Wedding Plans and Memories

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"This is a little excessive, my love." I groaned, throwing the huge stack of papers I'd been holding onto the table.
"No, it's not. I need to see every possible choice, this wedding is going to be perfect." Flo began to look frantically through the paper.

I grabbed her wrists gently, keeping her from moving them. She looked into my eyes, scared. I rubbed at her wrists gently, bring her hands up to my mouth. I kissed them gently.

"Darling, we have all the time in the world. I don't care if we get married next month of next decade." I assured her.
"I know but I just. I don't know. I want it to be perfect. Timothèe and I... Uh, we were gonna get married. And he um he hit me when he didn't like the way things looked." she confessed twiddling her thumbs.

"I'm so sorry darling," I whispered, bringing her into a tight hug. That's what had been on her mind. That fucking asshole.

  We sat, holding each other in silence for a few minutes before I reached to pull something from my bag. A picture of Florence smiling on the set of White Widow. I passed it to her and she smiled as she saw it.

"When did you take this?" she asked, studying the photo of herself.
"Sometime during filming. I have a box full of Polaroids." I smiled, kissing her shoulder gently.
"Am I really that oblivious?" she chuckled, rubbing her temples.
"You are and it's so adorable," I smirked, playing with her hair.

I reached down to pick up a photo of a wedding. I smiled at the colors. Flowers we're everywhere. I loved it. I passed to Florence for her opinion. A soft sigh left her lips. She leaned back into my chest, a smile tickling her lips.

"I love it. We should do something like that," she gave me a toothy grin.
"Good. So lots of flowers, nature, etc." I stated, pulling on a pen. I jotted those things down on a piece of paper, setting it aside.
"Where are we going to have the wedding?" she asked, tapping the table.
"I was thinking at my Uncle's farm in Kentucky."
"You're from Kentucky?!" Florence exclaimed, turning to look at me.

  I rubbed my head, chuckling. It took me a minute to stop laughing. We've known each other for a year and she still didn't know where I was born.

"I was born in a small hospital in Jenkins, Kentucky. When I was a kid the population was around 4,500. Now it's about 2,000." I explained.

"How come I had no idea you were from such a small town? How come I had no idea where you were from?" she chuckled, rubbing her temples.

"I have no idea love. It's on the internet." I smirked. I moved Flo off my lap, standing up.

  I pulled my phone out, looking for pictures of my hometown. I found one of my favorite pictures ever. The sunset over the fields of my uncle's farm. I spent a lot of time there as a child when my parents would fight a lot. I passed my phone to Flo and watched her eyes light up at the sight.

"That's my uncle's farm. I lived there for a while." I smiled, thinking of those times. My Uncle is a great guy. He's more of a dad to me than my dad ever was or will be.

"It's beautiful Y/N." Flo gaped, still staring at the picture.

"Okay, so we're going to set some sort of small ceremony up in the fields?" I questioned, holding my pen on the notepad.

"Definitely. Nothing too big. But some Marvel people, friends, family." Florence nodded, putting my phone down. I jotted a few more notes down quickly, before passing the notepad to Flo.

"Looks good," she said approvingly. "Now. We should take a break."

"What do you mean by that love?"

"Well... you have options," she smirked, biting her lip a little.

  "Oh yeah? And what are those options?" I asked, leaning against the table. Florence stood up and began to drag me out of the room. Before I knew it we were in the bedroom.

Warnings- Just thigh riding
"You either touch me, eat me out, or ride me. Or I touch you, eat you out, or ride you." she rasped, her eyes hooded with lust.

"I'll ride you." I blurted, feeling a wet spot form on my panties.

"Come here, princess." Florence rasped. I peeled my shirt off as I made my way over to her.

She tugged my pants down along with my panties and beckoned me to sit. I sat awkwardly between her legs. She shook her head and pulled me onto her thigh. My eyes rolled back in my head as I began to rock my hips against the fabric of her jeans.

"You're so beautiful. You're doing amazing baby," she whispered into my ear.

"Fuck." I moaned. I almost came just from her talking. I turned my head to kiss her. She took one hand off my hip to hold my neck, pulling me closer. I moaned into her mouth and she swallowed them easily.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I gasped, throwing my head back. I felt the familiar feeling of pent-up release in my stomach. I began to slow my pace, breathing heavily.

"Go on baby," Florence said, nipping my ear.

With that, I came all over her jeans. I didn't care about the mess I'd made because I could barely breathe. I untangled myself from Flo, collapsing onto the bed.
Warning over

We haven't had sex like that in a long time. I covered my eyes with my hand, needing a minute. I shook a little from my release. I felt a gentle hand pushing my hair out my face.

"You're far too dressed to have just given me a mind-blowing orgasm." I chuckled, taking my hand off my eyes.

"I just have that effect on people."

"People?" I raised one eyebrow.

"You. Only you love." she smiled, pulling me into her chest.

"You should probably get cleaned up. We can take a nap afterward." I yawned, running my eyes.

"Alright love. I'll be back soon."

Flo rose and made her way into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and a few minutes later she came out, hair dripping. I smiled at the sight. I opened my arms, not caring that she would get me wet.


"Hey," I whispered, pulling her onto my chest.

"You tired?" she asked.


"Sleep my love,"

"Night lover,"

[A/N: Smut for you horn dogs. Enjoy it it won't be very frequent. Fluff, fluff, and more fluff. We're going to be riding the fluff train for a while. And we're going to be meeting some new people! Cough cough- Scarlett cough cough-]
Love you all!]

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