The pain

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A/N No clue if my grammar or writing is getting better or not soo let me know in the comments. I do wanna be a better writer but I can't without criticism. So I give full permission. Say your worst.

I woke up and opened my eyes. The blinding sunlight shone in from the window. I blinked my eyes, trying to adjust to the light. "Good morning". I rolled over in my cosy bed and faced a teenage boy with short black hair.

"Yukio? Why are you in my bed?" I questioned the strange turn of events. My mind was foggy on the events of last night.

"Not like we haven't slept in the same bed before. We are twins". He's got a point.

"That's not what I meant. What happened last night?"

"You passed out in the bathroom. I had to take off the door handle to get in". That's right. He found me and...panic rose in my chest and memories flooded into me head. I started having a panic attack. My eyes watered and I felt unwanted hands roaming every inch of my body. I tried to push them away but I couldn't for some reason. I turned frantic with desperation to get rid of those filthy hands.

"Rin? What's wrong? Talk to me". Yukio pulled me into his arms. I flinched but he didn't let me go. I started screaming and pushing his chest. I had lost all control of my body. Yukio's hands stroked my hair. The comfort of my brother's touch relaxed my nerves and I took a breath. I realised Yukio wouldn't do that to me. "S-sorry Yukio". My voice was softer then Yukio's touch. I was still shaking uncontrollably but I stopped freaking out. Yukio on the other hand was still worried. He held me tighter and I felt a tear fall into my cheek. "Yukio?" I asked. He loosened his grip and looked at me with such sadness, I wanted to cry. "Why can't you talk to me Rin. I hate watching you come home beat and battered and having panic attacks at random times." I wished I could tell him everything. I wanted to tell him that Suguro was beating me and that he was...I felt the lump return to my Throat. Like I said. I will never tell Yukio. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

The lump disappeared and I could finally breathe. I looked to Yukio and he looked at me. I tried to comfort him but before I could finish saying his name, blood spouted from my mouth and into my hands. "Rin?!", Yukio let go of me and pushed me back so he could look at me. I had my hand over my face dripping with blood. Shit, why aren't I healing?

"What's wrong Rin?". Yukio was freaking out. Who wouldn't at the sight of your brother coughing up blood? His eyes scanned my body. He looked genuinely worried for me. I would have been so happy to know he cared if I wasn't busy freaking over the metallic taste in my mouth.

"I-I'm not healing". I looked at my hand in shock. Guess the damage was more than I thought. "I'll call Mephisto. Maybe he knows why you're not healing". I nodded my head but kept my eyes on my hand. I was trying to think of anything that could have caused my healing to stop. Nothing came to mind. Maybe Mephisto, being a demon too, would know.



The loud sound of Rin's tapping echoed through the silent room. I was standing behind Mephisto who was sitting on a seat examining Rin. The anxiety was rising in my chest as the seconds passed.

"Yuup. Ok." Mephisto was studying Rin with his weird, demonic eyes. I hated him but maybe he could help explain what's wrong with Rin. "Rin". He spoke again catching Rin's attention. His shifted his eyes from the floor to Mephisto. He seemed nervous instead of worried. I noted every detail of his body language and facial expression. His brows were borrowed and his hands were fiddling with each other. His leg was tapping up and down at a rapid pace.

"I need you to take off your shirt please". I saw Rin's eyes widened with fear. Was he uncomfortable with Mephisto seeing his chest? He's such a child but I couldn't be mad at him. Not right now when something is clearly wrong.

The Pain He Caused - A blue exorcist fanfic (BEING REWRITTEN AS NEW STORY)Where stories live. Discover now