Guitar Solo

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"Can I play for you?"



"Oh. Yeah of course." I smiled, my chest deflating.

"Dirty girl." she chuckled.

It was about an hour and a half after we'd come back from our second house tour. We were curled up on the couch together, doing nothing. It was amazing.

"I've never actually heard you play before," I said, thinking out loud.

"Nope. It'll just make it all the more special." She smiled, pecking my lips before going to find her guitar.

She returned a few minutes later with a beautiful guitar. It had her initials carved messily into the neck of the guitar. Its paint had worn down from years of use. It was well-loved.

"What are you gonna play?"

"Our song."

"And that is?"

"Love Story by Taylor Swift."

"I get it. Forbidden Love."

"Forbidden Passion."

   She gave me a quick kiss before strumming the baseline of the song. I closed my eyes and thought of the beginning of our relationship.

We were both young,
When I first saw you
I closed my eyes and the flashbacks start
I'm standing there,
On a balcony in summer air.

   I smiled at her tone. Her voice was heavenly, her honey-sweet British accent seeping in. Her fingers were as skilled on a guitar as they are inside me. Ha. Dirty mind.

See the lights
See the party the ballgowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say 'hello'
Little did I know

    The song fits us perfectly. We'd met at a party. We weren't allowed to love each other yet we did. Florence looked up from her guitar to meet my gaze. The love in her eyes made me tear up.

You were Romeo you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said 'Stay away from Juliet'
I was crying on the staircase begging you please don't go

And I said 'Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone'
I'll be waiting all that's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and ill be the princess
It's a love story baby just say

   I began to hum along to the song as she went into the bridge. I moved to sit beside Florence. I leaned against her shoulder.

'Romeo save me there trying to tell me how to feel'
'This love is difficult but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say

   I was crying by the time she reached the end of the song. I fisted the fabric of her shirt as I began to sob into her shoulder.

"Why are you crying love?" she chuckled lightly.

"I don't know. Your voice is perfect. That song is perfect. I fucking love Taylor Swift. I'm going to thank her on Instagram." I cried.

"Aww, baby." Florence smiled, kissing the top of my head.

   I unlocked my phone and went onto Instagram. I began filming a video as I composed myself.

"This is for Taylor Swift. My fiancèe just performed Love Story for me and I can't stop crying. It's our relationship in a nutshell. Thank you for this fucking beautiful song. Also, I love you. Bye." I beamed, stopping the video.

"That was a mess." Florence chuckled.

"Shut the fuck up or your sleeping on the couch. You already made me cry once." I teased.

"Pfft," Florence smirked. I shoved her head playfully.

"What did you think of the house we saw today."

"I think the first one we saw is the one."

"So do I."

"How much is it?" she asked, turning to me. "Not that it's a problem."

"1.7 million. I can't believe I can afford that." I shook my head in disbelief.

"We could afford a 10 million dollar house. Love, we worked so hard for our wealth. We deserve it." she took my head in her hands softly. I leaned into her soft touch.

"Wait." an idea dawned on me.


"Can I buy my mom a car?"

"She doesn't have one?" I shook my head.

"Of course!" Florence beamed. "She deserves it. Your Mother is an angel."

"She is." I smiled thinking of her.

I pulled my phone out and googled my mother's dream car. A red convertible. I found one close to us for a good price. I checked the reviews on their website. Once I was satisfied, I passed my phone to Florence for her approval.

"It's perfect. Mama Y/L/N will love it."

"Great. So we can buy it in a few days. I'll text the seller." I pecked Flo's lips before walking into the dining room.

I texted the number of the seller, telling them I was interested in purchasing the car. His name was Zach and he said he loved collecting cars and that it was in great condition. I thanked him before turning off my phone.

"Wanna watch a movie baby?" Flo asked.

"Sure, can I pick?"

"Of course."

"Lady Macbeth."

"Why exactly, I hate watching my early acting."

"Oh but darling, your tits look amazing in this film."

Her mouth opened in an 'o' shape. I smirked as I came to sit beside her. I kissed her cheek sloppily before turning the tv on. I found the movie quickly, pressing play. Flo shifted uncomfortably as she came on.

"Stop squirming," I whispered hotly onto her ear.

"Fuck you."

"What! I wish you'd wear a corset every day." I chuckled, earning a smack on the head.

"Shut up." She cried.

"Sorry, sorry." I laughed, throwing my hands up in defeat.

We settled in, watching the movie in silence. When the scene came on that she stripped completely came on, I swallowed harshly. Seeing my future wife having sex with another person, even fake, was disconcerting. I turned the tv off promptly.

"What was that for?" She groaned.

"I won't watch you have sex with another person," I grumbled, throwing my head back.
"Someone's jealous."

"Rightfully so. Your mine, and only mine." I growled, my cheeks flaming.

"Oh really? Show me." She challenged.

"You're going to regret that," I smirked, picking her up abruptly. Her lips attached to mine and we made our way into our bedroom. I slammed the door behind us.

A wonderful, sleepless night.

[a/n. We have a song! Cute vibes. Jealous Y/N vibes. Also, we're about to get some plot-twisting soon so be prepared.]

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