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I woke up with my dad getting ready to go to our schools, i was nervious and for my dad too. He made me my lunch and drove me to my school. Once i got there i opened the metal heavy doors and walked inside. The principle greeted me and asked me if i was a new student. or course i said yes but i walked to the cafiteria for assembely. The princeiple said over the speekers

"Good morining cyotes and stand for the pledge"

         i stood and said the american flag pledge but then they started the Texas pledge and i didnt know any of the words so i stood to the side as a few kids laughed at me for not knowing it. I was hurt but i didnt let them know it so they wouldnt get tyhe reaction out of me that they wanted.

        Once the pledge was over we walked to our classes, i went to the office and asked for my schedule. they gave me it and the directions to my class.I was going to Mrs.madison's class and she introduced meto the class saying

"this is our new student Anica (A-nee-ka) she moved all the way from washington"

"it pronounced anica (an-eh-ka)"

"whatever, so we want you guys to make her feel at home"

         i saw some kids in the back lauging while the slightly pointed at me but i didnt know what they said. Once i walked to my seat the girls laughing handed me a note that said:

"wow! you dont belong here washington freak. You should leave this school now, your not weclome here"

        I looked at them and gave them the note back. I looked at my desk as they laughed more. As the day passed i got a call from the office to come down there.

        I got down to the office and my dad wasnt there, i thought that is was something small. The office people looked at me and said

"Are you Anica?"


"well we got a call from seton hospitol that there was a school shooting at Gorizky and your father was shot, we have people from the hospitol to pick you up to visit him right now"

        I shocked and i didnt say anything. they took me to the front of the building and put me in a car with "seaton medical center" on the side of it. We had arrive dto the hospitol and i saw my dad through a window. I ran to him and told him 

"Dad, i love you. Dont leave me"

i was crying so much that i cound only see they bandige wrapped orount his chest. He looked at me and said

"I love you too, live a good life and dont let anyone tell you that your not perfect. I want you to stay   strong I-i love y-you"

He fell to the bed and i heard a loud beep from the macheines next to him. Nurses came in and told me to stand back. i asked what was going on and they looked at me and said 

"he is dying now please stand back"

        my world was colapsing.

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