London Premiere Pt 1.

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  It's hard to believe we'd already finished the White Widow press tour. I'd had unimaginable amounts of fun with Flo and our cast. It was beyond my wildest dreams. Now, I sat on a private jet with the cast on our way to London.

"So, I was thinking." Flo trailed off, searching for the words.
"That's never good." I chuckled. I turned to look at Flo, pushing her hair out of her face.
"My family is coming to the premiere and I want you to meet them," she mumbled.

  The color drained from my face and I leaned back into my seat. Fuck. I hope they don't hate me. What if her siblings think I'm awful? Her dad? God, what if Toby hates me? Her brother is one of my favorite actors and it's crazy how nervous I get, even though I'm an actor as well.

"And, I thought we could talk to Toby about being a donor." The air left my lungs.
"Oh." That was all I could manage.

"Only if you're comfortable, of course."
"I want to have a baby. After we're married. I want to get to know Toby a little better before we ask." I explained, taking her hand.

"That's fine. Wait, you do want to carry, right?" She asked, pushing my hair out of my face.
"Yes." I smiled simply.

"This is so exciting." She squealed, kissing my forehead.
"Mhm." I forced a smile. It was exciting and nerve-racking. My mother had a history of miscarriages and my brain dove back into those memories. Being 4 years old and getting excited for another sibling, then asking my crying mother where it was. Holding my brother because my mom was crying too hard. Seeing my dad break down. I shook the thoughts from my head.

"Attention Passengers, we will be arriving in London in approximately one and a half hours. We will be experiencing some turbulence so please buckle your seatbelts."

  I yawned, buckling my seatbelt. I pulled my AirPods out of my purse, putting one in. I tapped Flo on the shoulder to get her attention away from the window.

"Music?" I asked quietly.
"Of course, my love." She responded with a kiss. I passed her an AirPod and hit play on 'Our Playlist.'

  We listened through the playlist twice before we started the descent. I turned it off, taking my AirPod out of my ear. Flo passed me hers and I put them away. I went over the schedule once more in my head: Land, straight to a hotel, hair, makeup, dress. Flo and I arrive together in a limo, red carpet. Then, we do interviews for a little while before we head to the stage. A quick speech from The cast and then we watch the film.

"Are you ready for one of the most chaotic days of your life?" Our director asked, smiling.

"Born ready," I smirked.
"This is gonna be amazing." Florence smiled.
"Let's see if you say that tonight." Rachel chuckled, standing up. She walked over to the bathroom, shutting the door. Our director, Cate, came over to us.

"Florence, you performed beautifully. You are an incredible actress and I can't wait to see what the fans think. Y/N, you managed to film this movie while going through so much and still gave such a wonderful effort. Your performance was breathtaking. You two deserve the world. The entire cast saw your Hot One's interview and we put together a little gift, in honor of your engagement." Cate smiled, handing us a little box. She sat down quickly since we were about to land.

  Rachel smiled as she came out of the bathroom, putting her seatbelt back on. I looked at Florence who nodded, letting me open it. I put a hand over my mouth, tears welling in my eyes. A beautiful picture of Flo and I on set, with the caption 'You're such a poser.' 'Only for you.' I laughed a strangled, happy noise because of how emotional I was.

"Oh my god, thank you so much, guys." I cried.
"You guys, you didn't have to do this-" the plane began to shake as we got closer to the ground.

"It's nothing," Josh called from the back.

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