Part 4 of story

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Y/n got up the next day at 11:00. She got out from under her comfy covers and went to her bathroom to freshen up. She didn't notice the sleeping figure next to her. She got out of the bathroom and changed into a short shorts and an oversized shirt that she found on her couch.

When y/n went downstairs to get something to eat, she noticed everyone still passed out either on the floor or on the couch. She sighed with a smile and got herself a packet of chips and a bottle of coke(this is actually my breakfast in the mornings 😅)

When she went upstairs to her room she noticed the figure in her bed, she then put her breakfast on her room coffee table, grabbed one of her daggers and walked over to her bed. She then uncovered the figure while aimed the dagger at them, only to find Bakugou Katsuki in her bed.

"Hah?"she said confused.

She put her dagger away and went back to her breakfast, while she scrolled through tiktok trying to find something interesting to do.

When Katsuki woke up he had noticed y/n sitting at her couch in a short shorts and oversized shirt which looked to be his.(the shirt on the couch was Katsuki's)

Y/n didn't notice that Katsuki had woken up until she looked up from her phone and found him staring a her from her bed

"I believe that that's my shirt which you seem to have gotten comfortable in." Said Katsuki trying to break the silence

"Oh! Yea sorry I just found it lying on the couch when I woke up. I didn't pay attention to whose it was until you told me. I'll change now and use one of my brothers."y/n said getting up from the couch and walking to her wardrobe (you have a few of your brother's clothes in your wardrobe)

"No! It's fine you can keep it on if you like. It does look cute on you."Said Katsuki

Y/n blushed "Thanks for the offer and compliment but I don't want to be a burden. I'll just change."y/n said flustered

'how is that being a burden' thought Katsuki

~~a few hours later~~

Y/n and the rest of Katsuki's mafia had gone to a club and we're in an area that had a lot of couches. Everyone sat there for a few minutes when they all scattered to go do their own thing. Y/n was with Mina and Kirishima and Katsuki was sitting on the couch drinking with a few girls (3-4 girls) were around him flirting with him. Katsuki didn't pay attention to them but oh boy were you glaring at them. You were glaring daggers at them when suddenly Mina noticed

"Go help him!"whispered mina

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Y/n said

"Y/n you can clearly see that he doesn't like the idea of those girls flirting with him and I can clearly see that you don't like the idea either so why don't you go help him?" Said mina

" I that obvious...nvm. ok I'm gonna help him"said y/n

Y/n didn't know this but Katsuki actually saw y/n glaring at the girls flirting with him and was grinning like a mad man in his head when he saw her.

When Katsuki saw y/n walking up to him he smirked knowing she was gonna do something to drive the girls away and he was more than willing to play her boyfriend

Y/n had walked up to Katsuki and sat down in his lap(with your back facing him). Y/n then glared at the girls and could practically feel Katsuki smirking behind her. Y/n then moved so that she was sitting directly on Katsuki's manhood, she then sat down with her full weight and kind of shook her butt a bit on his dick.

"Hey now! We don't wanna get punished in public for getting me hard now do we."said Katsuki (he is already hard) wrapping his arms around y/n's waist and and kissing her neck.

"Mmm"y/n silently moaned when Katsuki found her sweet spot on the left side of her neck on her pulse

The girls had left as soon as they heard y/n moan. Y/n and Katsuki we're gonna continue but mina disrupted them.

"Y/n! come dance with us it's your favorite song playing." Shouted mina from the dance floor

"Uhhh I'd love to but Katsuki isn't letting go of me. Sorry" said y/n not want Katsuki to stop, Katsuki also didn't want to stop but had to when Mina walked up to them, grabbed y/n's hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.

Katsuki let go off y/n and watched y/n dance to the song. After the song finished a very sexual song (can be any sexual song you know) started playing and y/n and mina smirked. Y/n and mina made sure that Katsuki could see y/n and Kirishima could see mina (I ship these two so I'm gonna make them a couple)

Y/n and mina each danced to the sexual song and doing so put on a little show for Katsuki and Kirishima. Katsuki and Kirishima looked at each other and smirked while getting hard Katsuki even harder (if that's even possible) they knew what they were gonna do to them once their alone behind closed doors.

When the song finished y/n was exhausted unlike mina because mina is basically a dancer. Y/n was about plop her butt down on the seat of the couch that happened to be next to Katsuki's. Before y/n's butt could touch the soft cushion Katsuki pulled y/n by her waist onto his lap in the same position and place as before. Y/n blushed and leaned into Katsuki. Y/n then fell asleep on Katsuki and woke up on the drive back to base. Y/n then asked her brother if she could spend the weekend at Katsuki's and he agreed.....after much persuasion and begging coming from you.

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