The party🎉🎆🎊

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Y/n and Mina managed to get everything ready for the party and were now enjoying the party on the couch, each with a bottle of beer.

Y/n then got a call from another mafia gang

"Hello?"said y/n

"Y/n l/n we have you sister. If you want to see her alive again meet us at XXX in 30 minutes. And come alone" they said and hung up

"....."said y/n

"Y/n? What is it?"asked y/n's brother

"they have s/n and they're threatening to kill her if I don't go to them in 30 minutes"said y/n who was walking to the door

"Y/n! You can't go alone" said b/n

"I have too! and s/n are all I have left in this world and I'm not gonna let some weak mafia punk take you or s/n away from me!"

"... alright. Just be safe"said b/n

"Alright."said y/n as she walked out the door

Y/n reached the location that she was supposed to go to, she had tried to negotiate her way into making the mafia let her sister go but they didn't listen. Y/n then thought of an idea and smirked. She proposed a game of russian roulette but unfortunately there were no guns on hand so they decided to go with daggers.

By the end of that y/n had her sister around her arm and they are walking back to base.Y/n let s/n go in first because she had noticed someone following them.

When y/n had finished dealing with the man, she was now completely covered in blood, and that's when she walked in

Y/n was tired as hell and could barely walk without being able to grab onto something. When she got inside she was using the wall for support

"Y/n!"said b/n

"Are you ok?!"asked mina

"What happened?!"asked b/n

"Fun fact. Russian roulette is not the same without a gun, and baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun!"said y/n smugly

While y/n was talking she had unknowingly looked at Katsuki indicating that she like things rough(this makes no sense)

Y/n had then walked up to her room, cleaned herself up and went to bed

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