Chapter 16

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Angelina banged on Ava door but no one was answering

"Ava please" Angelina begged

Angelina has been banging on her door for the past 10 minutes. She wants to give up but she really needs to see her. She sighs and bang her head on the door


Angelina turned around and saw Gal standing

"What do you want Gadot" Angelina continues to bang the door.

"I'm asking you the same" Gal said

"Don't worry about it" Angelina looks frustrated and starting to get annoyed. "Are you here for Ava?" Gal asked but Angelina didn't say anything she just groans

"Where is she?" Angelina says sternly

"She's safe"

"Answer the question Gadot" Angelina got walked closer to her angrily. "Can't say. She doesn't want to see you" Gal said.

Angelina clenched her fist about to punch Gal but she thought about Ava. Maybe it's not the best time meeting her right now. It'll make things worse. Ava is avoiding Angelina for a reason.

"You still didn't answer. What are you doing here?" Angelina said

Gal didn't want to say the real reason. Ava is currently sleeping over at Gal place because she knew Angelina will come over to her place. Gal was going to Ava apartment to pack her clothes and belongings and bring it to her.

"We need to talk. I knew you were here since you weren't at your office" Gal said. Gal really did need to talk though

"Fine. What is it" Angelina responded

"I'll make it short and direct for you." Gal said looking straight to Angelina eyes

"Hurt her again and I will make sure you will never see her" Gal said before walking away. Angelina stood there frozen.

She sighs and went back to her car driving home


It was a few weeks later and Ava has been avoiding Angelina. She hasn't been working on her usual desk but instead does it in another empty office where Angelina can't find her.

Ava hates herself because she still has feelings for that crazy older woman.

Ava noticed her coffee was now empty so she went to the lounge where she can refill it. As she was walking she overheard a conversation next door to the lounge

"This is absurd! You have to marry Ariana! For the best of our companies"

Ava heard an unfamiliar voice that sounded like a man

"After a million times Mr and Mrs Grande I'm not marrying your daughter. I refuse too whether you like it or not"

Ava noticed that voice and quickly realized it was Angelina

"She was going to marry Ariana? Who even is this Ariana?" Ava thought

"Well why not!" That unfamiliar voice came up

Ava really wanted to leave the lounge as this wasn't her business but she really misses Angelina voice

"Because my heart belongs to someone else!" Angelina yelled

Ava broke down. Angelina likes someone else?

Ava didn't realize but she heard the room door opened and it started Ava so she dropped her cup making a loud noise.

Ava quickly picked up her cup and luckily she didn't fill her coffee yet.

Ava wait some time until it was all settled and then she left the lounge when she bumped into someone

"Oh I'm sor-"

Angelina was standing in front of Ava

Ava looked down avoiding eye contact

"Ms Jolie I'm so sor-"

"Come with me" Angelina grabbed the younger girl arm and dragged her to the emergency exit stairs where no one can see them.

"Ms Jol-"

Angelina stood in front of Ava while Ava had her back against the wall. Ava was still avoiding eye contact

"How much did you hear?" Angelina said crossing her arms

Ava didn't respond because she's afraid she'll get in trouble. Angelina noticed her behavior and sigh

The older woman uncross her arms and bend down to the younger girl height.

"Can you please look at me" Angelina whispered

It was more as a statement than a question

Avoiding any more troubles Ava gave up and look into those eyes Ava has been missing. "Now answer my question" Angelina asked nicely

"What's the point you like someone" Ava tried to walk away but got pulled back and Angelina trapped her with her arms.

"Don't you get it? You're that someone. I like you Ava. You're the only one I think about all day. It's always you. So please I'm begging you. Forgive me. I'm sorry." Angelina said with tears threatening to spill

Ava didn't say anything because she was so shock.

"I understand" Angelina whispered thinking Ava wouldn't forgive her. Angelina put down her arms and turned around ready to leave but Ava pulled her back and attached her lips to the taller woman while wrapping her arm around her neck

Angelina was shock at first but picked up Ava and spin her around gently with her arms wrapped around her protectively.

Angelina enjoyed the moment of kissing the girl she dreamed of.

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