daddy things

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i woke up next to my sexy hot daddy alpha mafia boss bad boy bestfriend/boyfriend and smiled

"omg hes so cute🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺" i spoke aloud because i thought he was asleep

"im not cute 😡😡😡" he growled at me

"im sorry my sexy hot daddu alpha mafia boss" i said as i reached out to touch his midnight black hair while looking into his obsidian orbs

he purred at my touch and said "its okay baby girl i sont really mind" in a very sexy content space

after 3 hours of lying down together he sat up and his member sprung up like a slinky

i gasped at how big it was although i have seen it so many times tehehehe

he was a total 3" which is MASSIVE considering my ex only had 1.248492 inches. that ex also cause trauma

i started crying

"sugar plum why are you crying, did my precum get in your eye again" he whispered after noticing the tears streaming down my face coming from my bright blue eyeballs

"no sexy hot alpha daddy mafia boss, baby. i just remembered my ex boyfriend and how trauma" i whimpered

i know he hates when i talk about my feelings

he then started to get angry


he then took his Glock 26 and shot me in the head


hey guys i hope you like my one shot for today ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ it took a lot of confidence to post

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