#Part 4: "Symphony"

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Hoseok: Please....Y/n...Just Please...j~Just Give us a Fcking Chance... We Promise We'll Won't do This ever Gain please...!
Y/n and Us.... We're Cryin' our heart Out,Tears Uncontrollably rolling down containing The Pain and sorrow in Our heart....Y/n was Only in that thin Sheet, It was cold atmosphere So Yoongi Removed His Jacket and Put it on Y/n but She protested, She was Still cryin'  and Yoongi Tryi'n to Put on the Jacket....
Y/n: Stop it....I Said Don't Touch Me~~
Yoongi Couldn't hold anymore, He wrapped His Hands around Y/n and Pulled her into Warn Hug...

Y/n protested and Kept Hitting her Hands on Yoongi's chest, While Yoongi Cryin' Like no tomorrow....           
Yoongi: I'm so Sorry Love.. I'm really sorry....!
Y/n:Lea~ve me..~Why y'all did That...? *Sobs*... Just fcking Leave Me alone....!
Yoongi didn't Left Y/n, Maknae Line immediately Joined the hug , Soon Jin, HOSEOK and Namjoon Joined the hug....
Y/n was Tired of Protesting, They we're Still Huggin' Y/n ...
Y/n: I hate Y'all...*cryin'*...Why.m? Y'all Disgusted me..? I~~~
She Couldn't Speak anymore and Kept cryin'....

Hoseok: No...Y/n....We Will Change for You ....We won't Let Ya Go.. !
BTS: We'll make up for The sin....But Won't let you leave. You are Our Life.... our Everythin'.....!                            
Y/n stopped hitting But Not cryin' , She Let her hands Fell down while we Still keep her in our embrace....  

One week Later...

We entered the Dinning Hall for Breakfast, and Saw Y/n sittin' while Her Eyes we're emotionaless, It's been a week, Y/n Needed Some time to Forget That horrible Day, We we're ashamed and Wanted to help her so We Started to Care Take of Her Yet maintaining a distance, We used to Make Sure to make No skinship With her, We even Doubled the Staff So No Matter what She can be safe...

Taehyung: Y/n..? Good Morning..,!
She didn't replied and Continued to sip her Soup slowly,Now has changed a bit, She doesn't smile and Giggle like before But We can understand.....
We Took the Seat and maids Started to Serve us All....

We shared a glare to Each other, We Wanted to Make Y/n smile again like a angel but We're Scared to Face her Too...but Namjoon Took the initiative...
Namjoon: Y/n....We have a Business Trip in Australia .......S~So .... Please Come With us...~~

*Y/n POV*

Namjoon was about to complete His sentence But suddenly You felt like Throwing Up , You Quickly get off the chair and Rushed to Washroom while covering your Mouth and leaving Your 7 Husbands Confuse........
Namjoon: What's Wrong...??
Maid: We'll Go and check on Ma'am...!
Few Maids rushed to the washroom Where You ran.....

After 10 mins.......

You come back, and Joined the table, You Took a tissue and Wipped Your Face, Those maids Who Followed Ya to Washroom We're Standin' you and lightly Giggling....
Jungkook: The Heck Y'all are Smilin' at ? Did We have ordered y'all To Cook What Y/n likes... ! Then~~~
Maid: Ma'am is Pregnant...! *Light Giggle*...
BTS Eyes Widen like a Fat @&& truck Have Hitted em', There Jaw dropped , They Looked at You and Your stomach while You Still can't believe What She Said.....

BTS quickly Get Off their Chairs and Rushed to you, Since You we're sittin' on the chair They Turned the chair towards em' and kneeled around you.....You Saw The tears of joy in Their Eyes, You Look Into their Eyes one By one and You knew it they have already started to Plan The whole future' with you and upcoming Baby Just by Their Expressions......

Hoseok: This is not a Joke Right...? Why so Sure..?
He Asked to Maid while Looki'n at Ya and Your tummy.......
Maid: Yeah.... Ma'am is Havin' to morning sickness from This morning, Even She didn't had her Period For This..... I'm Sure Master... Ma'am is Pregnant..!
You Looked Down at Your stomach, Tears Fell down through cheeks, Your 7 Husbands noticed it and....
Namjoon: All Of y'all.. leave..!
All the Maids and servents Left leaving you and BTS Alone.....

Jungkook hesitatingly Holded your Hand, You We're teary and emotional because of Confused Emotions.....
Jungkook: I Don't know Why...? But I'm feeli'n so much Love and Excitement Right now...!
Taehyung: Yes.....The Most Beautiful Women is carrying our Baby..! I'm So grateful to you Y/n..!
Jimin: Y/n.... literally Mah Heart' is on Fire after listening This... it's Been minutes' to hear this news But I'm already feeli'n so Attached With Our child...!

Maknae Line were so Happy and Excited while Hyung line have Tears But they had Mature reactions...
Jin: We want this Baby.... But the Thing is...Do You want This Baby..?
Namjoon: We won't force' You Y/n....But Please Have this Baby,We will Take Care of you and our Baby.... We All Will Take Care of Our Baby and Take It's Responsibilities..!
You We're in dilemma, No words can describe your Emotions....You we're Overjoyed With the news that you're pregnant and carrying their baby But at the same time,  Should You Forgive em'  for What They Did ? Should You Forget Everythin' and Start a New Life with em' for Your Baby ? or You Should Leave with Baby and Ruin Their happiness ?

They we're looki'n at Ya with desperate eyes to hear your Answer..... You wipped off Your Tears and ....
Y/n: What Y'all Did..! I can Never Forgive y'all For That...But I won't Give You give punishment to Mah Baby For Your Sins..!
Yoongi: Please.... Don't Take Yourself and Our Baby Away from us...?
You can't Stop Your tears But Still You Swolled all your Anger and Guilt...
Y/n: No Matter...How Wrong this is.... We have equal right on the Baby So We can Stay together for Baby but NOTHIN' Will Change between us, ..... With keeping stone on Mah heart... I'm Givi'n y'all A Chance...! If Y'all Didn't Changed Your Psycho behaviour and Your overprotectiveness.... I'll Leave our life With Baby for ever...!

BTS we're on cloud 9 after hearing your Words, THEY we're overwhelmed With Your Happiness,They all quickly group Hugged You while you didn't Hugged Back, You squeezed your eyes and tears Rolled down'.. ..
Y/n Mind: Sometimes....We have to Take some Tough Decision .... and I have Took a decision That I Never Wanted... Just for Mah Child...!


o be continued....


✧*"Her Obsessed Psycho Patients" ✧*.Short Story By Author K.Where stories live. Discover now