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Since prehistoric times, men have searched for a way to put themselves above others, whether it's by a ruling system, abilities, or even clothing choice. This in turn has carried over to the modern and contemporary eras, where humans have categorized themselves on many aspects, even on the way they style their hair.
Come the 1980s, a select amount of individuals, ranging across humans and other animals alike, have gained abilities, shaped upon their personality, and inner being. These abilities are called a 'Stand', and they come in different shapes and sizes. Their different capabilities are determined by the user's individual. Some stands specialize in combat, others in hobbies the user is particularly good at, while others are used for tracking.
Stands can be gained naturally, or they can be forced via an artifact called the 'Stand arrow.'

Those who are pierced by a Stand arrow gain the chance to earn a Stand ability, while those who lack the aptitude will die in the process.
However, with great power comes great responsibility, and some Stand users do not exercise caution.
Some decades later, and Stands are very polarized across these individuals, as they are all used for different purposes.

March 10, 2012.
Grotta Seiano, Napoli, Italia.

A group of henchmen from the local Passione mafia is investigating a place of interest ordered upon by the boss himself, Giorno Giovanna.
"Hey Martin, I found something." Giuseppe said.
"Let me check." Martin replied.
Before them lied a wall full of ancient Roman markings, almost incomprehensible. As they ventured further into the cavern, they found fragments of a strange-looking arrow.
"What is that?" Salmonne asked.
"I don't know, I think that's enough wondering, we got what we needed." Timoteo replied.
Timoteo Trussardi, brother of the great Italian chef, Tonio Trussardi. They opened their own restaurant at just their early 20's. However, after hearing his brother had moved to Japan to open a restaurant of his own, Timoteo joined the Passione mafia out of frustration. Now, he finds himself in the caverns of Grotta Seiano.
"Don't you think so, Salmonne?" Timoteo spoke.
He then turned around to see Salmonne with wide-opened eyes, and a strip of blood running from his forehead to his neck.
"Salmonne, are you alright?" Timoteo continued.
He went towards Salmonne, and looked at him. A wind breezed through them, causing Salmonne's now-corpse to fall over, his split head seperating the body, one half of which landed in front of Timoteo's feet.
"W-w-what just happened?! Who's there?!" Timoteo exclaimed.
He turned his head again to see Martin and Giuseppe also on the ground, head split open in the same fashion as Salmonne.
Timoteo then felt a hint of movement behind him.
"ALICE IN CHAINS!" he shouted, a stand appeared, attacking the figure behind him. He could not locate the target, when he found himself trapped, chained down with his own ability.
"It seems you have found my hidden artifact." the figure spoke.
"But how can this be?! This is my ability! How did you trap me with my own ability?" Timoteo replied.
The figure proceeded to conjure a large, sharp dagger from the chains.
"My preferred method of killing my victims is to kill them while they're vulnerable, when there's no possible way they could've defended themselves from the assault." the man spoke as he lunged the dagger onto Timoteo, dropping him dead on the ground. He proceeded to retreat from the cave, leaving the bodies to rot, but not before grabbing the stand arrow from the ground.
"I don't need this anymore." The man said.
He proceeded to crumble the arrow to pieces and leave it on the ground. The figure then walked away.

March 11, 2012.
Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States of America

