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PTSD, YEAH, that was fitting enough. ptsd, survivors guilt, paranoia. and carter's friends knew she suffered this, yet simon still made it his responsibility to joke about that night. the poor girl couldn't even fall asleep without music playing, and to make matters worse, the fraser twins, who she was closest with, were gone, in sunnyvale.

she also had to walk to school. not alone, she had deena and josh of course, but still. it's like nothing was enough to relieve her of the images of heather's dead body, accompanied by ryan's, running through her head. god, he'd just been joking with them, and then he was targeting them.

she looked to deena as they walked in silence. they had a shoebox in hand, looking at it as they walked.

"what's with the box?" carter inquires, her eyes bright with curiosity at the vibrant box.

"sam's stuff," deena sneers, their face going cold as their ex's name rolled off their tongue. carter merely gave an awkward nod before looking forward again, missing the pitiful look she'd received from her brother.

walking through the school doors, josh immediately ran towards his class, he was always paranoid of being late.

"so.. you and sam are really done, huh?" carter cautiously asks her sister,

"yeah, if she doesn't care about me anymore, i don't care about her."

deena and sam broke up a few months ago, for multiple reasons. some were valid, yet some weren't. one was the fact sam and her brother moved to sunnyvale with their mother, not wanting to live with their dead-beat dad. another reason was that sam loved someone else. and while deena was crushed at first, she got over it rather quickly. it'd be unfair to keep sam away from who she loved for selfish reasons.

"you never told me what happened," carter pushes, boy was this girl determined.

"because it's not your business!" deena snaps. ouch, but, carter didn't blame her, she understood this must be hard for her.

"i-i'm sorry," deena apologizes, voice wavering slightly. she'd always promised herself to never yell at carter, afraid she'd might trigger some kind of old memory, yet recently, she'd found herself breaking that rule more often than not.

carter just nods, giving deena a soft smile and a quick hug. deena and carter turned to their lockers which were, thankfully, right next to each other. carter looked to the locker next to her, it had pictures of heather scattered all over it. she couldn't help but remember heather's pleading cries for help, and how she couldn't get to her in time.

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