A very Tony Stark wedding part one 1/2: the morning after.

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***********mildly bad language in this chapter**********************

Loki awoke first the next morning, sunlight piercing his sensitive eyes.

"By the nine," Loki muttered trying to sit up. The process was hindered by a body across his chest.

Why the hell is Tony Stark using me as a pillow?!?! Loki thought as he gave up trying to move. Tony snuggled closer.

"Morning Pep," he said opening his eyes.

"Shit! You're not Pepper. He yelled and jumped back when he realized it was Loki.

"Oh you think not? Wonderful deduction Sherlock." (You see what I did there?) Loki snarled sitting up.

Why are you in my bed? Oh no we didn't, did we? Did we fondue Loki? Tell me something!" A hand came down firmly over Tony's mouth stemming the flow of words.

"Stark." Loki stated eyes narrowed. Tony translated that to SHUT UP. Loki continued.

"I do not think we as you say, 'Fondued' I remember the captain putting us in here. I assume it was a feeble joke." Tony breathed a sigh.

"Thank the thunderer." He said jokingly. Loki gave him a cursory glance.

"Get dressed, I don't want to see your chest."

"Hey my chest is sexy, scarred or not." (For proof, see ironman one..) Loki scoffed at him and got in the shower.

Tony dressed halfway presentably and brushed his hair. What? A guy can't use a brush?

"Stark, I assume you are dressed?" Loki said from around the corner.

"Yes prince-ass" Tony said rolling his eyes. Loki walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist and a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. Tony stared for a second, because hey! That's a little much to take in this early in the morning. Loki noticed Tony staring and shook his hips slightly.

"You likey?" He said teasingly. Tony shook his head. Loki translated that to yes, Tony's face was tinged lightly pink, had he made the man with a glass heart blush? Interesting.

"No, me used too likey that towel, not anymore." Loki smirked, and stepped closer to Tony.

"You know you want it. I know you want it. I know you want it your a Good giiiiiiirl" Tony groaned and shoved his head under a pillow, toothbrush and all.

"Stop it Loki! I don't want to see you naked anymore!" Loki grabbed a pair of underwear before jumping on Tony's back.

"You looooove meeeee. Loki sang in Tony's ear

"You loooove Meeeeeeee"


"Yooooooooooouuuuuu looooooveeeeee meeeeeeeeeee"

"Stop it!" Tony rolled over to find Loki straddling his hips. Loki looked down at the genius, sizing him up.

"You love me," he said leaning close to Tony's face. Tony shook his head.

"Not a chance, frosty," from this, sprang an impromptu staring match. Neither man heard the door unlock.

"What in the name of mike?!!?!?" Steve shrieked slamming the door shut. Loki and Tony stared for a second, before laughing. Loki got off of Tony and rolled onto his side of the bed, laughing.

"Oh his face!" Loki cried tears leaking.

Tony laughed, pushing Loki's head to the side.

"Should we explain?"

"No way. Why waste this Norns-given opportunity?"

".... I love you Loki."

".... Of course, I am always right." Loki looked over at the genius, feigning adoration (or so he says....)

"We should go through with the wedding." He said in a hushed voice. Tony tried not to laugh.

"Of course we should, I love you." The men stared at each other for a second, before bursting out laughing.

"We are so awful! Stark!"

"Yes, yes we are!"

A/N. Hey! I know I said no more updates but I had to post this short little thing. FYI: I am writing this new one shot series about well, female Tony Stark and Loki. So if you don't mind check it out! ( there will beh smuttehness. You be warned)

(Okay last thing, I'm doing a contest on my text story so plz go enter! I will love you forever! M'kay, byyyeee)

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