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Darkness surrounds me, and I start to panic, but he's there, a calming presence in the midst of chaos, and I feel safe. He may be my enemy, but I can't resist him no matter what I do. I remember General Organa telling me that he used to be a Jedi in training, but Supreme Leader Snoke corrupted his mind. Then, I woke up in the familiar, dark room that had become my home, and I sighed in frustration. Just another dream, I thought to myself as I put on my uniform. I've been an officer on the Finalizer for nearly two months, gathering intelligence on the First Order's movements. People kept mentioning a place that they simply call "Starkiller". I've informed General Organa of the name of the place, and she told me to keep my ears open for any additional information. Today, I learned from General Hux that we're paying a visit to the Starkiller, and I recognized the opportunity to gather more information about it.

When the Finalizer arrived at the Starkiller, I realized that it's the First Order's base of operations, but more importantly, I noticed the giant cannon and equipment encompassing the planet's equator. It's not just a base. It's a super weapon the likes of which the galaxy hasn't seen since the second Death Star, I thought in fear, trembling slightly. I also noticed the snow-covered surface of the planet below, and I inwardly groaned. I'm cold-blooded, seeing as I'm a member of a species known as Dinaurians, which are basically dinosaur people, and therefore reptilian. I returned to my quarters and grabbed my thickest coat before heading to my assigned troop transport. About halfway there, I felt a strong hand grab my shoulder, and I gulped before turning around to face Kylo Ren. "What's your name?" He asked softly, his voice distorted by his mask. "Officer Duna Nichs, sir," I said with a salute. "I thought so. Come with me," he said, and I resisted the urge to shiver in terror. This can't be anything good.

I followed him all the way to his command shuttle, parked in its own hangar. He had me enter the ship before him, and I took a seat where he indicated. We took off and headed to the planet below, where I shivered despite wearing my coat. He brought me to his personal quarters, and told me that he was going to speak to Supreme Leader Snoke. When he left, I felt something pulling me towards the side of the room, like I was caught in a tractor beam. I walked over to a shelf that looked somewhat out of place, and it opened for me before I got a chance to reach out my hand. I walked into the room behind it, finding it to be very simple, just having a chair and a pedestal in it. It was the pedestal that seemed to be calling to me, or rather, the object on top of it. When I saw what the object was, I stumbled backwards, my right foot kicking the pedestal as I fell to the floor. When I looked at it again, I could see something that was black and silver, and I recognized it as a lightsaber. I reached out and touched it, and I saw something that I wasn't expecting. I saw Luke Skywalker fighting a figure in a black life support suit. I watched him cut the figure's hand off, then look at his own hand, which I know is also cybernetic, from what General Organa has told me before. I abruptly returned to the mostly empty room, the lightsaber still in my hand. "What are you doing in here?" A familiar voice asked from behind me, and I whipped around to face Kylo Ren. "I'm sorry. I felt like something was pulling me in here. Then I found this lightsaber in here, and when I touched it, it was like I went back in time or something," I quickly explained.

"Interesting..." he said, gently lifting my chin so that I can look at him. "What?" I asked. "You don't know?" He asked. "Am I supposed to?" I asked. "You're sensitive to the Force," he said bluntly. That explains a lot, I thought, and to my astonishment, I heard a different voice in my head. I've seen your past. I know that you're a spy. But I'm not going to hurt you. You could be a great apprentice, the unfamiliar voice said. I gulped and realized that there's only one person whose voice it could be. "You want me to be your apprentice?" I asked. "Yes, I do," he said. "I... I would be honored to become your apprentice," I said. "Good choice," he replied in a low voice. I followed him back into his quarters, where he began digging around in a drawer. I couldn't see what he was doing, but it was pretty clear to me that he couldn't find whatever he was looking for. After a bit, he finally closed the drawer and straightened up before turning back to face me. "Here," he said simply, holding out a lightsaber hilt that greatly resembled his own. I took it from him and clipped it to my belt before thanking him. With that, he dismissed me to my new quarters, which he told me were on the immediate right side of his. I walked in and took in everything around me, putting my belongings in the bedroom before I fully explored my quarters. I quickly found a climate control system, which I turned up to almost 32 degrees, which instantly made me feel much better.

It wasn't long before I had to leave the Starkiller again, as the Finalizer was being prepared to go to a planet called Jakku to investigate a tip that a portion of a map that led to the location of missing Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. I boarded Kylo Ren's command ship with him, and we went to the Finalizer to await departure. While I was waiting for departure, someone came into my room at a rather... awkward moment, while I was putting my officer uniform on, and I didn't have my shirt on. I didn't even know that I wasn't alone until I heard a voice. His voice. "Is this a bad time? Because I can come back later," he asked, and I spun around to face him, holding my shirt in front of my torso. "I... w-well..." I stammered, feeling very embarrassed. I noticed that he wasn't wearing his helmet, which was under his arm. "Um... could you please turn around so I can put my shirt on?" I asked nervously. "Right, sorry," he said, turning around while I put my shirt on. "Okay, so I came to tell you that I want your first assignment as my apprentice to be observing Jakku, just in case," he said. With a handsome face like that, how could I possibly say no? I asked myself, keeping in mind that if I valued my life, I wouldn't say no. "Thank you, Master," I said. With that, he left the room, and I got ready for my first assignment. Once I was finished, I let my mind wander to my earlier conversation with Kylo Ren. I could have sworn that I caught him checking me out, but I had no plans to ever bring it up.


So, here's a new Star Wars story for you to enjoy. Each of the Star Wars/Fossil Fighters crossovers that I write are standalone stories until I can come up with a female dinaurian original character, and any suggestions for one would be greatly appreciated. Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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