Chapter 5 - "Missing in Action"

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"There is no fair. There is no justice. There is just me."
~ Death, discworld

After much chitchat, Simon and Gab walked back to us. Gab was left by my side as Simon signaled Janis that he needed to talk to her in private. He hulled her away.

"This is going to be interesting" Gab mused.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Just watch them." Gab said with a grin pointing to Janis and Simon.

Janis looked very angry. I was astounded by how much rage she could muster with her tiny stature. Simon was towering over her, flailing his arms trying to make her listen. I saw Janis tiptoe and whack him hard on the head. Gab howled with laughter, as if he was use to seeing this sort of thing.

"Don't worry, its not about you, Janis hates taking orders from Simon" he said.

"Just wait till shes really angry" Gab spoke through his laughter.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, genuinely curious.

" Oh, you'll see." Gab said, in a mocking undertone.

Janis and Simon, looked like they have came to an agreement as they approached us. Janis, was still scowling when she reached out for my hand. Again, lesbian moment. What the hell? That scent..

"Close your eyes, take a deep breath" she said.

I complied. I felt a sudden explosion through my body, being both pulled forward and backwards. It was a rush, like my body was dissolved into tiny pieces. I opened my eyes and found myself sitting on my bed, my own bed.

I was breathless. Janis and Simon were hoovering over each side of me.

"Janis, for once please do what your told. Come to me when your done here" Simon barked his order disappearing through the wall.

Janis sighed. She sat beside me mumbling to herself. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

"Here, wear this" Janis said placing a necklace on my hand. It was beautifully crafted with a large black stone in the middle. It looked expensive.

"Its a gift, never remove it" she said helping me wear it.

Janis explained she had to follow Simon and leave me. He couldn't handle the demon hunting alone and therefore, ordered her to be by his side. So, in the event I needed her or any of them, I just have to press the stone.

She said she'll come immediately. I could see it in her eyes, that she didn't want to go at all, but orders were orders .

"I wont be far. I promise. I'll come when you call" her voice full of worry.

I stared at her intently. Her aroma, tickling my nose, invoking emotions I though I never had. What was this? I jolted of the bed, startled as my phone rang. I quickly answered it, distracting myself from my bi-curiosity.

"Hello? Lorraine?" another worried voice boomed.

"Oh my God! V! Just the person I wanted to speak to! How are you?" My voice sounded a little rattled, but I was excited to speak to her, I felt happy just hearing my best friends voice.

"What do you mean by how am I? I should be the one asking you that! I've been trying to call you all week! You've been MIA on me!" Vydra said

"Huh? A week? I've just been gone for 2 days! What are you talking about?

Vydra laughed as she said its already been a week. She told me how smoothly things have been going with her and Tayler. Aiden too was coming around. The two have been oddly chummy. My Nana was doing pretty well too.

I felt a little relaxed, getting a glimpse at my old life. Even as the conversation ended, I didn't think Vydra had any incling about what was happening. I caught Janis trying to weasel her way out and disappear on me.

"And where do you think your going?" I asked.

Janis made a couple of weird faces, then said...

"Lorraine, I am so sorry! Time in our realm is different from time here. I didnt realize it till now.

"Don't worry your uncle didn't know you were missing, I placed him on a trance thinking you were just around the house. But as for your friends, I didn't expect they'd call you as much"

I had no idea how to reply to that, as far as I knew, a week had already passed and I spent most of it asleep in the otherworld. As if things couldn't get any worse, my birthday was coming up.

"Lorraine, I'm really, really, really sorry. If theres anything I can do to make you feel better just tell me. Don't be mad at me." Janis said.

"I'm not mad at you. I just think all of this is a bit too overwhelming " I replied.

Janis understood as she started to take her leave. She gave me another hug then reminded me of the necklace.

"Press it if you need me" she repeated, disappearing through the wall.

I didn't leave my room. I woke up the next day feeling a bit gritty, my hair still a mess, all tangled. I felt like I've been dragged to one place too many, I just wanted to stay in bed the whole day. Losing time was one thing, but spending it in the otherworld, with the most unlikely characters is an entirely new level of craziness.

I was now having difficulty distinguishing hallucinations from reality. This all screwed with my head. I reached for my neck, giving it a little massage.The necklace Janis gave me still adorned my neck.

I looked around for any hooded figure or his assistant or a gigantic dog. There was no sign of them maybe, they would leave me alone today.

I took a long relaxing bath then went back to bed, taking my blanket and pulling it against my head. It wasn't long till I fell asleep.

"Wakey, wakey sleepy head"

What the hell! Someone was being annoying. Currently, all I wanted was to be sleeping beauty, years of slumber didn't sound that bad at all.

I removed the blanket covering my face, I quickly sat up and saw Vydra and Tayler.

"What are you guys doing here?" I snapped.

"Can't you see I''m sleeping!"

"Someone's in a bad mood!" Vydra chuckled.

"Get dressed were going camping! Road trip!" Vydra insisted.

"V, you know I love you guys, but I'm really not in the mood! This is not the time"

"Lorraine, I don't care if I have to carry you downstrairs, everythings been taken care of! I already spoke to your uncle!"

Vydra was persistent, I was giving Tayler the evil eye, but he shrugged it off. He always gave in to Vydra's demands. So from the two of them, I knew Vydra always had her way.

Tsk. These two didn't give me much of a choice. Vydra didn't take no for an answer.

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