Chapter 3

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Echo spent the next few days enjoying her visa for the first time since she entered the borderlands. She would sit on her window sill, just as she had in the apartment complex she resided in before coming to the beach, and she would watch as everyone partied, laughing lightly as if they wouldn't die tomorrow; or rather as if they would. And although Echo didn't enjoy parties, or human interaction in this world all that much, she couldn't help but envy the people who felt free.
She hasn't allowed herself to truly let go in this world, afraid that if she grew attachments they'd only be ripped away from her in the gruesome games they all participated in. She rose up from the window sill and allowed herself to get dressed, a huge part of her brain convincing her to go down and join them. She dressed herself in a black cropped tank top, and black cargo pants, her skin glowing in the darkness as if she was the stars themselves. Her scars visible, but she didn't mind at all, it took her so long to become comfortable enough in showing them off; because they weren't ugly, the person who caused them were ugly.
She left her room with her sword rested in a sheath behind her back, and walked down the steps entering the main entrance of the hotel. Niragi, Last Boss, and a few others gathered at the bottom of the steps drinking. They appeared carefree and happy even though an older man sat lifeless at the bottom of their feet. They leaned him against the podium, waiting for the militants on duty to come and dispose of his body. Niragi locked eyes with Echo and smirked, whispering something to his companions as she passed.
She walked out of the double doors that lead to the pool and watched intently as multiple individuals laughed, and pushed each other into the cold water. She crossed her arms grinning at the bar, and she started to walk towards it only to be stopped by a hand. "Haven't seen you lately, sweet cheeks" the voice whispered into her ear, shivers attempted to run down her spine but she regained her composure and turned to look at Niragi in boredom. "I've been busy," she told him with a faint shrug, she looked around the hotel to see a few people standing, most not bothering to look in their direction in fear but others too nosey about Niragi and Echos interaction.
She was sure they all assumed she would be Niragi's side piece for the night, she knew how people thought of him. He slept with a girl, then threw her away the next day, but Echo wasn't easy, and she wasn't the type to give into her temptations. She actually wanted Niragi to work for her affections, no matter how attractive she found the man before her to be. Niragi laughed, his eyes glistened with joy, and she could smell the vodka that emitted from the mans breath. "You think you're too good for us here don't you?" He asked her, an eyebrow raised in question, he licked his lips and Echo couldn't help but watch as his piercing touched the rim of his lips softly. She smirked and grabbed the mans head pulling him closer to her face, teasing him as if she were going to lean and but instead whispered against his mouth, "I don't think I'm better than anybody, we're all just trying to live here." She told him honestly, before pushing his head away from her face and walking back to the bar.
Niragi stood and watched her walk away lazily, "Oh how I hate to see you go, Echo!" He shouted, over the loud music, Echo turned her head to look at him and laughed, "But I love to watch you walk away." He finished looking her up and down. The people at the never ending party stopped what they were doing and watched as Niragi flirted in public, something he never did, not with any woman. Although he didn't usually have to, women fell at his feet, practically begging him to allow them into his room.
Echo sat at a stool at the bar and ordered a whiskey straight, and turned to watch as everyone continued their party. She was never one to join people but couldn't help but be glad she did, sure she wasn't out there dancing quite yet, but after a few drinks she was sure she'd let loose enough to actually participate in the fun.
Someone took a seat beside her, another girl with long dread locked hair, she wore a blue bikini and held a chop stick between her teeth as she ordered her drink. Echo look over at her in the corner of her eye, observing the girl. "I'm Kuina," the woman introduced, Echo nodded pretending to be uninterested as she watched the crowd cheer at another man chugging a beer. "Echo," she finally answered after a moment. Kuina nodded, "I know, the executives speak highly of you." Echo raised a brow at this, but continued to sit and order another drink. Kuina didn't seem to mind the silence though, knowing that Echo probably wasn't one to trust quickly, and she understood because she wasn't either, especially when it came to people at the beach. "Niragi has taken an interest in you as well, that's interesting" she continued to talk, Echo expected the girl to get up and leave after she seemed so uninterested in the conversation but she was secretly glad that she hadn't.
"How so?" She asked the girl, finally engaging in conversation, Kuina giggled and shrugged, "Anyone with eyes can see it, he doesn't usually flirt with other girls, they come to him." She informed her, and Echo nodded, she knew Niragi enjoyed chasing after her.
