Chapter 1

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10 years ago

The moon full and glowing brightly gave light and energy to the pack as they ran through the woods on the hunt. The many howls of each wolf echoed in the night as paws dug up the hard ground. Alpha Tristan stayed at the front of the pack barking out commands to the left now Griffin he spoke through the mind-link fast as he smelled the small herd of deer switch directions. His beta quickly obeyed and turned howling out the order to the others in the hunting party. Hearing the deer slow to a halt he stopped as well a good distance away and sunk low to the ground.

The hunting party caught up and followed suits getting low waiting for the signal to go. Tristan growled softly licking his chops before giving the go ahead charging the group. Just before He snagged one, a loud ear piercing cry caught his attention stay alert I'll check it out he turned as the hunting party took down a few bucks while he looked for the source of the cry. Tuning into the sounds around him he headed off to the left of the deer group and came across a gulley with what looked like a small child crying at the bottom of it.

Confused he slowly made his way down the hill to her being cautious of the little human since in his wolf form he looked the size of a bear. The little girl looked barley 3 years old her face covered in scrapes and scratches from the twigs. She wailed and cried loudly but that's not what drew him close it was her vibrant white hair that peeked his curiosity. Crawling around she turned tears streaming down her face as she looked at his monstrous form but it surprised him that he smelled no fear from her at all. She slowly crawled over to him and pulled herself to stand holding his leg, afraid he would hurt her he simply stayed still letting her hold him.

She tapped his chest and spoke sort of "wooofie...warm" he tilted his wolf head and crouched down to look at her on eye level 'you really don't fear me child?' He thought at her since young children were more susceptible to the mind link and her white hair had to count for something. She grinned and petted his head softly "wolfie nice..I no scared" he blinked at her confident reply 'where are your parents little one?' She looked up at him with tears welling up in her eyes and hugged his neck more '"I no know...tey gone"

He sighed and helped her climb onto his back 'Come I will care for you' as she climbed up a small crystal pendant fell from her pocket he eyes it and carefully lifted it in his mouth 'careful pup you dropped this' handing it to her she squealed happily "tank you wolfie!" He chuffed and trotted back to the den sending the others the all clear signal alright head back to the den I'll meet you all there he took his time to not shake her around too much. He could feel her tiny hands petting his fur gently as they came upon the cave den alright little one what is your name so I can introduce you to my pack he paused waiting her reply.

She gripped his fur tight "I Velora wolfie" her tiny voice echoed in the caves. He nodded and stepped into the den awaiting his hunting party to return. Quickly shifting to human he had shorts on and held her "so little Velora are you hungry the pack and I were hunting for dinner when I heard you" little Velora giggled hugging onto his neck her tiny body light as a feather, her stretchy pants and small doll top did little to keep her warm "perhaps a change of clothes into something warmer?" Velora nodded at both his statements and nuzzles his shoulder "kay wolfie" he brought her to the pups area and grabbed some clothing for her.

The rest of the hunting party shuffled into the den alpha Tristan we return. He heard his beta call out so he left the little girl to dress and greeted his beta "how many did you get Griffin?" he walked towards him observing the bucks being dragged into the corner. Griffin powered down and dressed "we managed to catch six bucks alpha, what was that cry?" he took a moment to sniff the air and caught a faint hint of veloras scent "and what is that....odd smell?" Tristan chuckled and called out to her "come little one and meet the pack!" at hearing him she came sprinting out she wore a thick white sweater dress and a red cloak draped over her shoulders. "wolfie!" she jumped into the arms of Alpha Tristan and smiled at Griffin, who looked very confused "well, she is certainly not a shy one  is she, wolves do not frighten her?"

 "wolfie!" she jumped into the arms of Alpha Tristan and smiled at Griffin, who looked very confused "well, she is certainly not a shy one  is she, wolves do not frighten her?"

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Tristan held her tight and nodded "no it seems she does not fear us, she is but a pup and knows of wolves and has hair as bright as the full moon. Her family she says is gone and she was wearing clothes unsuited for fall to winter. I told her we would care for her." Griffin looked at the young girl and took another sniff "she smells different I can smell wolf on her and in her blood but she has no wolf spirit in her at strange." Velora hummed a little then squirmed "wolfie go play?" She asked pointing to the pups playing on the rockslide. Tristan carefully put her down and nodded "sure just be careful" she ran off and howled to the other pups playfully.

He and his beta stared at her as she played neither speaking for a moment, Griffin finally broke the silence "a wolf less wolf part of the crescent moon pack huh?" Tristan sighed and nodded "What would you have done in my position?" He knew his beta was a kind man willing to help so he knew the answer, Griffin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before answering "mm..I would do the same as you take her in." Firm in his decision Tristan went to help skin the deer while keeping a watchful eye on the pup.

Hi Wattpad users I know I have a habit of unfinished stories but this one has been written years ago im just slow in uploading since I'm a mom of two. I hope you guys enjoy this book it's a long one

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