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simon came out of the office with a box labeled, 'lost and found'.

throwing it down, everyone began to rummage through it to find clothes to wear.

"alright, we have to decontaminate. you can't have a single drop of sam and felix's blood on you," josh tells us, as if it wasn't one of the the main reasons we came here in the first place.

"well, not much i can do about that," sam sulks, walking away. carter quickly trotted after her.

"carter, you have to get clean too, okay? not a single drop!" josh calls out just as carter and sam slip out of view.

kate and jupiter made their way to the girls bathroom, josh and simon doing the same.

felix was about to make his way into a classroom, but turned around before opening to door of the dark room,

"ju, i don't wanna be alone.."

jupiter looks to the boy, hesitantly nodding. they followed him in, flicking on the light switch.

going to the opposite side of the room, they each began to change.

"do you really think this is going to work?" jupiter asks, her voice wavering and unsure, opposing her usual certainty.

"i do," felix nods, knowing he was probably wrong and someone was going to die tonight.

his bets were on him and sam.

"do you really?"

felix sighs, knowing that if he told them what he really thought, they'd panic. but if he lied, he knew they'd see right through it.

"what if- what if tonight is it for all of us," jupiter speaks again, and felix could hear the shuffling of their feet.

"ju, we're going to get out of here," he reassures, slipping his shirt on.

"felix you don't understand. it's like, when i'm with you, i don't worry about anything anymore. the fear of going back to my parents. of not being accepted for who i am. it all just fades away into dust when i look in your eyes," jupiter confesses, a few sniffles leaving her body at the last sentence.

"i can't lose you."

"how about this, when this is over, when we live. i'm taking you on a date," he tells her. he was hoping he hadn't read the signs wrong, and that she liked him too. or he was just standing there like an idiot.

"promise?" jupiter squeaks, turning around, hoping he was no longer naked.


"i hate this," carter says, letting out a short laugh. her and sam had their backs to each other as they changed.

"this is all my fault."

"sam, come on. it's felix's fault too," carter jokes, and hearing that small little laugh from sam during all this made her heart warm.

"look at me," sam rasps, her voice basically pleading. carter turned around, catching eye of her body. sam was wearing knew pants, and her bra.

"can you make sure i'm clean?"

carter nods, turning sam around, she winced at sam's gash, grabbing a bunch of gauze and medical tape, wrapping the wound.

"thanks," sam mutters.

"you know, when i'm with you, i feel like me?" carter speaks after a moment of silence. sam looks up, eye-to-eye with the half clothed girl.

"so do i," sam smiles, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to carter's lips. they separate with goofy smiles, enjoying the silence that was ruined at the noise of the math classroom door shutting.

jupiter and felix walked out of the classroom hand in hand, meeting eyes with josh, kate, deena, and simon.

"shit — did you two?" simon hints, pointing at jupiter an felix with a goofy smile.

"what? no!" jupiter shrieks, causing a laugh to leave felix's lips.

"but you kissed huh?" simon took their silence as an answer, "i knew it! i knew you liked each other!" simon pumps his fists in the air as carter and sam return to our group.

"wait — did you all go to pound town?" simon asks, taking everyone's silence as a yes.

"me too," he giggles.

"the trap is simple. we set the bait, and the killers go to the blood."

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