"I'm not most girls, sure Niragi is beyond sexy but, he has to work for it." She told Kuina with a small smirk. Kuina nodded in understanding, although she didn't truly understand how anyone could possibly be interested in Niragi, he was evil, and cruel, but Echo also appeared that way.
Kuina eyed the girls scar on her face, tracing her skin all the way to her stomach to see the multiple scars that stretched along her skin raised in angry mountains. "How'd you get the scar on your face?" Kuina questioned Echo who froze, "a game?" Echo only shook her head, "I'm gonna join the party now, it was nice chatting with you Kuina." Echo told the girl sincerely, and grabbed another drink from the bar and walked into the crowd that parted for her without asking. Kuina knew then she shouldn't have asked, but her curiosity got the better of her.
Chishiya appeared from the shadows and stood beside Kuina, "So did you like her?" He asked her with a smirk, Kuina looked at him confused, "I do, but I'm not sure what to think, I asked about her scar and she walked away." She told him, still watching the girl who now stood talking to Niragi. Chishiya sighed, "We'll try again later, don't ask about her scars next time." He warned her before walking away.
Echo stood beside Niragi sipping on her Mai Tai, a buzz slowly filtered her mind fogging it slightly. "What do you say we go back to my room after this?" Niragi whispered in her ear from behind her, sticking out his tongue and trailing it down the length of her neck, his piercing tracing her skin like a cold ball. Echo smirked and shook her head, "No thanks, I think I'll go back to my room and take a bath" she pondered, Niragi clicked his tongue in annoyance, and pulled away from the girl, "You know any woman here would be jumping at the opportunity to sleep with me." He told her, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Echo smiled at him lazily, "Then go find one." She said, almost wanting to laugh at his shocked state, she knew he wasn't used to being rejected but she wasn't just any girl and she wanted him to know that.
Niragi was visibly irritated but covered it with a smirk, "Soon we'll have all the fun we want in bed." He told her, still whispering, "you're mine." He told her and caressed her cheek, letting a thumb brush over one of her scars. Echos eyes snapped open at this and pulled out her katana too fast for him to register what was happening, she held the blade to his throat, "Don't ever, and I mean ever touch my face." She said threateningly, her voice laced with venom. Niragi held his hands up in mock surrender, "Whatever you say, princess." He told her now smirking, she pulled the blade away from him slowly before placing it back into her sheath. Her face softened as her good eye traced over Niragi's features, "I'm sorry" she whispered, and walked away to head back to her room. Niragi was left once again confused, he'd never felt such an emotion with any girl, but he wanted to be close enough to her that he could touch her scars without being threatened, and Echo secretly wanted that too. Her mind wouldn't let her heart grow close to anyone here, she didn't want to become distracted.
A man grabbed Echo by her arm on her way back to her room and shoved her into a wall, his breath smelled like liquor and his voice was husky. "I don't know why he hasn't made you his yet, but I'm not Niragi." The man whispered into her head, his breath fanned against her cheek, "I won't let you walk away until I'm done with you." Echo rolled her eyes and kneed him in the balls and watched as he laid on the ground groaning in pain. Footsteps ascended the steps closest to her room quickly, and Echo looked up from the man to see Niragi standing with his gun permanently pressed into his shoulder.
"What's going on here?" He asked in a threatening tone, his eyebrows raised in a playful manner. He looked down at the man that withered in pain, "You haven't claimed her Niragi," the man spat, the alcohol clearly making the man feel bold. Niragi crouched down to eye level with the man and smirked, "I don't have to claim her, what's understood doesn't need to be explained," he told the man and back handed him with his A-K. He pointed at me without meeting my eyes because his never left the man laid on the floor, "She's mine." He growled, Echo rolled her eyes but smirked nonetheless.
She pulled out her katana and slit the mans throat without warning and giggled as his blood splattered against her pale skin. She looked at Niragi who still appeared angry at the man, he stood quickly and pinned her against the wall beside her bedroom door. "That was my kill, princess." He told her with his mouth pressed against her cheek.
Echo shrugged, "You were taking too long," at this Niragi laughed and backed away, he looked back at the man on the ground and lifted him up ready to drag him down the steps. "What are you gonna do with him?" Echo questioned, pointing at the dead man.
Niragi let out a sinister laugh that wouldn't make any ordinary girl weak in the knees but rather weak in fear, but Echo was highly turned on when it escaped his lips. "I'm showing everyone what happens when they lay a finger on you."

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