However, in my situation, it took 30 minutes. I fished my key out of my pocket and inserted it into the lock. I snuck up to the bathroom, trying to be as quiet as a mouse.

The closing of the bathroom door created a sense of relief to my entire body. I sighed and closed my eyes. I stripped down to my underwear as I made my way to the mirror. When I looked in the mirror, I discovered bruises across my abs and back. Bon, most likely. My forehead was slashed in a bright red gash. Blood covered the clothes on the floor and my boxers.

I stepped into the shower and turned it up to the maximum heat. I sat slumped over on the floor. My head was filled with memories. I grasped my hair and began to breathe heavily. My mind was paralyzed by fear. I struggled not to scream, but I was desperate for relief. I came out of the shower, discouraged, and reached for my phone. For times like these, I always had a razor in my case. I sat back in the shower and ran my razor over my wrists. The refreshing sensation of pain relieved my nerves.

This cycle of pain and torture had become a cultural norm for me. I spent my days listening to the comments of others nearby.

Who would even want him around

He should just role over and die

He's the bartered son on Satan

Take your sword and end it.

No one's gonna miss you if you die

Maybe they're right? Not like Yukio would care. He told me himself. It'd be better if I just up and died. 

I banged up my arms and shook these thoughts out of my head. It was 1:25 by the time I actually got into bed. I closed my eyes and succumbed to the darkness.

The Pain He Caused - A blue exorcist fanfic (BEING REWRITTEN AS NEW STORY)Where stories live. Discover now