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Back in the bunk area the players are given suits and asked to change. They are taken to the bathrooms to change, the men changing first, washing the blood off their faces, because Sas-Byeok changes. The suits are nice and well tailored to at least Sang-Woo, but he is a bit more muscular than Gi-Hun or Sae-Byeok, the suits almost hanging off the two of them. The suits also have their numbers on the shirts and the jackets. When they get back to the room, the lights are out and the only light is coming from some candles. There are also tables set up in a large triangle in the center of the room with three rather high quality table settings set up, like one might see in a high end restaurant. The players are shown to their seats before a large and lavish meal is set out before them; veggies, rolls, water, wine and steak. Before the players begin to eat a staff member brings out a microphone and sets it up on the platform they always make their announcements from, before addressing the three remaining players, "tonight's feast is prepared as a token of gratitude for the sacrifice and effort that you finalists have made, and to encourage you all to perform even more splendidly in the final game. Now please relax and enjoy your feast and the show." As the staff member speaks to the players, Opal is brought out onto the stage, "our hosts felt that since she was no longer competing she could pay you back by providing some entertainment for you this evening."

When he sees her Sang-Woo moves to stand up, as if he is going to run to her, but Opal shakes her head, and he can tell from her eyes that he needs to stay where he is. Sang-Woo then looks around and sees that one of the staff member close to him as his gun aimed at him, as if he is ready for Sang-Woo to take off. He settles back into his seat and looks over Opal, she had changes into a black asymmetrical cocktail dress that beautifully hugs her curves. Her hair is curled and she even has makeup on. The players her the sound of her breath before Opal begins to sing.

"It's what you do, it's what you see.
I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me.
It's where we go. It's where we'll be.
I know if I'm onto you, I'm onto you, onto you, you must be onto me.

My haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets
I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me.
My wicked tongue, where will it be?
I know if I'm onto you, I'm onto you, onto you, you must be onto me."
(Haunted by Beyoncé)

The players sit and eat, knowing they can do nothing to help their friend and love. Gi-Hun and Sang-Woo clear their plates, starving from the lack of food they've been given over the past few days. But Sae-Byeok only picks at her food, eating extremely small bites very slowly. Opal isn't allowed to leave until the players are done eating and their plates cleaned up. The staff members leaving their knives behind, as if to encourage them to kill one another that night. The three finalists take the knifes and make their way back to their beds before the tables are moved. They sit in the candle light waiting for someone to make the first move. Sang-Woo sits in his head, turning the knife between his fingers, as he does, he can't help but think that all he wants in this moment is to have Opal snuggled up beside him. He thinks back to how beautiful she looked when she was laying in his bed while he spoke to his mother. If he will ever be able to introduce the two of them. As he thinks he realizes that all he has to do is win and then he and Opal can leave this horrible place, but that means he has to kill two other people, two people who had trusted him with their lives and he had trusted them. He begins to fight the urge to fall asleep, as he had many nights before, as he does he realizes that one of the other two will only make a move if they think he's asleep. He hangs his head and drops his knife between his legs, making sure his other hand is in a place where he can grab the knife quickly, if he needs.

But rather than someone coming after him, he hears Gi-Hun yelling and shouting, "hey, hey! We need help!" Sang-Woo opens his eyes and sees Gi-Hun pounding on the doors, "she's lost a lot of blood!"

Quickly and quietly Sang-Woo grabs his knife, gets up and crosses the room to Sae-Byoek's bunk. When he sees her she is covered in blood and looks like she had been stabbed in the stomach, but he knows that Gi-Hun couldn't have done something like this. Killing her now, almost seems like a mercy. Sang-Woo kneels next to Sae-Byeok and brings his knife to her neck. He takes a few deep breaths before whispering to her, "I'm sorry." With one swift movement he stabs Sae-Byeok in the neck and then swiftly removes it. Stepping back as if he is unable to watch the rest.

Gi-Hun had been too busy betting on the doors trying to get help to notice what was going on, until the lights come back on. He thinks he finally got someone to help, until he looks over and sees Sang-Woo standing a few feet away from Sae-Byeok. He runs back over to her, praying it isn't true. When he gets to Sae-Byeok, she's gone. He looks over her body, unwilling to believe that he knows it's true, "Sae-Byeok. Sae... Sae-Byeok." As he lifts her head he can clearly see the puncture mark on her neck, "no. Oh, no, Sae-Byeok." Realizing she is dealt gone, Gi-Hun turns to Sang-Woo as his rage and grief begs to overwhelm him. Sang-Woo is covered in blood and his hand, still holding the knife, is shaking. Gi-Hun grabs the knife off of Sae-Byeok's bed and goes after Sang-Woo. The two men prepare to fight, but a staff member hits Gi-Hun, knocking him down, holding him there as they remove Sae-Byeok. Even though he isn't fighting the staff members force Sang-Woo to the ground as well, even though he is in such a state of shock it only takes the slight nudge of his chest.

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