Chapter 3

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It was early in the morning when I left my dwelling. I stopped at the blacksmith's shop to make a purchase. 

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?" the blacksmith asked.

"I would like to buy a weapon."

"Take your pick, I have everything from swords to catalysts." The blacksmith gestured toward a rack of weapons. I figure that it would be easiest to teach Hu Tao how to use a polearm since that is what I use myself. The weakest polearm should suffice, I do not want her to hurt herself.

"I'll take a Beginner's Protector." I took out my wallet.

"Great, that will be 500 mora." I handed the man my payment and took the polearm.

I then went back to Hu Tao's home to wake her so that she may begin her training. I slowly shook her, trying to wake the girl. She slowly opened her eyes, yawning.

"Mr. Zhongli why did you wake me up so early? It's still dark outside."

"We must begin your training, get ready and come with me." I walked out of her room and sat down at the kitchen table.

She took the next ten minutes getting herself ready then came out of her room.

"I'm ready to start!" she exclaimed.


I led her to a field on Wuwang Hill. 

"Hu Tao I bought something for you this morning." I said when we arrived at where the training would commence.

"What is it?" She asked.

I took out the Beginner's Protector and handed it to her.

"Thank you Mr. Zhongli." She held the polearm and felt along it's sides then she ran her finger along it's blade.

"Hold it 2/3 up the handle with one hand, like this." I summoned my weapon, a Vortex Vanquisher to be specific.

"Woah! How did you do that?" she stared at the polearm in my hand.

"That is a lesson for another day."

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I watched Hu Tao's polearm light up with flames. She swiftly slashed the head of her Beginner's Protector across a hilichurl dummy that I have stuck into the ground for her to practice on.

"Did you see that Mr. Zhongli?" Hu Tao exclaimed, proud of herself.

"Yes I did, you are learning quickly."

"When can I fight real hilichurls? Or geovishaps? I've seen them before and hilichurls are small, geovishaps not so much but I could manage." the girl looked up at me with a pleading look in her eyes. She is rushing, wanting to take on enemies she is not yet ready for.

"I don't think you are ready for hilichurls or geovishaps yet," I paused, trying to think of a way to please her but nit in a too dangerous way, "I suppose we could find some cicins or slimes though." Her eyes brightened.

"Yay! Can we go now?"

"I don't see why not."

The both of us found ourselves wandering near Qingce Village in search of an easy enemy. I tapped on Hu Tao's shoulder as my eyes landed on a group of six electro slimes and a large electro slime.

"Be quiet, move carefully." I whispered to her as we began inching closer to the slimes.


Hu Tao's polearm lit and she darted to the slimes, swinging her weapon at them. She was distracted by repeatedly hitting a slime with her Beginner's Protector that she didn't notice the large slime coming up behind her. Without thinking I hit the slime with my Vortex  Vanquisher. Hu Tao whipped around just in time to see the slime fall. The slimes were gone now, I grabbed the girl by the arm and pulled her aside.

"You need to be more careful. That slime was right behind you and you are not strong enough to not be hurt by it's blow."

"You're being overprotective! I would've been fine, and even if I had been hurt, so what?" her brows were furrowed and she gave me a look that said don't hold me back!

I stopped walking and knelt down. Looking in her red eyes I said, "I just don't want you to get hurt please understand that, I don't know what I would do if I lost you too." Over the past week I had become attached to the small girl. I have seen the passing of many whom I have cared for over my 6000 years of life. I wish I never had to experience losing any of them but I know that when the day comes, I will see the death of Hu Tao as well.

Hu Tao looked at me, I think she understood but I'm not quite sure. 

The two of us then started our trek back to  Liyue Harbor. 

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When we got back to my house Hu Tao was silent, it was strange.  She's never quiet. I started preparing dinner, I am not a very good cook but it is late and I assume Wanmin Restaurant is closed by now. 

An hour later I placed two steaks on the table, one for me and one for Hu Tao.

Hu Tao looked at the steak and then back up at me, she seemed to study my face closely. I lifted a piece of steak to my mouth and looked back at the girl.

"Mr. Zhongli, are you Rex Lapis?" 

I nearly choked on my steak. 

"Hu Tao, where is this question coming from?"

"You look like the Statue of Seven we passed, and you said you didn't want to lose me too then just stared at the ground for a few minutes and I know someone can lose a lot of people in their lifetime but the way you said it just seemed odd."

I froze, looking at her I realized just how smart this girl is.

"Also, I remember grandfather saying that you two had been friends when he was young and you don't look over thirty years old."

I didn't know if I should take that as a compliment or panic.

"It's getting late, we should go to bed." I got up and turned toward the door of my bedroom.

"But you never answered my question! Mr. Zhongli!"

I stepped inside my room and closed the door.

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