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Chapter One:
New Me

Aikawa was someone who had always looked out for her loved ones.


Past tense.

Ever since him she had changed. Once the bright teenage girl who could simply let out a giggle and a smile to make everyone's day instantly better was now a ruthless killer.

How did this happen, you may ask yourself.

Well, in Aikawa's eyes it all started with her first love. She remembers the day perfectly.

"Kouzai!" Her boyfriend shouted rushing towards her, he had a grin on his face despite the bruise on the side of his face and his crooked glasses.

Aikawa furrowed her eyebrows when he reached her. Her hands shot out to fix her beloved's glasses a worried look on her face.

"Niragi? Did my cousin hurt you again?" She fussed over the much taller boy, her cheeks puffed out making her look like an adorable squirrel. "I told him to leave you alone! I'll have to talk to Auntie about him."

Her boyfriend shook his head, hands on her shoulders.

"Hey no worrying about that right now okay? I'm taking you on a date for our graduation day!"

Aikawa had a huge grin on her face at his words, she brightened up instantly and stood onto her tippy toes to kiss his cheek letting out a squeal.

"Oh Niragi! You didn't have to! I don't want you to spend your money on little ol me." She pouted holding onto her boyfriends arm who waved her words off.

"Non-sense. You're the love of my life so I'm going to treat you like it."

It had been the beginning of the end.

What started out as a great day ended in shambles and tears. What started with a nice date, soft conversation, light touches, and even a few kisses had ended in despair.

And a completely broken Aikawa Kouzai forced to pick up the pieces of her life and move on stronger than before. Determined to never be hurt again.

"M'lady." Niragi chuckled out as he held out a chair for Kouzai.

She giggled into her hand sitting in the chair, a silly smile planted on her lips.

The date was absolute heaven, Niragi was holding her hand across the table the entire time. Placing small kisses on the back of it every now and then.

They laughed and ate. Niragi going on and on about how he wanted to take up becoming a video game developer. And in turn Aikawa rambled about starting her own restaurant.

Both were lost in each others presence, absolutely and utterly in love.

Where had it all gone wrong?

It's what she often thinks when she's alone.

What had she done to turn it all around in a matter of minutes.

She once upon a time spent ages agonizing over their breakup. Crying her eyes out repeatedly hitting herself trying to figure it out.

"I need to go to the bathroom squirrel." Niragi said standing up, he kissed the top of Aikawa's head going to his destination.

For the next 30 minutes Aikawa sat by herself, thoughts completely centered around the boy she was determined to spend the rest of her life with. Thoughts of buying a house together, eventually having his children.

Him a famous game developer and her the best chef in Japan.

That was her dream.

And then it crumbled.

"We're over."

Almost instantly Aikawa was laughing.

It was a nervous laugh, anyone could tell.

"This is a joke right?" She tried to reach over and grab Niragi's hands. He just sighed walking away.

Aikawa raced after the tall boy, tears slipping down her face.

"What happened? Did I say something wrong? We were fine in there, we were having a good time. Did I do something?" She kept tugging at his arm rambling on and on about how she could change for him. Become his perfect woman if that's what he needed.

He slammed her against a wall roughly and grabbed her face.

"Shut up already Aikawa."

She just cried more.

"A-Aikawa? You never call me- I'm Kouzai to you... Your- your squirrel!" Panic spread through her entire body as she stared at his eyes hoping that he would laugh and say April Fools, despite it not being anywhere near April. Hoping that he would apologize for the cruel joke and kiss her all better.

"I never wanted to be with you Aikawa!" Her heart just shattered more. "Your cousin paid me to date you, he paid me in order for the bullying to lessen."

Niragi pushed off of her rolling his eyes. This was nothing like him.

"And now that I'm finally free of him, I can be free of you." He patted her head a sympathetic smile on his face. "I'm sorry Aikawa but I never loved you, and I hoped I would give you one more amazing night before I left."

He placed his lips on her unresponsive ones for a sliver of a second before leaving her to fall on the floor and sob her heart out. Leaving the completely broken girl to have to repair her heart and move on.

Why me?

She constantly asked herself.

Why must I be the one with such shitty luck.

And now she stood in the middle of an abandoned Tokyo, a bright board telling her that a game was to her left. Waiting to be played.

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