Chapter 6.1 - How to taunt a Demon

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"I scream for everything that has gone wrong. I scream for everything broken in our lives.'

Vydra had beaten me to the punch with an ear splitting scream. My yell was muffled due to distraction that I might go deaf. Come to think of it, if she hadn't done it, I probably would have.

The demon had black paper-like skin, the scales were obvious since there was a certain glister to it. Black steam seem to radiate from its body, like fire. There were ringlets of murky vapor moving around its feet. Its horns were unexpected, it was pulled back from the side of the head, elongated, curling at its end. Similar, to a crown of wreath used by the romans. It had a tail which was serpent like, deadly and vicious. Its wings were leathered and large, truly a mark of power. Its eyes were yellow and slitted, fierce and untamed.

It was pulling Aiden by the arm, dragging him towards us. Tayler lunged, equally fierce in power, fueled by protectiveness. Trying to prove his words to the doubting Simon and Gab.

"Oh boy, he shouldn't have done that" Gab said.

Simon was shaking his head in disbelief.

"He really had to be the hero didn't he?" Simon said his voice mixed with disappointment and amusement, still shaking his head.

Tayler got closer to the demon with his intent to strike a blow on its chest. The demon crouched low as It swiveled its tail in one swooping motion, swatting Tayler like a fly. Aiden seem to regain his consciousness.

Vydra screamed again.

"Put a sock on it woman! Turning deaf here" Gab said putting his hands on his ears.

Then Gab turned to the demon. Who was now in combat with Aiden. Dodging, turning, countering Aiden's attacks. Its movements were swift and vicious, but there was grace to it. The motion seem so effortless and smooth that it looked choreographed.

"Oh come on demon, is that all you've got?" Gab taunted. This seem to piss the demon off as it sprung from the ground.

The demon extended its wings to full length, showing its complete form. It looked like there was another set of tiny wings - sort of like a butteflies overlaping ones, except that this was in pure black and pointy. It was horrifyingly beautiful.

The demon snarled at Gab with so much venom I shivered. A terriying growl ripped from its throat. It flew a little closer then flipped Gab off. I don't think I was imagining that, its middle finger was rudely raised directly at Gab.

"Very mature!" Gab said laughing. Simon was laughing too.

"What the hell is wrong wiith you guys. Its killing them" Vydra said in panicked tones.

"Oh no, your mistaken, that one is harmless" Gab said

"Harmless? It's a demon" Vydra shrieked.

"Fine" Simon said sighing.

"Put the wolves down. Stop playing with them" Simon said noncholantly, saying it slowly emphasizing each word.

It growled baring its teeth in defiance. I was puzzled that Gab and Simon didn't seem bothered at all. Simons scythe didn't materialize like this demon wasn't a threat. It ignored Simon with a huff as It continued to brawl with the wolves.

"Its a demon, I dont think it will listen to you! Its evil!" Vydra yelled.

'It is not evil" Simon said firmly.

"Then do something about it" Vydra barked looking from Gab to Simon.

"Im not getting in the middle of that" Gab said.

Vydra was weeping, she was hysterical. She had every right to be. I, on the other hand, continued to alternate with yelps and shrieks as I watch the horror in front of me. I grabbed on to Simons arms, as he gently patted my hand.

Tayler and Aiden were circling the demon. They attacked it from both sides keeping it from flying. It got a hold of Aiden and violently shook him. Its tail, having a mind of its own, protectively thrashed around, keeping Tayler in a distance.

"I mean it put him down" Simon said.

The demon slightly tilted its head like it understood. Still swishing its serpant tail.

I was astonished, the demon finally obeyed. Its growl was like a whinning child, with its toy taken away. It slowly released Aiden, but as soon as it did. Tayler pounced knocking the demon off balance. Aiden recovered, quickly pinning it firmly on the ground. The wolves on each side of the demon holding its wings and arms down.

Inraged, Aiden was growling, showing his own set of canines. The demons tail was about to lash him off when Simon voice distracted everyone echoing with a boom...

"Really now? Stop toying with the wolf will you?

Aiden and Tayler was still on top of the demon. Aiden looked so pissed that he lashed his claws on, striking the pinned down demon. It screamed in pain, its voice changing into a girly wail. Right before their eyes, it shifted form.

The once angry werewolves was shocked to see the face of their enemy. The wolves held their breath staring at a girls face. Her long hair was sprawled on the ground, her dress slightly lifted, giving Tayler a good look at her legs and - boy did he look. Aiden, had managed to rip a part of her dress, exposing her stomach. There claws piercing her skin as she layed down.

"Janis?" I said in horror.

Janis turned her head towards me.

"Hi Lorraine" she said her voice slighty strained.

"Do you mind getting these fucktards off me?" She said in distain.

"Surprise! Told you, you should see her when shes angry" Gab smiled. He grinned like a fool as he led everyone inside the cabin leaving Janis, Aiden and Tayler.

"Dont mind them, let them sort things out and play nice" Gab beckoned, putting an arm around Vydra ushering her forward in the cabin. Vydra was too shocked to say a word nor refuse Gab.

"Come on, shows over" Simon said as he took my hand firmly, walking me towards the door.

Simon looked back once, seeing that the wolves were still in a complete uproar unable to bury the hatchet. He figured if they still wanted to fight Janis can hold her own and gladly grant their request.

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