The Aftermath

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I am shit at spelling and grammar so feel free to correct me. Also where are some things you should know

'Thoughts',   "Demon telepathy talking",     "Actual talking"

"No, please, stop it!" I begged to him to go away but he didn't listen, he never did. My heart raced and I felt a sinking feeling in my chest. His grin stared at me as his hands moved to cover my face. "Rin. Rin" he called to me. I screamed from the top of my lungs. My voice laced with fear, my eyes shot open and my back flung up. The adrenaline hiding the pain form yesterday.

"Rin! Are you ok?" A voice, much softer and kind then the one in my dreams, was just barely heard by my ears. My hand was gripping my chest and I started hyperventilating. I felt someone touch my back and I flinched. My eyes widened and I crawled away from the hand like my life depended on it. I was scared.

"It's ok Rin. It's just me, Yukio. Your brother." I looked at him and gave my self a second to recognise his face. I realised I was in my room and I was safe. He was not here. I took a deep breath and my trembling body relaxed. "What happened Rin?" Yukio asked. 

"N-nothing happened Yukio. I-I'm fine". My hand was still clenched to my shirt and I looked down on the bed as Yukio moved to sit in front of me.

"It isn't normal to wake up hyperventilating." his voice was worried but kind. I could tell he was trying not to raise his voice at me.

"yeah, and it's not normal to be the son of satan training to be an exorcist. The world is full of strange things."

"Rin please." he pleaded.

"Just drop it. You would't even understand. You're Mr perfect after all."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You haven't dealt with half the shit I have ok? Everybody loves you for fucks sake. Just leave me be."

"Fine. At least tell me where you were last night."

I stared at his face. Like I would tell you. You don't even care. You just want another excuse to yell at me. You'll probably blame what happened on me or some shit.

"Go to hell Yukio." I could see something in eyes break when I said this, but I got up anyway and left the room. My body trembled with the pain of yesterday as my adrenaline wore off. It worsened over night, It always did. I walked to the bathroom and popped some pain killers, I walked up to the roof and sat on the edge. I got out my phone and took it out of its case to reveal a hidden razor. I ran it across my wrists 'Worthless' Blood trickled down my wrist and dropped on the roof. I ran it across again. 'Stay still you little shit' I closed my eyes as the pain pulsed through my body. It felt like a release. Not like the pain that he made me feel. I did it again, and again and again. 'pathetic', 'unless' 'disappointment'. One line for each insult I heard yesterday. Soon enough, both my arms and my chest were covered in little lines. My demonic healing had turned them into pale wounds. They were definitely going to scar.

"Rin? You up here?", a small black cat wandered over to me and I turned around to face him. I hit my arms behind my back hoping Kuro wouldn't notice the new lines. "Over here Kuro. Whats up?". Kuro looked at me sceptically. "Yukio's calling for you. He says breakfast is ready".

After Kuro left, I went to my room to change out of my pjs and put a hoodie on. I grabbed my school gear and Kurikara and headed to the kitchen. 

"Rin, come eat". Yukio sat at a table with a bowl of cereal infant of him and one next to him. "NO thanks. I'm just gonna go to school"

"It's not even 8?" Oh shit right. Schools starts at 9. "uhh I was gonna meet some guys from my class". Yukio didn't buy my lie. In truth, I didn't wanna be there. I didn't wanna have to look at Yukio knowing I was lying t him 24/7. But I couldn't tell him the truth. Instead, I'd avoid him.

"See ya". I headed for the door and left the building. I took a turn in the opposite direction to school and made my way to the abandoned building in some dodgy part of True cross. I hid there when I wanted to be alone. I stayed there, waiting for school to be over.



Something is up with Rin and I have no idea what. He's been lying me and having nightmares for months now. He's coming home later and later. Every time I ask him, he shoves me off. He thinks I won't understand what he's going through but I will. And if I don't, I won't stop trying to understand till I do. I get that he has to deal with more shit. He's the one with Satan's power. If I could take him pain I would. But I have no idea how.

MY phone started to ring and I checked the caller. It was Mephisto. That little asshole. What could he want?

"Yukio Okumura's cell". I tried to hide the disgust and should professional. HE was technically my boss. "Hello Yukio dear. How are you?" He asked. I could almost feel the snicker in his tone.

"What do you want Mephisto?"

"Fine. Our attendance shows that Rin didn't come to any of his classes. Do you know where he is?"

"Wait what? He left this morning saying he had to go meet kids from him class"

"Well he didn't show up. Let me know if you find him k? ok Bai~" And he hung up. God I hating him. Nevermind that, what idiotic thing is my brother up to. Does he think I won't realise he didn't go to school? Fine. I'll just kick his ass in exorcist class or when he gets home.

"Ok now who knows how to treat a wound from-". The door creaked and Rin walked in shame to his desk. "Rin. You're 15 minutes late. Care to explain?" I looked at him, crossing my arms.

"Sorry I went home after school to get a snack before coming here and I fell asleep". Bullshit. You never even went to school. "See me after class" I turned around and got on with the lesson. I have other students to tend too, can't focus on Rin now.

The Pain He Caused - A blue exorcist fanfic (BEING REWRITTEN AS NEW STORY)Where stories live. Discover now