Jotaro Kujo, father of recent escaped convict Jolyne Kujo, is a Stand user who's been in many battles. He works as a marine biologist, investigating the regions of Asia and the Americas with the help of the Speedwagon Foundation, an environmental research agency which was founded by an acquaintance of Jotaro's ancestors. Jotaro's Stand, Star Platinum, has the ability to stop time, as well as an agile combat style. He is accompanied by his daughter Jolyne Cujoh, escaped convicts Hermes Costello and Foo "Etro" Fighters, child Emporio Alniño, Weather Report and Narciso Annasui, all whom were companions of Jolyne back at the Green Dolphin Street Prison.
The group is currently facing Enrico Pucci, a stand user whose goal is to achieve 'Heaven' by accelerating time with his Stand, Made In Heaven, until a new cycle of the universe is gained.
Jotaro saw as Made In Heaven placed the knives behind Jolyne, on the world of frozen time. He stopped to think:
"Knives!! While he was falling! The priest has already thrown them, just like DIO had once done!" he said.
DIO was a powerful Stand user that Jotaro defeated in his teenage years. Enrico Pucci was a follower of his and is carrying out this plan in honor of him.
Jotaro had a tough decision to make, but he figured that, if he could lose his companions back in Egypt, he could deal with the pain of his daughter's loss. After all, the universe itself was at stake. Jotaro proceeded to attack Pucci with his signature barrage of punches, and proceeded to resume time.
"Time will resume." he said hesitantly.
Pucci layed vigorously, while gravely injured due to his wounds. Jotaro then placed his hand on Pucci's forehead, he was dead. He looked at his watch, then it was clear that time had gone back to normal. Jotaro looked to his side, to find Hermes holding Jolyne in her arms. She had been massacred by the knives. Hermes then spoke:
"Wait, you told me once of how you revived your grandpa right? Try it on Jolyne!" she said.
Jotaro responded to Hermes' suggestion:
"Humans thrive on the destruction of others. It is true that I revived him back on that ambulance in Egypt. However, that must've had to do with DIO's blood. You can't bring back life once it has ended. No 'stand' can do that."
"It wouldn't hurt to try!" Hermes replied.
Jotaro, with a dull look on his face, sighed and attempted to revive Jolyne. Star Platinum proceeded to phase through Jolyne's body, and held her heart. He tried repeatedly, but to no avail.
"It's no use. Her body has life, but she won't wake up if her brain is pierced to shreds by the knives." Jotaro said. Emporio then approached Jotaro and thanked him for his actions.
"Mr. Jotaro, I am sorry for your loss, but i am forever grateful for your murder of Pucci. What can I do to repay you?"
Jotaro responded with:
"Tell your mother I said hi."
Emporio's mother had previously been killed in prison. The area was silent after Jotaro said his comment.
As he stood in the wetlands, a Speedwagon Foundation helicopter arrived at the scene. It proceeded to retrieve the bodies of Joylne Cujoh, Narciso Annasui, and Enrico Pucci, as well as pick up Emporio, Hermes, and Jotaro. Hermes spoke:
"Hey, Jotaro, don't you think that was a little harsh? The kid's 11!"
"I've said worse, chill out."
"How come the cycle stopped?" Emporio asked.
"It seems as if, we killed him just in time! If we killed him later, the cycle would've probably hit a point of no return, and we'd be doomed!" Hermes replied.
The helicopter arrived at a local hospital, where they were treated for their injuries. Jotaro was escorted to Palm Beach International Airport, while Hermes stayed behind, seeking to adopt Emporio. Jotaro boarded a Speedwagon Foundation private plane to Washington D.C. There, he went to Speedwagon Foundation Headquarters. He then proceeded to enter the main office.
Upon entering, a mysterious man who looked to be in his late-twenties approached him.
"Hello, Jotaro! It's good to see you again!"
Jotaro replied:
"Hello Josuke, I am glad to see you."
Josuke Higashikata is the illegitimate son of Jotaro's grandfather, Joseph Joestar. He holds a 10% share of the Speedwagon Foundation, working as the local manager.
Josuke is baffled as he listens to what Jotaro had to say about his encounters. He speaks:
"T-There's no way... She's gone? Just like that?"
"I'm afraid so. Before I came here, I spoke to the medical team. They've told me that her brain has gone beyond the point of reconstruction. Right now, she's getting prepared for the dieners to take care of her."
Josuke had a grim look on his face. He then exclaimed:
"Damnit Jotaro! This is what I've been afraid of! We keep losing the close ones around us because of these abilities of ours! These 'Stands' are both a blessing and a curse! I am tired of living in constant fear, having to be alert at all times just because we draw ourselves to one another! I wish there could be a way to get rid of these! You know, like get rid of all stands!".
Jotaro looked at Josuke with a confused look and told him to calm down. Suddenly, a SWF employee knocked on the door.
"Excuse me, Mr. Higashikata, the boss wants you in her office."
