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Chapter Two:
Welcome to the Borderlands

The day had started like any other. Kouzai got up, showered, got dressed, and headed to her restaurant.

When she got there she was greeted by her cousin Kaneko who instantly bounded over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Little Kouzai! I haven't seen you in forever!"

Kouzai laughed to herself hugging the tall boy back.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me little, I'm not even that short anymore Kaneko." The boy waved off her comment slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"Eh doesn't matter. What does matter is that I'm stealing you away from your job for the day." He did a small little jazz handed gesture with a big grin on his face. "Isn't that exciting!"

Kouzai's face was completely blank as she stared at her cousin. She didn't think she'd spend today dealing with his shit.

"No Kaneko. That isn't exciting." She walked into the backrooms of her restaurant sighing. "I have a job to do, you know this. You're the reason I even have this place."

She turned towards his pouting face and immediately sheilded her eyes.

Despite not particularly caring much about anybody, Kouzai had a soft spot for her cousin and his infamous puppy eyes and pout.

"Please Kou! Can't you have one of your managers take care of the restaurant for the day!" He grabbed her hands pulling it away from her face still pouting. "You haven't had an off day in months cousin."

The 25 year old sighed looking up at her cousin, she knew he was right. He was almost always right when it came to her.

"Fine I'll go." Kaneko fist bumped the air in excitement. "But if I don't like it in the first 30 minutes we're leaving. And! You'll have to work all day with me."

With the last sentence Kaneko's cheers died out.

"I'll have to what?"

Instead of repeating herself, Kouzai just walked out the backrooms a smile on her face.

"Wait Kouzai! I didn't agree to having to work!"

The first thirty minutes were good, at least for Kouzai.

Kaneko had taken her to one of her favorite parks.

"If you had just told me we were coming here I would have gone with you." She flicked her cousin on the forehead smiling for the first time in what felt like years.

"Ow! And I didn't think of that obviously."

Kouzai rolled her eyes walking ahead of her cousin.

The rest of their walk was silent, surprisingly there were no people around. Not that the Aikawa girl minded very much.

"I think I saw fireworks earlier, it was pretty cool honestly."

She sighed when her cousin kept talking and turned to him punching his shoulder.

"Kaneko if you don't shut up and let me enjoy our walk we're going back to the restaurant and I'm putting you to work."

This effectively shut the boy up who imitated zipping his lips and locking them, making Kouzai smile.

Then she sighed.

"I'm bored actually, there haven't been any cute dogs, or girls, or anybody our entire walk." She turned to her cousin. "Where is everybody?"

The boy just shrugged slinging an arm across her shoulders.

"No clue Little Kou, no clue." He grinned down at her. "Want to go find someone or continue our walk and worry about it later?"

Instead of answering Kouzai took her cousins hand and started fast walking towards the entrance of the park.

She felt stupid in that moment, like she should have noticed something. Should have noticed that there was absolutely no one in the park their entire walk despite it being bright outside.

The cousins searched all of Tokyo for what felt like hours only to come up empty handed.

"Nobody was in the restaurant."

Kaneko looked at his cousin alarmed.

"That place is almost always packed! What do you mean nobody was in the restaurant? Even the backrooms?"

Kouzai just nodded, eyes glued to the floor.

"What about the bar?" She just received a heavy sigh.

"Usually Karube or Emi are in there by now but I didn't see either of them. And boss is almost never there so that part wasn't as surprising."

They sat together on one of the streets they met up at until night came.

A board above them flickered on.

Welcome Players.
New Game

Both Aikawa's were confused but reluctantly got up heading over to where this "game" would be, and were met with a small one floor apartment. The office door was wide open showing 3 other people and a table with several phones.

Walking up Kaneko grabbed a phone for himself and Kouzai.

Registration closes in 15 minutes

They looked at each other confused.

Where had they ended up?

Where had they ended up?

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