If someone aks me why I'm happy, I will tell them that the world is beautiful.
If someone asks me why I'm laughing I will tell them that in this beautiful world are beautiful people.
If someone asks me why I have so much happines, I will tell them that in this beautiful world, with the beautiful people comes happines to me.
If someone asks me why I'm sad, I will tell them that the world is bad.
If someone asks me why I'm crying, I will tell them that in this bad world are bad people.
If someone asks me why I have so much sadness, I will tell them that in this bad world, with bad people comes sadness to me.
There are always two sides of life.
Always two opinions.
And there are always two kinds of people.And when you know this, then you opened your eyes,and you can enjoy your life. If someone don't like what you are doing, wait for other people. Maybe they do like it and if they don't, don't stop doing.
This is your life.
(Ein Dankeschön an @PrincessOfAHoran für's überarbeiten meines schlechten Englisches :3)
Freedom - Für all diese kleinen und großen Texte
PuisiAll diese kleinen und großen Texte. All diese Dinge die von Herzen kommen. Die Ideen die im Kopf entspringen oder aus der Realität stammen. Diese Texte die aus vielein kleinen zusammengesetzt sind oder einem einzigen entsprechen. Alles was ich schon...