Chapter 22

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"Tell me Hope do you trust me??"

His voice rang in my ears. "Do I ?" I asked myself. I gazed into his eyes, but my feelings didn't waver, I didn't feel even an ounce of fear. I do.

"I do" I voiced out my thoughts. I do trust him.

"I trust you Eric. Somehow for some reason I know you will never hurt me intentionally" I saw how his face lighted up hearing my words. A wide smile spread on his face and he gripped my hands tighter.

"I am glad princess, I.." he started and I cut him off.

"But" I paused and removed my hands from his "I have a feeling you are hiding something from me, what is it Eric? What are you trying to keep hidden from me?" Just as I expected his facial expressions hardened in an instant. But I waited for him to say something, which didn't happen. He kept quiet clenching and unclenching his fist. I sighed I have had enough of him. I got up and decided to leave when he spoke up.

"Isn't my love enough?? Isn't my promise that I'll never hurt you enough Hope??" He said with clenched teeth. This flared up my anger.

"For god's sake Eric I don't know you. And here you are sitting refusing to tell me anything. What were you expecting???" I ran my hands through my hair in frustration "you are getting on my nerves Eric" I glared at him.

"When did I refuse you hope?? When the fuck did I refuse to tell you anything?? It's you who isn't even trying to know me. I am waiting hope I have so much to tell you. But you need to fucking be interested in me for that. Is there someone else hope??" he tilted his head to his right "tell me hope is there someone else you are interested in??"

"If there was someone else Eric, I wouldn't be here with you right now" I was almost shouting now.

"Tell me what you want to know?? You want to know me right? Tell me what you want to know hope??" He stared at me right in the eye.

"What are you hiding from me??" I asked without any hesitation. This is what I wanted to know.

Much to my surprise his lips curved upwards he gave me a challenging look which shook me to the core. What is it now?? I just can't seem to understand this man.

"You want to know what I am refusing to tell you hn?? Let me ask you what's my father's name hope??" He raised his one eyebrow keeping his eyes fixed on me.

"I.. your.." I started and stopped at the same time. I didn't knew. I didn't knew his father's name.  But he continued.

"Ok tell me how many siblings I have?? Do I have siblings or not??"

I was again left speechless.

"You don't know do you hope? And you said you wanted to know about me." He smirked.

But then his expression became serious and he said "it's not that I am hiding something from you hope. It's just not the time. It's time for us to know each other. You don't know anything about me hope, haven't showed any real interest in me. And you want me to tell you something I am not comfortable with?"

It was like a bucket of ice-cold water was splashed on me. Is that what I was doing? As the realisation seeped into me I couldn't hold back my tears.

"But I just.. I just.. wanted to know.. I.." my eye sight got blurry. I don't know why I was crying like that. I just felt bad for pushing him into something like that. How could I do that?

Suddenly I felt warmth surrounding me. I was crushed into a hug as he kept patting my hair and saying " shh it's fine hope. It's nothing princess just an argument. Hushh it's fine its fine" I let myself relax into him as I tried to figure out my thoughts. All that time I felt him hugging me kissing my hair to soothe me. And it worked like a charm. I had finally gathered my thoughts and realised how I over reacted both times.

I felt my face heating up with embarrassment  as I realised I was wrong to push him into telling me something he wasn't comfortable with and how I overreacted. Who tf fuck cries over that. Every second I thought about it the embarrassment kept increasing.

I clutched his shirt into my hands and hid my face in his chest.

"I.. I am sorry" I mumbled into his chest.

After a pause of over 10 seconds he said "it's fine princess everything is alright. You can fight with me all you want just don't ever leave me" he hugged me closer and this time I slipped my arms to his back and hugged him back. I felt a kiss on top of my head which brought a smile to my face. I snuggled closer to him if possible.

After a few minutes of silence he said something. Something I wasn't prepared for.

"Are you by any chance on your peroids princess?" he whispered. I couldn't see his face as my face was still buried in his chest. But he asked it so naturally that for a second I forgot it was him.

I removed my face from his embrace and looked at him wide eyed. His eyes, they held geniune concern. He rose his eyebrows slightly urging me to answer him.

"I.. that umm.." I started but hesitated.

"Don't hesitate princess, I have a younger sister" he smiled at her thought and continued "I have been the victim of her mood swings a lot so I know a bit" he said. I never thought he had an younger sister. He was right I didn't even try to know him. Their bond must be tight, just her mention brought a smile to his face, that explains. But this got me curious.

"Really how old is she??" I asked beaming. I wanted to know about him about his family and everything about him.

"She's seventeen" he smiled fondly and tucked my hair behind my ears "now before you ask me anymore questions, tell me are you??"

Understanding his question right away, I lowered my gaze and shook my head in no.

"It's close but not today" I whispered.

"That explains the mood swings" he said and I could hear his smile. My cheeks reddened at the mention of how I behaved. Still with my gaze lowered I again whispered "I am sorry about that".

He didn't say anything for some time and then he pushed my head into his chest amd made me stay their. "It's fine as long as you give me a hug like this after our every argument". I smiled at the thought and tightened my hold on him. It felt good in his embrace, it felt like home. Just like my home. My heart swelled with happiness as I thought about the possibilities of our future. I snuggled closer to him and savoured the moment.


I kept hugging her as my life depended on it. And it did. She fit so perfectly in my arms and I felt content. I kept taking in her scent as I buried my head in her neck. A sudden thought came to my mind Has any other man been so close to her??? That thought burnt my heart. But then I felt her snuggling closer to me which soothed my heart and calmed me down a little. As my mind focused on the present I repeat in my mind what I have been thinking since the day I saw her. She will love me, I will make her love me.
That thought brought a smirk to my face.
I thought about our argument today and only thing that came into my mind was


Bear with me.
And thankyou for reading my book💜.

And thankyou for reading my book💜

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