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A girl is lying on her bed. An arm is covering her eyes, shielding her from the bright. She is drowning, and she doesn't even know it. She's in denial. She doesn't want to accept that she couldn't swim. She doesn't want to accept that she's not strong enough against the current. She struggles, and struggles, and struggles more. She doesn't want to admit that she is weak. She doesn't want to admit that she couldn't do anything. She blames everything around her. Instead of acknowledging that she herself is the cause of the problem, she diverts it to other things.

The problem is her. Not anything else, not anybody else, she is the cause. No matter how much she doesn't want to accept it. When reality strikes her hard on the face, weeds are already wrapped around her legs, preventing her from swimming up to the surface. She is stuck in the bottom of the sea, no light to brighten her life, nothing but endless darkness is all she could see. It's making her lose her mind.

"I don't know what to do."

"Help me."


These words, she tries to utter. But, no voice is heard. No sound comes out of her mouth. She is totally helpless. And even if her voice is heard, who would listen? She never asks for help. Her ignorance makes her oblivious to the people surrounding her. She is a fool. She thinks she could learn to swim on her own and yet she couldn't even float in the water. She sinks and sinks until she reaches rock bottom.

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