The three men walked to the boss's office. A large, open room, full of historic artifacts, lays before them. On the wall, lays a beautiful picture of the mastermind behind the foundation, Robert E.O Speedwagon. Below the wall, lays a sly, beautiful woman. Jotaro and Josuke sat down as the glimmer of the table's nametag shined before their eyes.
Darya then spoke to both of them:
"Afternoon, Jotaro, Josuke. I called you here because I recieved a message sent to me by the Passione mafia, in Italy."
"Giorno? I haven't heard of him in a while." Jotaro replied.
Darya continued:
"No, not Giorno. In fact, I think you should listen for yourself."
She then played the latest message from her office's telephone.
'Hello, Darya-san. I am Guido Mista, second-in-command of the Passione Mafia. I deliver this message because my overseer, Giorno Giovanna, requests that the Joestars arrive in Naples as soon as possible. There is something that he wishes for the family to see. He is also requesting that they bring over the little one, Shizuka. I will see you soon, goodbye.'
A teenage girl appears:
"Did I just hear someone call me little?! I'm 13!"
Shizuka Joestar is the adopted daughter of Joseph Joestar. She was found as a baby on the street in 1999 with a Stand ability that can make her invisible.
"Shizuka, what did I tell you about roaming the office?! I'm terribly sorry about this, Darya. She can get a little adventurous sometimes. Come, Shizuka, let's go back to your room." Josuke said.
Jotaro then spoke with Darya.
"I could arrange to be there tomorrow, but i will need to gather some company first. We don't know what we're dealing with."
"Very well. I will reply to Mista's message and tell him you'll be there tomorrow. Aren't you forgetting something?" Darya replied.
"No, I was just about to visit him after I reported to Josuke." Jotaro said as he swiftly exited the room.
Jotaro revisited the Medical Center to visit his 92-year-old grandfather, Joseph Joestar, who has fallen ill due to old age.
"Hey, Joseph. How are you doing?"
"Eh? Who are you?! What are you doing in my house!" Joseph replied.
Jotaro continued to speak with Joseph.
"How have the nurses treated you?"
"Oh, it's you Jotaro! It's been a while since you last  visited! The nurses are doing a fine job, if I tell you. You might even say too good, hehe."
"Have you gotten any better?"
"Well, Jotaro, every day I feel worse and worse, and today is no different, it's like that time we saved your mother from her stand by fighting Dio in Pakistan, only to find there is no enemy, and you get worse and worse."
"We fought Dio in Cairo, not Pakistan. Your memory is failing you more frequently."
Cairo is a city in Egypt.
"Nonsense! I am the great Joseph Joestar! I do not get worse, for i only get better with a-"
Joseph is interrupted by a series of long, painful coughs. Jotaro continued to speak.
"I'm going to Italy for a business trip soon. Do you need anything?"
"Say hello to my mother for me, will ya?" Joseph replied.
"Gigi, Lisa Lisa died 10 years ago due to old age. She was 113 years old." Jotaro said.
"Oh, that's right. I've forgotten." Joseph replied.
Lisa Lisa is the name Elizabeth Joestar, Joseph's mother, used in Venice to hide her identity.
Jotaro then remembered to tell him.
"Gigi, I have some disturbing news. Jolyne has passed away. I couldn't save her."
"But... how? Did the priest get to her?" Joseph replied.
"Yes, he did, but let's not expand on the topic. Giorno wants me to gather a crew and go to Italy, there's something we must see, apparently." Jotaro said.
"Be careful, Jotaro. I sense something dangerous in the midst. You know what happened last time you were in a group." Joseph responded.
"Don't worry. I'll be careful." Jotaro replied.
Jotaro then made his exit from the room. He went to the lobby to gather Josuke and Shizuka, when an armed man barges onto the reception area!
"Freeze! This is a robbery!" The man exclaimed.
"I'll handle this." Shizuka told Josuke and Jotaro.
She proceeded to become invisible, and as she walked past him, she punched him into oblivion. This seemed like a familiar move to the two Joestars.
"USERORORORORORORO, USERO!" her stand, Achtung Baby, shouted out as she hit the man.
The automatic door of the entrance had still been open from the robber's entrance. Before it could close, the man was sent flying out the door and into some bushes in the parking lot.
Jotaro, amazed, turns to Josuke:
"I've been training her a little bit." Josuke said.
"Kinda ironic, don't you think?" Jotaro replied.
"Shut up!" Josuke said while holding in his laughter.
Shizuka, Josuke, and Jotaro went to the airport and hopped on a flight to Naples. At the gate, a figure stares at the group and gets in line to board.
"Did you give Hermes her pardon?" Josuke said.
"Yes, they should attending her by now." Jotaro replied.
Hours later, in the air, the figure gets up from his seat, pulls out a gun, and shoots at the group. The bullet is aimed towards Jotaro, who went to the bathroom, and was returning to this seat. Josuke quickly caught notice and used Crazy Diamond to stop the bullet in place.
"Hey, Jotaro, is this guy who just shot at you wearing a cowboy hat?!"
"Yes, Josuke. He's an old acquaintance of mine. They call him Hol Horse." Jotaro replied to Josuke's comment.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Fan Story: Fate's Path (Volume 1 - New Beginnings)Where stories live. Discover now