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Hi, it’s been months since I posted the first chapter, but I’ve been so busy doing a lot of things and also writing the other chapters. Tbh, I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you all enjoy it too. I can’t say when I will be posting other chapters, but I really hope you all will be on the lookout for new chapters. It could drop at any time. I will love to see your comments and please share with your family and friends. There are 2 parts of this chapter because of the length but I really hope you love it.
    4th of November. A date, most students of Bridge Stone University spoke of. A sports competition hosted by the Federal Sports Committee will take place on that day and various universities are invited to participate in any sport of their choice. The competition enthuses the students as the school will take part in the state championships and the top ten universities will compete in the national championships in Russia, in two years’ time.

  “Bola, I’m not going. You know that I don’t go for stuff like that and this time won’t be any different,” Nike said to her friend as they sat on her bed.

 Bola pleaded with desperation written all over face. “Why are you doing this to me? I really want us to go together.”
  From the day Bola heard about the competition, she has been begging Nike to accompany her, but Nike prefers to stay in the room rather than attend the event.

  “I’m not doing anything. I don’t understand why you are hell- bent on me going. You know that’s not my type of scene.”

  “Nike, you are my best friend, and I want to enjoy that day with you. You have attended none of the event organized by the school. Aren’t you tired of staying in the room doing nothing?”

  “Point of correction, I keep myself busy while I’m alone in the room. You know an idle hand is the devil’s workshop. Before I forget, you know we have an exam coming up and I have to study hard,”

  “The exam is in two weeks and moreover, we have been studying. We will pass”

  “I’m not going”

  “Please. Do you want me to kneel?”

    Nike is the type that enjoys her privacy and prefers a quiet time reading a book or studying the word of God. She knows if she attends the competition, Bola will force her to stay for the after-party. She has no choice because walking alone in the night isn’t the best idea.

 After the competition, the students of the school that wins have a party at a club some hours later. Nike has never been to a club, and from the stories, Bola has told her she had promised herself never to step foot in one. She had read about how girls get raped and some have to leave school because they are pregnant.

  “You are persuasive, but I will go on one condition.”

  “Anything you want as long as you are going,” Bola replied.

  “I will wear what I want to wear, no make-up, no heels, and we should be back to school by 7. You know I don’t enjoy roaming about in the night.”

 “That’s more than a condition” Bola murmured.

 “What did you say?”

  “Nothing but anyway, you will have lots of fun and you won’t regret going.”

   1.25pm Friday 4th November
 “Hurry, James and Tayo have been calling, and they are waiting for us at the reception,” Nike told Bola who applied her lipstick for the umpteenth time.

  James and Tayo are Nike’s closest male friends, and they have been with her through thick and thin. They have been friends since their first year, and what made their friendship stronger is their belief and faith in God. All of them, including Bola with some other students are in the same prayer group called Jabez prayer group and they meet every Wednesdays and Fridays to pray and dwell on the word of God.

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