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A/N hey everyone just a quick note this section has a lot of Arabic terms so be prepared and enjoy
"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar"
(God is the greatest x2)
The sound of the Adthan
(Call to prayer) always seems to soothe my nerves. It takes me to a place where I wish I could stay forever. It's always the same morning daydream until it's interrupted by the sound of my Ummi's (mothers) voice shouting "Aminah wake up for Fajr (morning prayer)"
If only she knew I was already awake once the Adthan started.
She yells up again so I mumble " I'm up, I'm up" I get up and go into the bathroom. I make my Wudhu ( cleansing for prayer) brush my teeth an head downstairs for prayer.
"About time" my brother Mahmud grumbles
I roll my eyes " I will be earlier next time" My Baba (Father) smiles at me "You say that every time Aminah" It's was true I did say it everyday, but everyday is a new day so you never know.
Allahu Akbar
My mother nudged me, signaling to me that Salat (prayer) had started. She've always done this to me because I'm always daydreaming before Salat starts.
I run through the Salat through motions I've done for years.
Asalamuailakum Wa Rahmatullah I turn my head to my right shoulder. Asalamuailakum Wa Rahmatullah I turn my head to my left shoulder.
And Salat is over.
I run upstairs hoping to make it into the shower first but Mahmud beat me to it, as usual. So I stomp to my room mumbling that I can't ever be first in this house. I go lay on my bed, and I hear my door open and my Ummi walk in. She goes around opening my curtains and stops at my drawer. She opens the one where I store my hijabs (head pieces). She brushes her hands through them and sighs. "My dear Aminah, how come you never wear the beautiful hijabs I bought you to school." I halfway snort "And be called towel head again, No thank you." My mother frowns at this responce as she did everytime "Who cares what other people say, Aminah, you wear Hijab for Allah ( God) only not anyone else" I sigh "Yeah, yeah I know" and I turn towards the wall, ending our conversation. I hear Mahmud get out the bathroom , so I rush past my Ummi and into the bathroom. I quickly take a shower and put on my clothes. I second glance at myself in the mirror and smile. Always nice to look at a familiar face. I get out the bathroom an slip downstairs into the kitchen. I eat a heavily creamed bagel. My Baba walks in an sighs. "what am I going to do with you" I smile and shrug my shoulders. I then receive a kiss from my Baba and Ummi. I grab my bag and head out the door. Asalamuailaikum I shout to everyone. Then quietly I shut the door.

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