#part 2: "Forced wedding"

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*Y/n POV*..

You opened your eyes With blur vision, Soon You Found Your self in unfamiliar Bedroom, You immediately sat Back With immense pain' in your Head...

Y/n: Where am I..?

You held Your Head because it was paining as Hell....You Get Off the Bed and Tried to Walk towards the door But Doors it self opened revealing BTS entering With Tray of food...

BTS: Good Morning.....Y/nnie...!

You we're So shocked to see em'.....

Y/n: Y'all..? Why am I Here...?

They Entered the Room with tray Full of Your Favourite Dishes, Taehyung putted the tray away on table.....

Y/n: Ho~How come I'm Here...? Did y'all broug~~

Namjoon: Yes.....I brought You Here...!

You didn't know how to react....

Jin:*Smiled*... Didn't We Said....That Story is Still remaining .....! We didn't Wanted to say Goodbye to you...!  

Y/n: What do you mean...?

BTS Smirked and Looked at each other and.....

Jin: We Love You....!

Jimin: From Very Beginning....You and Your kindness won our heart'.....So...

BTS: Will You Marry us Dr Jong...?

Your Eyes Widen in Shock, That You Got Sure That definitely You Have feeli'ns for Em'....

But They actually Proposed You it was bit hard For You to believe......You stepped back, And The smile From Their Faces Faded, they thought You are Rejecting em'...

Y/n: I ....~~

Jungkook:*creepy Death Glare*....Are You Rejecting us...?

Y/n: Y~Yes.....For now because....I don't know~~

Before you could complete your sentence, Taehyung Walked towards you and Pushed a ring in your Ring finger.....

Y/n: Y~Yahh....What are you Doin'......?

He harshly Made Ya Wear the Ring....

Yoongi: Sorry But You Don't have Any Option.... But Just Obey us....?

Y/n: Are you Outta Your mind..? Ya know this is illegal...? Anyways I'm leaving...!

Suddenly Namjoon Slammed Closed the door.....You we're Now Feeli'n bit Scared Because You got that Same Damn Psycho Vibes FROM em'........

Y/n: N~Namjoon~~

Namjoon: We Didn't Brought you Here to Leave...? Remember Ya said We can Make Our Life better, .... and Look Now We are Successfull...!

Jungkook: The Only thing is remaining is *smirk*... Family..?

Hoseok: Trust US....We Worked Hard Just to be the perfect for You....So You can Accept us and Love us not As a Doctor or Friend....We want you to Love us....

BTS: As Our Wife...~~

You Felt your heart beat racing , It's not like You Don't Love, You do But This all was really Quick for you to understand....

Taehyung: *Smirk*...You Look So Good When You're helpless...! Anyways We have already proposed You , .... And There is Our Marriage This Evening...!

Y/n: Marriage..?

Jimin: YEAH Baby..? We Can't Wait to Start our New Life with You...!

Jin: No Matter what.... Today We are Goin' to get Married... weather You like it Or Not...! Maids Will Help You to Get Ready....!

Y/n: Y'all are Sick...! I wanna Go Back.... I'm not marrying to anyone...!

BTS Saicasticly Giggled on You....

Yoongi: Rest Baby.... It's Gonna be a Long Day....!     

They Gave you a Creepy Smirk Which Made Ya Shiver in Fear.......They Walked Out of Room and Locked the Door From outside , While You we're Left helpless.......

*At church*

Priest: Do You Accept Miss Jong Y/n as Your Wife..?

BTS:*smirk* We Do...! We Accept Y/n As our wife and Promise her to Love her Forever....Only Her...! .

priest: Miss Y/n....Do You Accept Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook as Your husbands...?

Priest's Voice echoed in the empty Church......

You we're looki'n Down while Tears Uncontrollably Fallin' Down..... You really wanted to Marry em' But not like This....

Yoongi: Say Yes .....Y/n....We Can't Wait Anymore....!

You realized There is no Way to Escape from em' ....They Are The Psychos...

Taehyung:*Deep threatening Voice*....SAY IT...!!

You flinched at His Threatening voice....You slowly Raised your Head and You faced em'...

Y/n: I D~Do...! I~~~.... Accept em' as Mah Husbands and I promise I'll Love em' equally ..!

To be continued....

✧*"Her Obsessed Psycho Patients" ✧*.Short Story By Author K.Where stories live. Discover now