2. Shadow Man

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Shadow Man

Dover, England 1560

Klaus stared at the woman across from him, watching her almost Orient features as they revealed nothing to him. Pearl was a young vampire in comparison to himself and they both knew it. Any other given day, Klaus would have boasted on it, thrived on it. He would have intimidated her and forced her into doing his bidding, as was his nature and, dare he say it, right as an Original.

But today was not such a day. Today, he begged because today he would lose the one thing that meant most to him in the world, the one thing that made him almost human. Caroline, his Caroline.

His gaze suddenly drifted to the blonde vampire in question, looking at where she lay unconscious on the sofa across from him. He watched the subconscious rise and fall of her chest with a heartbreaking intensity. His chest ached deeply as his eyes scanned over her. What else can I do?

What else is there?

Who else is there?

His black heart shattered.

Turning his eyes back to Pearl's, he kept his gaze cool, finally locking down on his emotions.

"I must ask this is of you, what say you?" The younger vampire, Anna, glanced to her mother as she clutched the older woman's hand with a tight grip.

A moment of silence and then Pearl nodded. "I will care for the girl as I care for my own daughter." She stated, meeting his sharp eyes with her own, a serious look upon her face.

"Thank you." He said quietly. "I trust you know what I must do next? It is for her safety… and yours." A look of uncertainty passed her face for only a minute before she once again nodded.

"I do, m'Lord Niklaus." Klaus stood from his perch on the hard-backed chair and approached the pair.

"Which one of you will go first?" He asked, looking at them steadily.

"My daughter, m'lord. I must be assured that she will be alright." Klaus glanced at her briefly, as if questioning her loyalty. Any other time, the look would have quaked her in her seat. As it was Klaus was simply… drained. It was as if all of his emotion was wiped off the page and he had become a book without words. Empty. Unfeeling. Alone.

"Very well." Klaus crouched and gripped Anna by her shoulders. His pupils widened and immediately her face adopted a dreamy expression. As he compelled a vampire for the second time that day, Klaus could feel the black hole inside hime widening and eating at his already blood-soaked soul. When it was done, Anna fell sideways in an unconscious state, following his command to 'fall asleep'. He then faced Pearl and began anew, forcing his mind into hers, working his compulsion. As she too fell unconscious, Klaus stood once more and beckoned his lackeys to come forward.

"Grab those two and bring them to the carriage. You will bring them to Paris as fast as possible, keep them under vervain in the meantime so they do not awake in panic…" He glared at the three younger vampires with utter menace. "If you harm either of them, I will not be so merciful as to end your pitiful lives with stakes." Looking properly frightened, two of men went to pick up Anna and Pearl as the third stood to the side of the room, awaiting orders.

Labelling the third as insignificant, Klaus turned and crouched before her, his love, his Caroline. He gazed silently upon her and feeling came back… horrible feeling, pain and hurt and an undying love. He raised his hand and ran his thumb lightly down her cheek, pausing at her lower lip. He leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss to forehead, trying to enjoy this last moment with her. He was surprised to feel a burning behind his eyes, his throat tight. Then, abruptly, Klaus stood and he once again faced the other man in the room.

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