Chapter 5

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"You call this an adventure?"

"This is where I want to spend some time alone. This is my thinking place" Angelina said and showed Ava the beautiful view with a lake

The two woman were in Angelina's car parked while staring at the view

"Why don't you live with Kyle?"

"He said he's not ready for that yet so I respected that because I am a girl girlfriend" Ava said

"Have you guys ever slept together? Not know. That way" Angelina said

"It's a bit awkward responding to that question in front of his mom in which I just met today" Ava smiled

"You right my bad. I should probably respect y'all's boundaries" Angelina said


"We never slept together. Let alone I never went to his house before" Ava looked at the older woman

"Years of dating but never once visited his house?" Angelina thought it was kinda suspicious

"You know...Kyle never mentioned the Angelina Jolie was his mom" Ava said and Angelina looked at her

"We never had a good relationship. But I admit it was mostly my fault. 12 years ago my girlfriend died from a car accident. She was also Kyle's mom. I blocked myself out from this world and let someone else take care of Kyle while I was out partying with girls trying to move on" Angelina said

"He was embarrassed of me which is understandable because I just hooking up with a bunch of girls at that time and once he turned 18 he just parted his ways" Ava looked down at her lap

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend-"

Angelina chuckled

"It's all good. It was 12 years ago I moved on" Angelina said

"And Cate? Aren't you guys dating?"

Angelina sighs before responding "It's complicated. We're not technically dating we just had an affair that made people think that we're dating"

"Like friends with benefits?" Ava questioned

"Sorta, until something happened and things got crazy"

"I've heard many crazy things before try me" Ava said

"She was the only person that was with me whenever I was alone. Kyle never contacted me or talked to me so I was always alone in my office or in my house until she came. We had an affair years ago, she fell in love with me but I didn't feel the same way. Though I do like her presence." Angelina looked at the young girl

Ava nodded

"But do you like her?" Ava said

The older woman shook her head

"Why were you even crying today?" Angelina asked the young girl "It's nothing really" Ava chuckled "You know keeping your feelings to yourself isn't that good for you either" Angelina said staring at the girl

Ava rolled her eyes

"I miss my parents that's all"

"I'm sorry" Angelina said "It's fine" Ava laughed

The older woman stared at the younger girl and wanted to comfort her but she didn't want to because it was weird.

She just met this girl

But most importantly it's her son girlfriend

"This was nice. Your 'Thinking Place'. But a bit weird since I'm talking to his mother. Never really had these type of conversation before. Kyle never really checked up on me" Ava looked at older woman

"You make Kyle sound like he's a terrible boyfriend" Angelina said but Ava laughed thought she was joking

"He's not that bad. He just....I don't know. Things are getting complicated. He barely even sees me now. I wonder what's happening" Ava sighs

"Let's take you home shall we?" Angelina asked and Ava nodded


"This is where you live?"

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult" Ava said and Angelina cleared her throat

"I mean it's small"

"It's an apartment Ms Jolie. Of course it's small" Ava chucked

"Plus anyways this is only temporary. I want to live in France with my lover" Ava smiled

"So Kyle?" Ms Jolie raised her eyebrow

Ava didn't say anything

"Yes?" Ava said

"You sound hesitant" Angelina smirked

"No I'm not. Maybe in 5 years or so I'm going to live in Paris with the person I love" Ava said crossing her arms

But Angelina couldn't help but stare at the cute girl

"Alright alright get inside it's late and I want to go home now" Angelina said

"Oh right. Thank you again Ms Jolie see you at work" Ava smiled and Angelina felt her heart throb

She watched the girl walk to her apartment

"What a strange girl"

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