First time meeting 2

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Y/n pov~

After I left the party I went through and alleyway so that I could meet up with my sister and the car and so that I could get back to base. But just my luck I had to be stopped by Mr Izuku Midoriya. Wow I'm screwed

"Hi!" Said Izuku with his terrifying smile

(Oh * means that you're thinking)

*Oh shit!, no its alright just act soft....god dammit why can't I just fight him! Oh yeah I forgot I'm wearing a dress!*

Y/n's thoughts were interrupted by Izuku starting to run at her

"It's rude to ignore someone when their right in front of you, you know that could lead to very unpleasant consequences! I wouldn't want to hurt such a beautiful face." He said as he tried stab Y/n

* Then why are you trying to stab me!...Well looks like I have to make a run for it! Bye broccoli boy! Oh how I wish I could say that out loud*Y/n thought to herself

As Y/n sprinted away she was stopped by another man. And can you guess who it is, that's right it was Shoto Todoroki Endeavour's masterpiece son and serial killer

Hah! Just great.

Before Y/n could even think about what to do next, Shoto grabbed her and jumped over to a roof of one of the buildings

During this exchange Izuku and decided that he wasn't gonna lose you, let alone to his once friend and class mate

When Izuku brought you down, Shoto followed and was then attacked by Izuku

Y/n took this chance to sneak away while they were distracted but only managed to move a couple feet away until an explosion was heard in the distance

Izuku and Shoto turned there attention to the explosion and behold The Katsuki Bakugou walks in front of you

*Oh great, now I have to deal with him too! Just kill me now*
Said Y/n

"Well if it isn't Y/n. The girl from the convention" said Bakugou

"Huh!?, how the hell to you know her name Bakugou!" Shouted Izuku and Shoto together

"Lucky guess" said Bakugou with a smirk on his face

"Lucky guess my ass! Tell me how you know my name!" Y/n shouted in frustration

"Ugh, S/n! Get your ass down here and change my clothes!" Y/n said as she shouted into her earpiece

Katsuki, Shoto,and Izuku were all shocked to hear an 'actual softy' swear

*well looks like I was right about her acting like a softy* thought Bakugou to himself

Within minutes S/n arrived with a newbie and Y/n's pure breed pitbull named Zeus(sorry to the owner's of Zeus the pitbull I couldn't think of any other names and also the name and dog is totally Badass)

S/n changed Y/n's dress into a black shorts,net leggings, combat boots, a black and orange tank top and a pair of daggers strapped to each of her legs.
Y/n's hair was still open and she had a natural look on her face with only some lip gloss and blood red finger nails

Y/n's hair was still open and she had a natural look on her face with only some lip gloss and blood red finger nails

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