Chapter 3

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In honor of Shawn's New Album, here's an update 🖖🏻 and if you don't have the album brag your parents about the "good" improvements your doing in school 😏

"I plan to go back home and tell her how I feel about her.." Shawn played with his fingers.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I mean they both broke up didn't they?

"She used the 'L' word on me a couple of weeks ago and I never said it back" he sniffled.

"Oh" was all I could say but for some reason inside me I didn't quite believe him but yet then again I just met him and don't really know much about him.

"I know I'm an asshole" he shakes his head.
"No! Your not its just at the time did you really feel ready to tell her?"

He stayed quiet and cleared his throat.

"I don't know...." he answer truthfully.
"I never thought of those words until she mentioned it" he added.

"Those words can be a pain in the ass" I crossed my legs. He came over to where he was standing and sat next to me.

"Yes" he agreed.

"You know what? Let's do something fun" I smiled at him.

"Don't you have school tomorrow?"

"Yes for like 1 more year"

"What are we going to do at 11:30 at night?" He asked.

"I could show you all the cool spots I know I mean for god sakes we're in New York, the city that never sleeps" I looked over the skyscraper.

It stayed quiet for a moment until he finally sighed and got up.

"Why not let's just clear my mind" he agreed.

"Yes that's the Shawn I wanna hear" I got up and patted his back.

The rain cooled down a bit as we walked back to the cafe to get into his rental car and go exploring for the night in the city.

As we made it back to the cafe I stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I opened my hand towards him, he raised an eyebrow confused.

"The keys" I said.

"License and registration please" he joked.
"I have my license but the car isn't mine or yours" I said smartly.
"True, license please?" he asked.

I digged through my bag searching for my wallet and took out my license.

"How do you have a license but not a car?"
"I'm working on the car part" I laughed and got my license and headed towards the driver seat but he grabbed a hold of my wrist grabbing my full attention.

"Can I trust you?" he asked.

At first I thought as if he was joking but looking into his brown eyes he was being dead serious. So I put my hand on his and look deeply into his eyes.

"Never trust a stranger" I said giggling at the end making him go in fear.

"I'm kidding, you can trust me" I smiled and walked over to the driver seat of the truck. I turned on the ignition hearing the car turn on. Haven't heard that in a long time. Shawn got in and we both buckled up.

"When was the last time you drove?"
"Last time I stole a car" I said.
"What?!" Shawn almost yelled as I pulled out of the parking and starting driving off to one of my favorite spots.

"Tell me your kidding" Shawn grabbed onto the door handle which was locked.
"You need to learn how to take a sarcasm Mendes" I smiled keeping my eyes on the road.

He chuckled in relief.

"So aren't your parents going to be worried about you? You know for not coming home at your usual time?" he asked.

"My mom works an over night shift till I'm already in school" I explain to him.
"Seems tough" he admits.

"I mean as long we're earning some money it's all good" I smile.

"How are you unworried about all this?"


"Yea your life with working going to school, focusing on your homework?"

"Not everyone has an easy life in this world" I say simply. It got quiet for a moment.

"So where we going conductor? Your not bad of a driver to be honest" he said impressed seeing he was smiling at the corner of my eye.

"Where you staying?" I asked making a turn.

"Four Season Hotel" he said making my eyes widen.

"Holy crap, that's an expensive hotel" I looked over at him for a second then turned my focus back onto the road. He just shrugged. I continued driving to the hotel. Shawn grabbed the aux cord and played some Ed Sheeran.

I tapped my fingers to Don't on the steering wheel.

"You into Ed?" He asked.

"Who isn't? I'm actually a big fan of his music" I said.

"I actually met him a while ago" he mentions.

"You did not!" I said with my eyes widen actually fan-girling.

"He's a chill guy" he smiled proudly of himself.

I made a right turn to enter the hotels parking garage finding an automatic parking space and parked there turning the ignition off. Then turn to Shawn.

"So..." He said awkwardly.
"Ever gotten on the subway?" I asked.
"Perfect" I smiled and got out of the car locking it behide me just as Shawn closed the door.


Edited // Published April 15, 2015

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