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The strange men blindfold them before loading them up. The next thing anyone knows they are being bumped on the side of the road. Sang-Woo manages to get his blindfold off, noticing that Opal laying beside him, blindfolded and wearing nothing but her underwear. He looks over her body, regretting being too hurried the first time they were together to truly take in her lovely curves and beautiful skin. But the sound of a car on a nearby street brings him back to reality, "hold on," he calls out as Opal fights against the bonds on her wrists and ankles. Sang-Woo manages to get out of his bonds before helping Opal sit up and then taking her blindfold and bonds off. When he lifts her blindfold she looks over him, gently biting her lip. Once she's free, the pair look over and see their clothes in bags nearby, but there is another bag along side them.

Opal looks around and see player 199 in a similar state to the two of them. She gets up and hurries over to him, helping him by untying the ropes on his wrists and ankles. When his hands are free player 199 lifts his blindfold, "thank you." When he notices that a half naked woman is helping him he covers his eyes, "ah, ma'am, I am so sorry."

Opal shrugs, "it's fine." When she stands back up Sang-Woo hands her the bag with her clothes in it, "thank you." She opens it and very quickly gets dressed. Putting on her jeans and long sleeve turtleneck, with a loose snake skin printed tank top over it. Sang-Woo is in a grey suit, similar to the one he wore when he met Opal and player 199 looks almost like he stepped right out of the 90s.

The group are on a side street, player 199 looks around, "excuse me, do either of you know where we are?" 

Sang-Woo looks around and notices a building that tells him exactly where they are, "Yeouido."

"Where exactly is... Yeuidio?"

"In the center of Seoul."

"How far is that from Ansan?"

"Uh," Opal shrugs, "about 39 km. Why?"

"I live there. Uh, do either of you have a cell phone on you? Uh, would you let me borrow it, please? I'll be quick."

Sang-Woo looks to Opal, who shrugs before checking her back pocket where her phone had been when she left. She and Sang-Woo pull out their phones and try to turn them on, but they are both dead. Opal looks up to player 199, "maybe there's a convenient store nearby where we can get a battery?"

The trio walk up the dimly lit street, Opal and Sang-Woo walking side by side, while player 199 is a few feet behind him. Opal's hands in her pockets, while Sang-Woo has a hand on the small of her back. The three quickly find a small store and head inside, Sang-Woo quickly finds the charging blocks, gesturing it over to Opal, who is browsing some of snack items, "do you want one?"

Opal shakes her head, "no, it's alright. I can live without my phone until I get back home." When the two check out Sang-Woo plugs his phone into the battery back, his phone immediately going off with notifications, "someone's popular."

"Trust me, it's not that."

Aside from the battery, the trio had also found a place that sells packaged noddles, and since they are all starving they couldn't say no, Opal buying the meal for all three of them. When they get over to him, player 199 is slurping down his noodles as quickly as he can. Sang-Woo sits his phone done beside player 199, before he and Opal open their noodles and begin to eat. "Thank you, sir," player 199 quickly bows to Sang-Woo before he moves further back into the store to get some privacy for his phone call.

Opal smiles over to Sang-Woo, "that's really sweet."

"I'm just lending him my phone for a few minutes."

"Maybe, but still."

While player 199 is on the phone Sang-Woo finishes his noodles, "I'm gonna step outside for a minute. Please try to make sure he doesn't take off with my phone."

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