Part 5

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Y/n wanted to spend more time with Mina hence the begging and also the fact that Mina lives with Bakugou in his Mansion. Y/n stayed in Mina's room and they had a blast they watched movies, played games, pranked some people that were sleeping and more or less acted like children. The two besties didn't even realize how much time went by as they talked and joked around they only realized how late it was when one of the house maids came to tell them that breakfast was ready. They didn't sleep after the maid left they instead got out of bed had a shower (together or separately your choice) changed and went downstairs.

At the table y/n and Mina sat together and were having a cup of two cups of coffee, each. They two were enjoying their breakfast when Denki spoke up.

"Guys I did a bad thing."said Denki

Before anyone could reply y/n and Mina replied together

"Does it affect me?"asked the both of them in sync

"No"said Denki

"Then suffer in silence."said the two bad bitches in sync again

Everyone at the table then burst out laughing and continued to eat their breakfast.

Y/n spent the week and weekend with Bakugou and his mafia and they all got pretty close. On that Saturday y/n decided to take a stroll with Mina but ended up on the training grounds when all of a sudden y/n noticed something. She noticed one of Bakugou's men punching a punching bag and he was doing terrible. Y/n couldn't take it anymore and stopped the man she then said that the man was punching wrong and that he doesn't know the right ways to punch the man laughed and said "Well why don't you explain then" and by that time everyone had gathered around the two. Y/n then said

"If you punch too hard you kill someone, too soft it's a love tap. In other words you need to know how to punch"said y/n

"I was in prison for three years, I know how to punch " said the man

"Show me"said y/n as she held out her right hand in front of her. The man punched her hand as hard as he could but y/n didn't budge she just said "terrible"

"You wanna show me how to punch,show me-" before the man could finish his sentence y/n punched the man and the man stumbled backwards before falling on his butt

"That's how you punch."said y/n

Y/n then walked away like the badass she is and Mina followed. But what y/n didn't know was that Bakugou saw the entire thing and he was more than impressed

~~Timeskip 2 years~~

Y/n has known Bakugou for two years and has noticed that she has fallen for him y/n noticed this when she kept spending weeks and weekends with him. Y/n told Mina her best friend about it and she said that y/n should confess. Y/n also told her sister about and she said the same thing

After months of consideration y/n decided to confess.Y/n had called Bakugou and asked him to meet her at her home. When Bakugou arrived Y/n led him to her room and started talking.

"So why did you call me here?"asked Bakugou

"Well I just wanted to say.....I like you Bakugou an- no I love you and it's ok if you don't love me back I just needed to get this of my chest so that I could somehow move on with my life."said y/n

"And what makes you think I want you to move on and possibly find a new guy to love"asked Bakugou with a smirk

"I-"y/n was cut of by something soft on her lips when y/n looked up she noticed that Bakugou's eyes were closed and his face was really close to her's, she realized that he was kissing her. She closed her eyes and kissed back.

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