Chapter 4

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      The beach took the death hard, and they watched in horror as Niragi pulled the dead body over the staircase railing and dropped it on the ground. He held no remorse, his face was stone cold as he watched the crowd that gathered into the hotel. Hatter didn't seem fazed as he watched the cold hearted man show the beach what would happen if they ever laid a finger on the new militant girl. She wasn't sure why he felt he needed to protect her, she was perfectly capable of handling herself. But, she couldn't help but be touched at the gesture, because yes it was sick and twisted but in this world normal wasn't a factor anymore.
     Echo left the meeting shortly after it started and headed to her bedroom, her heart sputtered against her chest as she downed another shot of whiskey from the bottle she stole from the bar. She entered her room and began stripping as soon as the door closed, her body dripped in warmth as the liquor began settling in the pit of her stomach.
     She had been at the beach for three days, and she already became entangled in something she told herself she wouldn't be apart of; at least not here. At one point she may have wanted a relationship, kids, marriage, a normal life, but those things were now out of reach. Her brain kept reminding her though, she could die any day, and she didn't want to waste her remaining days pining over what she could have and should have done differently. Living with no regrets would be the way to go, you see, she'd been thinking of the borderlands wrong. This was the time to make rash decisions, grow close to someone, break their heart, or even get yours broken, indulge in sex; rough and passionate, party and live, because if she died tomorrow would she be happy with how she lived?
     She laid on her bed, feeling the silky sheets glide across her skin softly and sighed in content. Her eyes fluttered closed and for a slight moment she thought about what it would be like to have Niragi there with her, his body pressed against hers in an intimate position, skin against skin, lips against lips, and she felt childish for even imagining such a thing; because Niragi wasn't passionate, he was rough around the edges and rude, but so was she. But she knew she was growing a soft spot for him, and hoped that he too was growing a soft spot for her.
     Her bedroom door handle began to rattle indicating someone was starting to walk in, she laid still, with her eyes closed and listened as their boots collided with the floor heavily. "I don't think anyone will be touching you anytime soon," Niragi's voice rang through her ears like a soft wind. Echos eyes fluttered open, and she watched as he took a seat in one of the chairs beside her bed. He set his gun beside the chair and crossed his leg, getting comfortable.
     "I'm perfectly capable of handling myself, Niragi." Echo said, with a groan, she sat up slowly and grabbed the bottle from beside her bed and took a swig before reaching her hand out to offer it to him with a lazy grin. Niragi chuckled and took it from her hands and pressed the glass to his lips, "You are, but I wanted to have a little fun." He replied, with a shrug. Echo nodded and laid back against the bed, staring at her ceiling, "I shouldn't have threatened you earlier," she found herself whispering, her mind was fogged with alcohol and her heart ached as she touched the scars that stretched across her cheek.
      Niragi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not expecting her to apologize for what she did, although he wanted to touch her scars, he found it sexy that she didn't take his shit, even when other women did. Niragi shrugged in indifference, trying to appear unfazed by their encounter earlier in the night, because truthfully he was. "Don't apologize, it was hot," he began but took a pause as he leaned forward in his chair to get a better look at her face that was lit by the moonlight emitting from her bedroom curtains. "Maybe later we can do it again, this time in bed." He said with a wink. Echo giggled and nodded, "Whatever you say," she whispered again, her eyes fluttered closed as she debated on whether or not to tell him where she received the scars from in the first place but, thought better of it. She peaked at him through the length of her eyelashes and sighed, "What are you doing, Niragi?" She asked, mostly to herself, she didn't understand why he wouldn't leave her alone and most of all she didn't understand why her heart yearned to be near him, even when her brain pushed herself away.
      "I'm sitting," he told her with a shrug, clearly not understanding the meaning behind her question, or maybe he did but also was in a constant battle between his mind and heart and didn't want his heart to win.
     Echo chuckled again and coughed, "You know what I mean, asshole."
     He sighed and stood up, walking to her bedroom window to watch the party that took place by the pool, just as she had hours before. "Where'd you get all of your scars, Echo?" He asked her, avoiding the question. Echo shrugged and rolled her eyes, "Ask me another day." She whispered and let out a yawn as sleep began to take its toll on her. Niragi looked at her over his shoulder, watching as she fell asleep and smiled softly. The first time anyone was ever able to bring it out of him, he looked at her and saw the female version of himself; she was scarred, in more ways than one, and he knew that she wouldn't remember this interaction in the morning, but secretly he hoped she would. Truth was he never allowed the women he slept with into his room, but he wanted nothing more than to drag her to his bed and fuck her til she let out all of the frustrations he could see through her eyes. He left the room quietly, shaking his head at his own thoughts.

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