🥀Why?🥀 pt.2

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⚠︎︎TW⚠︎︎ SA, physical abuse, SH, yelling.

"Boys dinner!" Puffy yelled from downstairs. Tommy and Foolish walked downstairs quickly.

Tommy looked around. "I'd dream still not here?" Puffy served Tommy some spaghetti. "No, he is. I think he went outside to take a call or something similar?" She shrugged moving on to serve Foolish. She served herself and then dream who still wasn't back yet. They had started eating and talking about Foolish starting getting into cosplaying.

Dream walked in and smiled at Tommy. "Hey, Tom." He said ruffling Tommy's hair. "Hi Dream." Tommy smiled back. "Who were you talking to?" Puffy asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Ew, mom no stop." Dream made a face. Foolish and Tommy giggling. "It was just Wilbur. Actually Tommy he wanted me to ask you if you needed him to bring Eda?" Dream asked trying not to make it too obvious so he wouldn't embarrass Tommy. Tommy blushed a deep shade of red. "W-what?! Ugh, Wilburs so weird! I'm not a baby anymore! I don't need her..."

You see Tommy had a stuffed animal named Eda. It was a little pig plush that Wilbur had won him at a fair when he was 5. The first time Tommy saw it he said it was like Techno blade because she had a little crown. So in contribute to that, he named her Eda. Technoblade spelt backwards Edalbonhcet. Take away everything else Eda. Tommy loved that pig ever since. It comforted Tommy and honestly he thought he did need her. He figured he'd be fine for one day so he shook him head.

"You sure?" Dream asked again. To which Tommy quickly nodded. They all ate then watched movies and joked around. It was fun while it lasted but the next day he had to go home. Even if he'd rather die then do that. He had no problems in his home life on the contrary he loved his family more then anything. They were all extremely close. That was the problem...

He knew Wil and Techno would notice something was up. They'd find out about everything. A part of him wanted them to find out. To help him, but if they did he didn't know how he'd live with himself. It's embarrassing enough they know about the bullying. That's why the always act like he's so fragile and needs to be protected. He was weak he knew that. That's why he was in this situation with Zander anyway.

'I'm so dead-'  Tommy thought as he neared his house. He was still wearing the same turtleneck as yesterday and the marks had faded a bit so thats good.

He walked in anxsiously and took off his shoes. "Ay Tommy welcome back!" Phil greeted cheerfully. Tommy smiled nervously. "You seem happy." Tommy said putting his backpack on a hanger near the door. "That's because I am." Philza smiled which already made Tommy feel better.

"Why are you so happy then?" Tommy laughed sitting on the couch. "I have a...date?" Phil blushed embarrassed out of his mind. "You're kidding right?!" Tommy jumped. "Nope. I'm actually serious." Phil said as he continued to wash the dishes. "With who?! When is it?! Who have you told?!" Tommy was acting like a kid.

"Her names Kristin... it's later in the night, and only Techno." He shrugged. "What is she like?! How do you know her?! Does she meet dadza standards?!" Tommy asked again he was so happy for Phil he hadn't dated anyone in a very very long time. Dating is good for him. He just hoped She was good for him. Phil laughed. "She's very pretty, but not just physically it's like her voice and the way she acts is pretty. You know?" Tommy smiled softly he did know what he meant.

"She's also very smart. We met at work. That's it." He said looking at Tommy. "Does she meet dadza standards though?!" Tommy asked again. "What does that mean?!" Phil laughed. "Is she as cool as you? Or is she as cool as Techno?! Holy shit that would be amazing if she was like the blade!" Tommy was practically glowing at this point.

"Honestly...She's not much like me other then the fact she's also a bird. But yeah she kinda is like Techno in a way. She likes fighting and is extremely good at it. You'll always find her reading." Phil thought. "Ok now I have to meet her!" Phil shut him down slightly. "Woah Tommy it's only the first date!" Phil exclaimed as Tommy smirked. "The date that will deside if she becomes our mom!"- "Wha-WHAT?!"

For about about two days everything was good. Wilbur knew about Kristin, and Phil had said everything went well on his date. No one noticed the hickeys and they didn't have school of Monday which meant no Zander or Henry just himself. But...

