Chapter 11

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Angelina couldn't believe it but she can confirm she's falling for the girl hard. It was night time usually Angelina would have been asleep at this time but all she can think about is Ava.

She grabbed her phone and wanted to text Ava

Angelina couldn't stop tapping her finger on her phone. She was texting Ava but was too scared to click send.

"What are you doing?"

She typed. Then delete. Then typed again. Then repeat this over the last 10 minutes.

Angelina sighs and clicked the delete but her finger slipped and it clicked send

Angelina rises up from her bed immediately and freaked out.

"Oh my gosh! You're so stupid! How do you delete a text!" Angelina was freaking out and stressing. It's 11:00 pm at night. Ava is probably sleeping Angelina thought.

She turned off her phone and put it on her night stand. Angelina turned off her lamp and went to bed when a suddenly her phone vibrated

Angelina eyes immediately shot opened and grabbed her phone quickly and saw a response from Ava

"Is the famous Ms Jolie texting me? But nothing much, just did a few studying then took a bath. How about you? :)"

Angelina read her response and smiled

"Oh hush I'm just bored. I couldn't sleep :("

Angelina typed then clicked send. She put her phone down on her chest and felt her heart beating so fast.

"It's because of that coffee you drank duh" Ava typed

The two women has been texting for over 2 hours now and Ava felt sleepy now.

Ava loved how Ms Jolie was texting her. She feels comfortable around her.

Angelina knew she was falling for the young girl and she loves that feeling. Angelina phone vibrated again and this time it was a video response from Ava.

Angelina clicked play and it was Ava recording herself with a cute bunny filter

"I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight Angie" Ava said and waved a goodbye.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing to me Ava!" Angelina melted when she saw Ava looking so cute with that filter.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" Angelina thought to herself

Angelina recorded herself with a dog filter.

"Okay I'll see you later, goodnight bunny" Angelina said and clicked send.

Ava never responded meaning she probably fell asleep already. Angelina couldn't stop thinking about Ava looking so cute

Ava couldn't stop thinking about Ms Jolie looking so hot

The two women fell asleep thinking about each other

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