Chapter 11

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"I'm surprised they let you get away with it" I said surprise walking up the park with Shawn.

"They were cool with it I guess" he put his hands in his pockets.

"Are you kidding me? My mom would've flipped and grounded me for life" I laughed.

"Talking about your mom, have she talked about her job" he asked concern. I sighed.

"No, she's at a doctor's appointment right now but it will come up eventually" I said confident.

"Your different Nova" he said as we made a stop sitting at a bench near the lake.

"Exactly what Matt said when we first met" I answered. He put his arms behind the bench.

"Talking about Matt how did it went between you two?"

"It actually went well, we're good" he said.

A wind blew making me shiver but tried to ignore it. Guess Shawn noticed cause he handed me his maroon sweater.

"No it's fine" I laughed.
"Here it's not 'gentleman like' to not give a girl your sweater when it's cold out" he said and handed me the sweater.

"Fine only because I don't want you to bother me" I laughed and put the sweater around my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh your Shawn Mendes" A freshman I'm assuming squealed laying their eyes on him.

"Can I please take a picture with you?" She asked.

"Yea sure" he said without a problem.

"Here let me take the picture" I suggested and took her iPhone to take a couple picture.

"Let's take one all together" she smiled.

"Um I'm not sure" I said unconvinced to take a group picture.

"Oh come on" Shawn said pulling me and put his arm around my shoulder smiling for the picture. I couldn't help but stare at how sweet he is to his fans. I always thought famous people were selfish and hypocrites.

"Thank you guys so much" the fan smiled getting me out of my thoughts. She already took the picture?

"Um your welcome" I smiled.

"Hey tweet the picture?" Shawn asked.

"I'll tag you" she joked causing all of us to laugh.

She walked off happily.

"Oh shit" I remembered something.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried.

"I forgot I have to help Matt after school" I said grabbing my bag and checked my phone.

Matt😎👌🏼: 5 Messages

I opened it up.

Matt: Hey where you at?
Did you ditch me?
Alright then I see how you are..
I'm kidding please answer
Eat booty like grocery?

I laughed like an idiot at his messages and showed them to Shawn.

"Mind giving me a ride to the café?" I asked.

"Yea" he smiled and brought me to his chest walking to his car. We literally just met last night and were already this close. Usually when I meet someone new it's awkward at first.

But Shawn is different, he's a chill guy and opened up to me without a problem. He's adorable.


The bell chimed as we enter the café and saw Matt sitting at the counters bothering Sam as always.

"Great your here, control this boy" she said in annoyance going to tables to pour coffee for the customers.

"You like her" I said to Matt.

"No I don't!" She grinned.

When Matt and Sam first saw each other they both asked me questions about each other wanting to know some information and facts. Now they annoying each other "not liking one another". Lies.

"Come on you idiot, let's get to studying" I said to Matt wrapping my arm around his shoulder and messed up his hair. He chuckled and pushed me away gently.

"Aye yo Shawn C'mon" Matt gestured to him to come with us.

"Wow half an hour with him and you two are getting along I see" I smiled as Matt placed his arm around my neck.

"He's alright" he confesses.

I smiled at Matt, he finally accepts another guy friend I have met.


Is it weird that Nova and Matt's friendship makes me a bit jealous. They've known each other for a long while before I've met her. Then again I just met her. I turned around to see the cafe and spotted a girl take a quick picture of me.

"Aye yo Shawn C'mon" Matt called out putting his hand around Nov. I followed him behind the counter up some stairs.

They seemed to be talking then noticed Nova smiled at him. That's when I finally noticed that I was dumb of her having the same feelings as I did for her.

Who am I kidding, Even if we dated it wouldn't work out anyways.

Does your mind ever play with you thinking that someone likes you?

Well that's exactly what it was doing this entire time I was with Nova.

We finally reached a door when Nova opened it with a key she had. A roof was in the view. You could see the Brooklyn Bridge from here.

"Come in don't be shy" she smiled beautifully at me.


I can't be thinking like that about her anymore. She has feelings toward Matt and obviously he feels the same toward her, I can't get in the way of that.

Then she grabbed my hand holding it for a while.

I noticed Matt staring at our hands making me remove mine quickly and walked over to the view.

A.N.; thank you guys so much for voting and commenting it's makes me so happy that you guys are enjoying it which makes me write more💜

Edited // Published July 15, 2015

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