Chapter 1

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Echo. Her name like the sounds of those screaming from the roof tops of the now abandoned apartment complex, their screams could be heard for miles in the now deserted Tokyo. She stood at the top floor in a corner watching silently as everyone ran from the horse masked figure in terror. A man with white hair alike snow stood across from her watching the scene unfold with a slight smirk playing upon his lips. Echo couldn't help but become intrigued by this, someone who didn't take death lightly, which was fitting considering their now unholy circumstances.
"Everyone's gonna die as usual." He commented, mostly to himself but he glanced at Echo emotionlessly as if expecting her to protest his words. Echo only nodded in agreement, if not everyone, mostly everyone in this game would die. "Indeed they will," Echo whispered with a small smile, her eyes glinted in mischief as she noticed the horse man shooting at a man from a long distance. She knew the safe zone was behind the door the man was closest to, because if it weren't the horse man wouldn't have went through the trouble of trying to end the man closest to it.
Echo turned her attention to the white haired man slightly to see if he had also caught on to what she had, if he did he didn't allow it to show. Echo looked at her phone in her pocket and noticed the time was now down to five minutes, "Nice sharing a spot with you, but times a tickin'" she told the man with a smirk, wiggling her phone back and forth in light mockery. He only nodded, but continued to watch as a man with shaggy hair saved the man hiding behind the wall, making no move to head towards the save zone.
Echo jumped over the railing with ease and without warning, the white haired man's eyes widened in surprise as if he'd expected her to fall except she didn't, she dropped down to the floor below them, holding on to the sides of the walls to catch herself. She got to the third floor and started walking towards the safe zone, the man with shaggy hair stood at the door with his hand on the handle seeming hesitant to open it.
"Gonna open it?" She asked him with a smirk, the boy looked at her in the corner of his eye and then clenched his eyes shut. "If this is the safe room, why didn't the tagger just stand here and wait for people to come to it, then kill them?" He questioned her, hoping she had an answer. Echo shrugged, although she knew there would be some sort of obstacle on the other side of the door, victory in these games didn't come without a fight.
"We don't have much time to contemplate," She told the boy, holding her phone out to him showing that the time was now down to three minutes. The boy nodded and opened the door quickly, they walked in and were immediately met with another horse masked figure with a Mac 10, fully loaded and ready to shoot. The masked person immediately shot at them aiming for their chests, Echo ducked and ran at the person wrapping her arms around their stomach. The masked figure took their gun and attempted to hit Echo with it, but she dodged the hit and elbowed the figure in front of her in the face, the person clutched their mask to keep it from coming off, "I can't clear the game alone!" The boy she was just with shouted from the other room, Echo grinned and took the injured masked figure and pulled them into a standing position, and bent their arm back causing them to yell in pain. She took the gun from their hands and shot them in the face, the white haired man from the rooftop peaked into the room and quirked his lip up into a smug grin, almost impressed with the girl for quickly disarming the figure.
"Guess you won't be needing this," he spoke holding out his makeshift taser, Echo grinned widely, blood staining her teeth from the masked persons blood splattering onto her face. The boy in the other room continued to yell asking for help in completing the game, Echo rushed into the room and locked eyes with another girl who jumped through the window in the small room. The boy locked eyes with the two women and ran for the button, as if on que the other girl before Echo ran for the opposite button pressing it at the same time as the boy.
"Game cleared, congratulations the surviving contestants have now been issued a 5 day visa," the robotic host of the games spoke loudly through any speaker surrounding them. Echo grinned and nodded at the girl in front of her, "Good work."
Echo turned to leave the room, only to be stopped by the white haired boy, "What's your name?" He asked her, an eyebrow raised with curiosity. Echo locked eyes with him, their faces up close and it was only then that Chishiya noticed her right eye was glazed over in white, indicating she was blind in the one eye, a multitude of jagged scars ran from her forehead, across her eye and stopping at the base of her cheek.
"Echo." She said simply, shrugging her arm out of his hold, she raised her eyebrow silently asking his, as if catching the hint he spoke in a condescending tone, "Chishiya." Echo nodded in understanding, a small smirk raising to her lips, "See you around, Chishiya." She said, then left the room not bothering to hear the other two peoples names, if there was one thing Echo learned about this world is, don't get close to anyone, anyone can betray you, and anyone can hurt you, don't make friends, they'll only drag you down, get in, play the game, get out.
      Echo left the game arena, her adrenaline slowly subsiding and she slowly returned bored, being alone had its perks, she only had to worry about herself however, she did miss physical human contact, the games were her only source of entertainment which urged her to play daily rather than waiting out her visa.
      She walked along downtown Tokyo in search of a small convenience store, her stomach growling in hunger. She found one at the end of a dark alley, and pulled out her knife she kept attached to her hip, in case anyone wanted to try anything on her search for supplies. Nobody was in sight and Echo took this as an opportunity to get into the store quickly, she searched the shelves in search of food still in date and stuffing her book bag with whatever she found.
      She left the store, eating a protein bar in one hand and her knife held tightly at her side in the other.
      She arrived at her home in the borderland, and dropped her bag to the floor looking around the room, she made a fire on her stove and cooked herself a quick dinner, the protein bar not enough to fill her up. When the food was done she took her bowl and walked over to the window that overlooked Tokyo and watched as lasers shot through the sky every once in a while ending the people who chose to end their lives by awaiting their visas and giving up.
     Echo thought that was pathetic, she would rather die in a game than give up, she would spend the remainder of her life in the borderlands fighting for her life rather than letting it end because she was too weak to keep going. She blew on her fork and took a bite of her food, her eye catching a vehicle moving through the streets of Tokyo.
    She'd heard of a place called 'The Beach' and knew there would be scouts of militants that would search the districts for supplies, she often watched them from her window when they would near the building she resided in. She chose this complex for that very reason, it had the perfect view of a multitude of towns, the darkness of Tokyo made it easy to spot anyone searching through the night their flashlights completely letting their locations known.
     She watched as a man with Raven black hair half up exited the vehicle, he held a gun on his shoulder, and she couldn't make out his words but could tell he was barking orders to the other people among him. She smirked as he looked up at her window, moonlight catching on his eyebrow piercing as he looked at her with confusion. She shook her head at him and backed away from the window, the man looked dangerous, and Echo didn't know if this excited her or made her wary, but she did know that she needed to leave the room now, not wanting to risk them coming to take her back with them to the beach.
      She watched as they would recruit people often, their utopia as they called it, reminded her of a cult, and she didn't have any interests in being apart of it. She liked being on her own, and she didn't like being controlled.
        She gathered her things quickly and left the room walking down the hallway til she reached the fire escape, she heard footsteps ascending the abandoned hotel steps and smirked. She exited through the door and jumped over the metal stairs, catching herself on every railing as she climbed down quickly, she stood in an alley and placed her hood over her head and clutched her knife in her left hand.
      She heard a voice yell from the top of the fire escape steps and turned her head to see the pierced man eyeing her with hard eyes, she turned towards him and blew him a kiss before running down the alley and disappearing into the night.

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