Thoughts and hallucinations

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               Elena pov
Caroline and I started talking, catching up on everything we've missed. Well actually she was talking most of the time non stop while I tried to pay attention, but no matter how much I tried my mind kept drifting I kept seeing Damon in my head taking deep breaths to calm down I tried focusing on Caroline's voice, making small comments and shaking and nodding my head so she could see I was paying attentions even tho I wasn't. "Anyways" she got a few more chips, eating them she carried on "I'm glad your here it's good to see you out and about again. I opened my blood bags and took a few sips before finishing the whole one greedily turns out I was starving. "Im really happy your here. I needed someone to talk to and I do need to get out. I've been hiding for to long." I tried smiling a little but anyone who knew me would know it was fake and Caroline wasn't stupid she saw right through me. "You don't have to pretend Elena. I know you. Your still really upset and I understand take your time. This doesn't just go away. Im going to fetch more blood bags you haven't drank any since just now for a while. "I have not a lot but I have." I argued. Well still you need it, you need your strength don't want you desicating on me. With that she left. I walked around till I found some wooden stakes lying in a drawer I wondered why they were here. Till I realised they were for protection. A vampire could only be killed by fire, a wooden stake to the hurt or the sun if said vampire didn't wear a daylight ring. I picked the wooden stake up and looked at it carefully one jab in the heart could end it all and if I did maybe I'd see Damon again. I was extremely drawn to it now if this is what I had to do to see him again so be it at least I'd see him again. I can't turn it off well I can but I don't want to cause even if I turn my switch back on he'd still be gone, Damon helped me turn my switch on after I turned it off the last time. He was there to help me, he was always there. This was the only way. "Elena don't " I heard someone say I presumed it was Damon I often hallucinated him. I could hear his voice and see him well he was ghost but still it was better than nothing. "You promised you'd come back to me, you lied. I tried living without you, I can't." I said not knowing if he could hear me. I remembered telling him that all I saw in my future was him. Please Elena. He was practically begging now. "Im sorry Damon" "What about Jeremy, Caroline, Stefan they all need you. "They're better off without me" "No ones better of without you." "Well you left me" "I'm sorry baby, but I don't want you to stop living your life just because I'm gone." I love you Elena never forget that.
I love you to, Damon so much." Then he disappeared into thin air. I was still holding the stake but I moved it away after Caroline came in she dropped the blood bags after she saw the stake in my hand. Oh My Gosh! What the hell are you doing she grabbed the stake, threw it in the ground, slapped me angrily across the face and started yelling. What the hell! Are you crazy. Damon died and you turn suicidal what the heck is wrong with you. You would've left Jeremy, your brother. Your the only family he has left. You would've left me your best friend. I've already lost bonnie I refuse to lose you to. This isn't what Damon would've wanted or Bonnie they would've wanted you to live your life not kill yourself. I don't ever want to see you try that again. "Im sorry but I have to go and with that I left. I needed to cleary head and I needed to feed properly.  After a few minutes of walking I finally stopped at a local pub and bar it was extremely popular since it was crawling with people. Perfect for me not so much for them. I remembered when Damon taught me how to feed and self control after I turned another memory I wouldn't get to relive. I scanned the room till I found a young girl with blond hair, she looked like one of those popular cheerleaders. I walked towards her she was surrounded by what I assumed to be her friends. "Leave" I compelled them. After they left I turned to face to face the blond again." "Come with me." I compelled her leading her into an alleyway where no one really went. When we were alone there I compelled her again. " You will not move, you will not scream." She repeated what I said staying completely still
I moved towards her and pushed her hair out of the way feeling the veins extend on my face and letting my fangs extend to its fullest I bit down as swiftly as buying into cake allowing her skin to break and the red, sweet hot liquid filled my taste buds. After a while of drinking my fill I pulled away. "Damn" With everything happening I kinda forgot how good blood taste like when it's fresh. I licked my lips and turned towards her again, giving her a scarf, I compelled "Put this and forget this happened you got sick and went home, forget you saw me. She repeated. "This never happened I got sick and went home. With that she left. I smirked to myself damn I love mind control.

There was no world with her if there was no DamonWhere stories live. Discover now