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My mom and sister decided to stay for a week or so, they were at a hotel just down the road. I picked the two women up at the hotel so we could go to lunch, Eden decided to come with us but she had to change the babies and such so she was driving herself, my mother decided she wanted to sit up front so my sister was banished to the back even though I'm pretty sure my mom would've rather banish me but its my car.
"McKayla, where are we going for lunch?" My mother asked me.
"We are going to a Chilies so I can show you where Lucas proposed to me." I replied.
"Really darling your mother and sister come to town and you take them to a chillies." My mom says disappointed.
"Mom just enjoy it! I'm showing you where I got engaged!" I said starting to get frustrated. My mother scoffed and went on to chatting about how great Siara is as if I don't see it plastered all over facebook.
"Bens coming" I blurted out.
"Your brother is coming?" My mother questioned "to what?"
"My wedding mom."
"Oh yes of course!" My mom said border line exited.
"I am not fond of Ben right now, he said my children were brats, obviously Joseph and Fionna are angels." She said, I rolled my eyes.
"Anyways him and Ashley are coming with the kids for the wedding. Is Jermey really thirteen?" I questioned.
"Yes he turns fourteen next month." My mom says.
"I can't believe that, are there any other kids I haven't met yet?" I asked hoping the answer was no.
"No, but the youngest, Lizzie, is almost six." She said.
"Wow! I haven't seen her since she was three maybe younger." I replied hoping this wouldn't turn into a lecture. I was wrong, mom rambled on about how I should've listened to Ben and made up a long time ago.
"Kayla I'm just saying maybe if you listened better and realized your mistakes you would already be married, to Jaxon , two years ago." She said, I flipped my head to her, I was enraged.
"Listen close I was not the reason for my engagement ending. He cheated on me, I did everything he told me because that's what you always told me to do!" My voice got serious "did you know he beat me? Yeah he hit and kicked and bruised me because of you! You don't know shit about my life and you don't know shit about Lucas. All you EVER cared about was Siara and me and Ben were left to fend for ourselves. So shut the hell up and just try and be happy that I'm happy and getting married to the man I love not some boy you told me I loved." I said.
"KAYLA" Siara said from the back, I had looked away from the road to long, a car was running the red I was driving through and hit us square on the passenger side. My car flipped and I felt glass rain over me, my head smacked against the frame of the car and I blacked out.

~Lucas P.O.V~
I hated calculus ever since high school, I don't even know why I took this class, it's possibly the worst class on my schedule. The teacher was rambling and I was pretending to take notes, the girl next to me was watching Netflix through headphones which reminded me of Kayla which brought a smile to my face. God I love her, I'm so lucky to be marrying her, four months was to long to wait, if I could marry her right here right now I would. A policeman came into the room and looked around like someone was dying.
"Is there a problem officer?" My professor asked.
"I need Lucas Hunt." The man said, my heart dropped.
"That's me, what what is it?" I asked terrified.
"It's McKayla Reynolds, she your fiancé yes?" He said with intense eyes.
"Yes" I said out of breath.
"You might want to get down to the hospital." He said, I grabbed all my things and bolted out of the classroom down to my truck, I got in and sped behind the officer who was guiding me with his lights. The hospital was a ten minute drive from the campus but we got there in five, I put my truck in park and took the keys out, I ran through the doors to the desk with an old woman behind it.
"I'm looking for McKayla Reynolds." I said frantically.
"Third floor"
"That's the ICU" I said.
"Yes sir."
"Okay thank you." I said running up the stairs to the third floor, I went to that desk and there was yet another old woman.
"McKayla Reynolds?" I said.
"Are you family?"
"Fiancé" I said, she nodded and buzzed me through, as I walked in she told me the room number, I bolted to room seven and stopped at the door. There in that hospital bed was the love of my life, knocked out and tubes coming out of her arms and torso. Eden was in the chai next to her bed and when she saw me she hugged me tight crying into my shoulder.
"What happened?" I asked so quiet I could barely hear myself.
"She was going through a green light when some truck ran the red and drove right into her, her mom and sister are in the other rooms. Her dad and brother are in their way here. Oh god luke I can't loose her." She said sobbing into me again.
"We won't, she's a fighter she'll make it through. You know she will." I said a tear rolling down my face.
"I'm gunna go check on her mom and sister." Eden said walking out of the room into the white hallway, I walked to the chair next to her bed and sat down.
"Hey snicker doodle, I know you hate it when I call you that but you can't say no so I'm gunna do it" I said starting to smile remembering all the times I would call her that and she would hit me, I felt the tears stream down my face.
"You know, I really love you, and I really want to get married but I can't do that without you here, so if you wake up, I'll give you the one thing I've never given anyone, my heart." I said. I looked at her hands and saw her ring was gone.
"Wheres the ring?" I said loudly.
"Sorry I was cleaning it." Eden said behind me, she handed it to me so I could put it back on her.
"I didn't think you'd like blood stains." She said, I shut my eyes and grabbed Kayla's hand and squeezed it.
"Please" I said.

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