That was Monday today was Tuesday. Tommy's was walking back from school along with his two older brothers. He felt sick. Zander did it again but he was in a rush so he did it more roughly. It made Tommy feel worse then before. Henry didnt bother him though so it was better. Tommy didn't talk which Techno and Wilbur caught onto very quickly. "You alright Tommy?" Wilbur asked him. Tommy couldn't help but smile at his brother. He didn't want to trouble him and be a burden so he kept quiet making up some excuse.

"Im fine just kinda worried." Tommy responses. "Worried?" Wilbur questioned. "About what?" Techno said joining the conversation. "I have a test in history." Tommy said it wasnt completely a lie. "Oh, when is it?" Wilbur asked him again. "Friday, I think. Why?" Tommy tried looking at Wilbur till Technoblade placed his hand on Tommys shoulder. "We can help you study, or at least I can." Techno looked at his brother. Tommy quickly backed away. Not because he was uncomfortable.

He backed away because he didnt want Techno to notice the choke marks. "Yeah- sure Techno thanks..." Tommy said quietly. Wilbur gave a his twin a 'Whats up with him?' look. Techno sighed and shrugged. They went home and Tommy locked himself in his room. He did that for the next two days. It was thursday evening. Techno and Wilbur decided to go ask Tommy If he still needed help studying. They knock on Tommys door.

They heard a soft "What?"- "Um.. Can me and Tech come in?"- "I guess." Tommy replied. They walk in and tommy in laying down wrapped in a TON of blankets and a bunch of pillows were there too. "What do you want?" Tommy asked hiding under the blankets. "Um- Why are you trying to become a pillow?" Wilbur asked him. "Im just tired." He mumbled. "You sure?" Techno asked while looking at Tommys room. "Yes." - "Dont you wanna study for that test of yours?" Techno asked picking up a photo Tommy had of Techno and Wilbur and baby Tommy. "No I dont."

"Whats wrong with you?" Wilbur asked making Tommy sink further into his blankets. "Tommy get up." Techno ordered. Tommy slowly got up out of his safe space. "Youve been acting all weird." Tommy just looked at his feet. "Tom come on." Wilbur asked. Wilburs concern made Tommy wanna cry. "Tommy... did you and Tubbo get in a fight?" Techno assumed. Tommy slowly shook his head still staring at his feet. "He hasn't been here in a while...You sure?" Wilbur asked him. Tommy tried holding in tears.

"We don't mean to push. We're just worried." Wilbur said making Tommy shake his head again. "Is it because of Henry?" Techno looked at Tommy who let a few tears fall. 'Please just stop- I don't wanna talk- leave me alone. I'm sorry. Oh shit- don't cry don't cry! Why are you crying!' Tommy choked on his tears and shook his head aggressively. Wilbur and Techno felt their hearts break slightly.

"Tommy... It's about Henry isn't it?" Wilbur spoke softly. "N-no... Its no-not." Tommy covered his face still facing the floor. He didn't want to look at them. He didn't want to tell them. "Then what is it? We just wanna help." Wilbur said to him. "You know we wouldn't be asking you to tell us without good reason Tommy." Technoblade said to him also speaking unusually soft. Tommy felt the need to scratch his arm. The fresh scars that stopped bleeding not to long ago. Tommy shook his head again silently sobbing. 'I don't want to... please just stop crying! Please. Just stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop you idiot!'

"Tommy. Please your crying, tell us. You'll feel better. We won't be mad." Wilbur tried getting Tommy to talk again. "No! Please just stop! I-I can't..." Tommy tying to stop his tears. "Did someone tell you that?" Techno asked Tommy. Tommy gripped his arm hard. He shook his head again. "Tommy did you? Did you hurt yourself?" Wilbur asked eyes getting watery as he noticed bandages on Tommy's arm.  Tommy cried more. "I-im sorry." He cried harder. He couldn't stop anymore.

Technoblade hugged Tommy. Tommy returned it for whatever reason he didn't feel triggered like he did with most. "Why?" Technoblade asked him. Holding him tightly. "I don't know- it hurt... I'm sorry." Tommy cried again hugging his brother back. Wilbur joined the hug which only made Tommy cry more. Eventually Tommy stopped crying but was still being held by his brothers.

"We're still gonna deal with this." Technoblade said looking directly at Tommy. Tommy nodded. "But- for now don't worry about it, ok?" Wilbur said after. Tommy nodded again and after a moment of silence. He let go of the hug to look at his brothers. "Can. Can you guys stay here?" Tommy asked softly. Of course they agreed and stayed with Tommy for a while until he fell asleep.

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